Politics and Religion

conspiracy theoriesregular_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 3340 reads

Just like one of the guys in the story, I was never interested in this type of thing until mrnogood got me into it. Just like that guy say: "I'm starting to see things. I'm more open to skeptical conversation."
Yes, we have to have a more open mind and question authority and not believe everything they tell us.
The truth might be somewhere in between or maybe sometimes the government might just be saying the truth or totally lying. Some theories might be totally dumb and therefore false. But some like the economic downturn are happening right now.
Thanks mrnogood for encouraging me to use my brain.



mrnogood2546 reads

When you said they want us to believe in UFO's..

The government has devised a plan to scare us with these as their last stage of the war on terror..It's called project bluebeam here is a yahoo search for it http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oG7k_D30ROvxsAF.BXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDUCMyNzY2Njc5BF9yAzIEYW8DMQRjc3JjcHZpZANxY1YuclVvRzd2NFJPamZpVGouN0l3V0tHR05fQkU1RTM4TUFBXzU3BGZyMgNzYnRuBG5fZ3BzAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzcnAEcXVlcnkDcHJvamVjdCBibHVlYmVhbQRzYW8DMwR2dGVzdGlkA0FDQlkwMQ--?p=project+bluebeam&fr2=sb-top&type_param=

But, for ANY of you who watch CNN here is the ultimate proof that it is them who has lied, and tried to trick you.. They have created this holigraphic program that will seem like UFO'S and aliens to scare us enough to give up all our rights and BEG the government for safety..Look at their ''fear'' ''excitement'' while telling you about these ''stories'' (and this is what this is)..Since when have we seen any government member show ANY emotion?

They want to get ya'll terrified, fear is the lowest vibration and as long as you live in fear they can control you

Just wait till Obama can start blaming the aliens for everything that's happening in the world..

I think you opened your own eyes robert because you were ready. This is ALL you, you get this credit, you opened your eyes. If you weren't ready it wouldn't have happened. But you've seen enough bullshit that now you know when the peices fit you got the truth while the rest of the folks still walk around here like the chattle their government thinks they are, totally vulnerable to their evil games.

-- Modified on 8/12/2011 1:19:46 AM

mrnogood1722 reads

So I went to youtube looking for ''CNN does full disclosure''
and presto! I got several hits ALL since Obama has been in office



CNN has started the ''full disclosure project'' and if humanity falls for this we will be totally enslaved ''for our safety''

you mean to say that the UFO sighting are hoaxes by the government?
Most probably ha?
But how about real intelligent life with thousands of our years of technological advancement visiting us... hmm, yeah why would they waste their time.
Flying across the Universe is not realistic. If they were here or around here maybe. But I don't see that. It must be the government.

mrnogood2367 reads

Like water, and coulds on mars, which NASA just had footage of online.. I saw 2 orbs fly by while I watched earthlike clouds (which means they have water)..I haven't ruled out alliens, spirits, energies and souls do recycle so theirs got to be other things out there..But I'm not convinced these beings are ''alliens'' like holywood has told us they are.

I do believe they could appear to people like aliens, like some type of higher demensional being, shapeshifter CRAZY shit.. I used to live off the hudson river, their is so many of them there, I know something exists..

-- Modified on 8/12/2011 4:11:59 PM

or on any thread posted on by this troll, who writes of "coulds" on mars and spels aliens with two "Ls".  Interesting that he "used to live off the hudson river."  Drinking water laced with PCBs causes brain damage.

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