Politics and Religion

I think Thomas Jefferson is next......
HappyChanges 57 reads

on the chopping block possibly replaced with statues of Sally Hemings. Blast that fucker off Rushmore.

Had you bothered to actually read the article, you would know this.  You would also know there are very good reasons to this that outweigh the Italian American spin on Columbus Day.  But why would you miss an opportunity to be moronic?

Had you read my post you would know that I did NOT say LA is the only place to do it.


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Oh bullshit.  You implied it i.e. : only in California would they do this.   But that is a minor point when compared to the purpose of your post which is that the racist brutalizing of indigenous peoples was a good thing and should continue to be recognized.  Why else would you criticize LA for doing what it did?

Little boy jinxie,
What I said is “It is what you expect in Caliphony” I did not say or imply “only” which clearly implies that it is not expected in other places. But only a dishonest lying scupper trout like you and your ilk would twist and distort what I said. Which is what is expected from you and your lefty pinko comrades.

You’re Welcome

You don't even address the substance of the stupidly racist tone of your post and want to argue the semantics.  Your subsequent posts here prove what a jingoist you are.  "Let the indigenous people decide what day" like they're all the same tribe, culture and all look alike.  It's not a club.  What a dolt.

You're welcome.

Where do we stop?  

In this age of political correctness gone mad, after we're done with Civil War monuments, Columbus day, and maybe Andrew Jackson getting pulled from the $20 bill, isn't it not that unreasonable to speculate that perhaps the Slave owning Presidents Washington and Jefferson might be next?

I am not disputing the point about Columbus and most of the other "invaders" hardly being heroes to the indigenous populations that they had a huge role in wiping from the face of the earth, but it still begs the question "who's next?"

I also find it interesting that Jackson is characterized as a "slave owner" when a good dozen of our Presidents were slave owners. Are we going to start demonizing the likes of James Monroe and James Madison as well?

It sounds exactly like the kinds of arguments that were put out there by people who couldn’t wrap their heads around marriage equality---If we let gay people get married, what’s next!? Marrying goats? Legalizing pedophilia?!!!  

The entire fabric of society will unravel!!!!!

C’mon. Those in the communities where these statues are located will decide whether to remove Confederate monuments from public squares and places of prominence.  A museum is a perfectly fine place for them. You don’t see giant monuments to hitler in Germany---and nobody has forgotten about the guy.  

It really should not be that difficult to understand that giant bronze statues of Robert E Lee are painfully offensive to many people, and tantamount to a public reminder (celebration, actually) of some pretty awful shit in the history of this country. It does not, logically, follow that the next call will be for removal of statues of George Washington, or that the removal of a statue from a public park constitutes erasing history.  

Some cities taking a more honest and accurate historical approach to Columbus Day is not erasing history, either.  Columbus being celebrated as some kind of hero is pretty twisted, considering the guy did kick-off a freakin’ near complete genocide of indigenous peoples in the new world. Having some sensitivity to the actual facts of history, instead of glorifying Columbus and all of the other Europeans who followed him is not political correctness gone mad.

The only thing ‘politically correct’ about Columbus day is continuing to celebrate the guy with a national holiday because saying anything bad about Columbus really pisses off a lot of Italians (people who weren’t nearly annihilated off the planet…right?).

The arguments aren't even close to the marriage equality issue. Marriage is still a legal contract between two "human beings" of majority age who have the legal right to enter into and be bound by a legal contract" Minors can't sign contracts, neither can ducks, goats or geese. Pedophilia has to do with children who by definition can not legally give consent.

How about Thanksgiving? it too celebrates the European invaders who proceeded to commit genocide against the very same people they celebrated the first Thanksgiving with.  

Back to Columbus, Does that mean we should rename all the streets, cities, universities et al that were named in his honor? Once again I ask, who is next and where does it end?

This issue reminds me of the gun control and abortion rights issues, The anti gunners and anti abortionists alike know they cant' outlaw all guns tomorrow or repeal Roe v Wade in a single stroke of the pen so they try to whittle away at the "problem" by proposing "common sense" laws like the ban on "partial birth abortions" or a ban on "cop killer bullets" which surely EVERYBODY can agree makes sense, and then the moment they get that small victory they start planning their NEXT battle with the ultimate goal of outlawing ALL guns, outlawing ALL abortions and in this case outlawing ALL things that they consider non PC.

The ‘what’s next’ arguments against marriage equality were ridiculous. And, yet it did not stop many people from making them, publically and repeatedly. Which is exactly what’s happening now. If we remove a stature of Lee from a public park in VA, what’s next??!!!  Removal of EVERY SINGLE STATUE of American historical figures??? Renaming Universities? Renaming Streets! Erasing our History??!!

No. Communities that have Confederate Monuments need to decide, amongst themselves as a community, whether it is good for their community to keep certain historical reminders of slavery on display, in a celebratory way, in public places. In addition to the white folk who still celebrate the glory of civil war, that discussion has to include voices of people for whom these statues are a painful and divisive reminder of slavery.  

By your argument, as a culture/society we should never strive to make any changes that attempt to own historical wrongs---or, at minimum, attempt to correct the historical narrative to reflect the actual facts. Because, if we change something like that….well…..what’s next!? Black kids in white schools? Interracial/Gay marriage? Indigenous peoples day? A recognition that the origin of Thanksgiving is not as Kumbaya as we read in the history books as children? Hey…how about attempting to get Texas to publish history books that record history accurately (as in, not glorify the confederacy and the landing of Columbus, while completely glossing over---or just flat out omitting facts related to slavery/indigenous people?).    

Oh dear. More cultural unraveling.  

How ‘bout this? When people start calling for the removal of statues of George Washington, or call for an end to the celebration of Thanksgiving…. or the result of LA celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day (or the removal of a confederate monument in a southern city ACTUALLY causes people to forget history, let me know.  

In the meantime, I’ll be here waiting for the predicted demise of our culture as we know it.

No need to tax your memory. This (Columbus) is the next thing, as I explained to hotplants, below.

HappyChanges52 reads

Bill is leading the charge to have a explanation plaque explaining what kind of person Christopher Columbus was for kicking off the removal of the "merciless indian savages" (term used in us declaration of independence).  

When some civil war statues were being taken down I’m sure some, perhaps many, were asking “What is Next” and here we are La is not acknowledging Columbus Day. So Columbus does answer the question what/who is next and I’m pretty sure he had nothing to do with the civil war.

As for an indigenous people day, I’m all for it and how about we let them pick the day instead of us intruding (again) into their heritage and telling them what day their heritage  should be  celebrated.

HappyChanges58 reads

on the chopping block possibly replaced with statues of Sally Hemings. Blast that fucker off Rushmore.

Exactly, and I read this somewhere too, it does seem a little odd to have a holiday now celebrating those who were abused ON THE DAY THE ABUSER ARRIVED HERE!

Speaking of LA…..Los Angeles……City of Angels……

WOW that sounds religious, It sounds Christian.

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry ALL you radical far left dipwads need to, wet yourselves, over-react and change the name of the city. You know separation of Church and State.

...probably more than half of California is named after religious figures - Santa Monica, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, etc., etc., etc.

The real name of Los Angeles is: "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula," ("The Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the River Porciúncula").  It was named in honor of the shrine to the Virgin Mary, Santa Maria degli Angeli, Our Lady of the Angels, on the plain below Assisi, Saint Francis' native village in Italy.  Father Junipero Serra was a Franciscan missionary who was very influential in early California history.


Does THAT sound religious to you?


Gawd you're dumb!

"In 2009, then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated the Columbus Day state holiday as part of a budget-cutting measure, but L.A. continued to observe the holiday. Observing a holiday like Columbus Day costs the city about $2 million in overtime and more than $9 million in “soft” costs from reduced productivity, according to a Human Relations Commission report."

Schwarzenegger was a Republican governor, and he did it around 8 years ago! ;)

...followme claims L.A.'s action is "next" after the removal of the Confederate statues.  But, as you point out, Republican Governor Schwarzenegger did it EIGHT years ago.  And it was in followme's own link!  What a maroon!


followme is making a late run for SPOTY in the absence of FatVern.  But GaG never considers him for SPOTY because of followme's constant sucking up to GaG.  Have you ever seen followme disagree with GaG or call him "little boy GaG?  Of course not - he's scared shitless of GaG.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 3:28:30 PM

A lying scupper trout. Again you lie, twist and distort what I say but that is OK since I expect it from you and your radical far left pinko comrades.

I know that you keep track of and catalog my posts (and of others posters too) and all my sayings (keeping count of what I say and how often I say it) so I’m not surprised but  
I find it amusing that you, BrokeBack Boy, keep track of, and that it upsets and bothers you as to who I do and do not call and or refer to as boy.  
Since you are a lonely outcast I suppose you have nothing else to do.

It is just so easy to get under your skin and manipulate you and fun doing so.

As for me being scared of gag, give me a fucking break, I’m not scared of him or anyone. Why in your fucked up mind would I be?


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