Politics and Religion

I only opened your post so I could reply, as follows....
ed2000 31 Reviews 6591 reads
1 / 38

It's an absolute disaster how low things have gotten.

In 1960 when many in the Republican party were pushing Nixon hard to challenge his very close loss to Kennedy, Nixon told everyone to stand down. History shows the Kennedy's stole Illinois and West Virginia with vote tampering. A recount most likely would have gone in Nixon's favor. But Nixon stated he could not throw the country into a Constitutional confrontation. He thought more of the country than himself. It's sad today's Democrats can't say the same thing and be more like Nixon.  

What they actually need is for one of them to man up and tell the others to stand down.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 258 reads
2 / 38

The irony is your fixation on Trump's balls.

JakeFromStateFarm 303 reads
3 / 38

And it's actually true that Papa Joe Kennedy stole Illinois and WVA for Jack.  But today's far left Dems aren't challenging Delicate Donnie's win.  There was one weak effort by Jill Stein (not Hillary, who conceded gracefully) and that was months ago. So the entire premise of your post is wrong.
Now, if you want to have a real debate, challenge the Dems' relentless opposition to all of Trump's initiatives. I happen to agree with most of it, but at least that's a legitimate question.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 291 reads
4 / 38

Nixon had no balls..just a sniveling coward..

Posted By: ROMMEL
The irony is your fixation on Trump's balls.

ed2000 31 Reviews 273 reads
5 / 38

To make your lousy point even hold water, the 1960  Republicans would have had to do everything possible to denigrate President Kennedy.  

Analogies just aren't your forte. This one is obviously too complex for you.

This goes beyond the actual lection. The far left is trying to over turn Trump moving forward.

-- Modified on 3/11/2017 9:32:49 PM

JakeFromStateFarm 205 reads
6 / 38

You're a legend in your own mind, right???

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 288 reads
7 / 38

How far would have trump taken this "Election was rigged" nonsense. He had his based primed and ready to fight it till the end. How many state recalls would have he demanded. He for sure wasn't going away quietly..I think we all know that. Just a thought...
And Nixon was a true "Republican" in the sense he put "Country before party". Can today's republicans say that?
So as for "standing down", not really sure why or what for.
So I'm not sure if this gives your post a different take or...

impposter 49 Reviews 280 reads
8 / 38

Posted By: ed2000
In 1960 when many in the Republican party were pushing Nixon hard to challenge his very close loss to Kennedy, Nixon told everyone to stand down. History shows the Kennedy's stole Illinois and West Virginia with vote tampering. A recount most likely would have gone in Nixon's favor. But Nixon stated he could not throw the country into a Constitutional confrontation.
There was also the argument (I don't want to call it a fact but I don't have time to search for all the old stories) that Nixon's people had stolen votes in other places (they just didn't steal enough votes to swing the election their way :-) .) The Republicans didn't want a thorough investigation to show that "Crooked Election Boulevard" was a two-way street.

ed2000 31 Reviews 395 reads
9 / 38

Posted By: hpygolky
So as for "standing down", not really sure why or what for.
Your inability to recognize "why or what for" is precisely the problem.

ed2000 31 Reviews 368 reads
10 / 38
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 331 reads
11 / 38

...Nixon committed treason by sabotaging the Paris peace talks, resulting in the Vietnam War continuing for five more years and thousands more American soldiers killed.  Trump + Russia = treason.

ed2000 31 Reviews 181 reads
12 / 38

If you can provide one, I'd be very interested to investigate. It wasn't just IL and WV. TX was also suspect. Anything else sounds like just a convenient excuse to avoid the topic.

ed2000 31 Reviews 247 reads
13 / 38

You're talking about 1968 Nixon while I was talking about 1960 Nixon AND we are still left with the far left Democrats of today having less integrity and character than 1960 Nixon. Maybe you're implying that in a few years the far Left Democrats will have even less integrity and character than they do now?

EuroModelsShown 284 reads
14 / 38
JakeFromStateFarm 238 reads
15 / 38

Your typically tendentious, poorly written and dense posts deserve only derision.  Hence, this....If you don't like it, don't respond to my posts.

2465305 70 Reviews 335 reads
16 / 38

Yeah yeah yeah.

Dems are so influenced it isn't even funny...it's actually pretty pathetic. News outlets don't like Trump and it's widely known so they prey on the stupid hate ridden crybaby dems to fuel their fire.

You stupid morons hear or read something....well anything related to Trump and you begin the sob sister crying. You hinge on the words of Stone Face Pelosi and follow cry baby Schumer every chance you get.  

Trump will eventually quiet both of those has been morons just like he did to John Lewis.  
Posted By: Laffy
don't tell me you're actually crying about Dems "doing everything they can to denigrate Trump and trying to stop him from moving forward."  
 Righties launched one phony investigation after another against Bubba and found nothing.....except he lied about a blowjob.  
 They did the same with Obama and found nothing.  On top of that, they had all that Birther Bullshit.......led by Traitor Trump.  They also set a record for blocking everything.  
 As I've said many times, Righties are the biggest hypocrites to ever breathe and nothing makes them cry more than using their own tactics against them.

2465305 70 Reviews 268 reads
17 / 38

Whatever....dems were photographed blubbering like babies when the final results came in and Crooked Hillary was officially declared a LOSER.....AGAIN.  

And it continues, day after day after day. You pathetic loser backers sit in front of your TVs or your laptops and listen or read all the Anti-Trump fake news and take it as gospel truth.

Well guess what sport.....if you don't like it than GTFO of the country. It's that simple, and take Rosie, Michael Moor, Babs Streisand, Ashley Judd and the others with you.  

Tell you what....move to a deserted island and you can have your own election. Hillary will win and you can all make donations to the Clinton foundation to get her to do something.  
Posted By: Laffy
claiming there was "cheating".....and the judge laughed in his lawyer's faces.  
 He would have filed 10,000 lawsuits had he lost.......especially if he got more popular votes.  Don't forget, when he thought Obama lost the popular vote, he said it was a "travesty for Democracy" and told everyone to march on DC.  If it had happened to him, he'd have been 10,000 times worse on it.  
 Not only that, his groupies were actually BRAGGING they were ready to start shooting people if he lost.  Pence had to tell one crazy bitch to calm down when she talked about it.

2465305 70 Reviews 330 reads
18 / 38

Actually I got laid last night....you should try it.

Posted By: Laffy
what did that have to do with anything I said?  
 Have you been drinking for 20 hours straight or something?

2465305 70 Reviews 274 reads
19 / 38

But Obama the RACIST was a saint?

He further divided a country, he showed a lack of support of law enforcement, and he created something he called AFFORDABLE that became UNAFFORDABLE.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Nixon committed treason by sabotaging the Paris peace talks, resulting in the Vietnam War continuing for five more years and thousands more American soldiers killed.  Trump + Russia = treason.

2465305 70 Reviews 398 reads
20 / 38

That pretty much sums up his entire 8 years.

Posted By: EuroModelsShown
My count is a big zero.

ed2000 31 Reviews 368 reads
21 / 38

It’s understandable you rather join your friends here to bury your head in the sand rather than face the fact that the far Left has not accepted Hillary Clinton’s concession. These “unacceptors” range from the rioters and protesters to a solid majority of the Press to the leaders of the Democrat Party and most importantly to Democrats working in government agencies. Most vocally say yes he is President but their actions indicate otherwise. And Clinton and Obama (Obama especially) are doing what they can to stoke the fire, not tamp it down. This isn’t about resisting Trump’s policies, it’s about working to get rid of Trump.  

Blaming my grammar or writing style only shows you are either lazy or you’ve actually realized you have less integrity and character than Nixon did in 1960 and you just can’t bring yourself to face it. BTW, tendentious is sort of what I was going for. Maybe you need a dictionary.

We’ll see now if you spend your time searching for or creating another meme vs. facing reality. My guess is you’ll pick plan C and simply sit on your hands.  

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 353 reads
22 / 38

The truth is that Nixon and the GOP launched a massive nationwide campaign for a recount of the 1960 election.  The meager recount effort for the 2016 election pales in comparison as it was limited to one state.  Check out Greenberg of Columbia University's extensive work on Nixon history and place in American politics for the actual truth.  There are plenty of other historical sources.  Thank god Trumpy and the radical elements of the GOP's vision of 1984 just won't play out because the truth is out there.  I just wish more progressives would do more to point it out.

Both Trumpy and Hitler share the same belief that if you repeat the same lie enough, people will start to believe it.  That's all that is going on with the OP.

JakeFromStateFarm 256 reads
23 / 38

You are really, really dense.  I did not read your post. I just told you I consider you a buffoon so idiotic I have no interest in debating anything with you.  Yet you feel compelled to respond anyway.  Perhaps you simply MUST have the last word.  OK, go for it if you're really that retarded.  I can guarantee I won't be reading it.  Just laughing at you....

ed2000 31 Reviews 364 reads
24 / 38

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Check out Greenberg of Columbia University's extensive work on Nixon history and place in American politics for the actual truth.
I guess I can believe the GOP made court challenges as David Greenberg asserts, but in all the Google hits, he seems to be the sole person in all of history to have taken up this version of events. How did all the other historians, the vast majority of them liberal and who eventually hated Nixon, get their recording so wrong?  

Two interesting points I read.  
1) In his 2001 critique of Doris Goodwin's recollection of the 1960 election, David Greenberg lets stand what he surely must think is an inaccurate description by Goodwin of Nixon's benevolence.

2) David Greenberg's own account of the GOP's efforts states that it all ended after the Electoral College voted and cast the final result. That sort of altruism has certainly NOT been duplicated by ANY of the far Left factions, beginning with the riots and continuing through to the felonious and several false "leaks" coming from inside the government, not to mention the complicit Press merrily going along with the mantra.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 263 reads
26 / 38

...than in 1968?  Why don't you go back to 1946 and 1950 to see his character in his races against Jerry Voorhis and Helen Gahagan Douglas.  See also his sob story Checkers speech in 1952 to save his Veep ambitions.

Yeah sure, he had a good character in '60 compared to '68.  ROTFLMAO.

ed2000 31 Reviews 286 reads
27 / 38

drives everything they do in their life must be based on your personal life.

I never made any favorable statement or characterization of Nixon's actions either before or after the 1960 election.

You know and everyone knows that your lying and subterfuge repeats itself with every post you make.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 352 reads
28 / 38

...Nixon's character and integrity in 1960, yet when shown his total lack of character and integrity throughout his life, you post some bullshit about never making any favorable statement or characterization of Nixon's actions either before or after the 1960 election.  Way to dance on the head of a pin - now you're claiming your OP was limiting Nixon's "character and " integrity" to the 1960 election. Bwahahahaha!!

Read the subject line of your OP again:  "Richard Nixon had far more integrity and character than today's far left Democrats.". You didn't say Nixon had far more integrity and character in the 1960 election, you simply stated in the headline of your post that Nixon had more integrity and character than today's far left Democrats.  It's close to Spring - spread your bullshit in your garden and you will grow beautiful flowers this year.

impposter 49 Reviews 375 reads
29 / 38

I used to read a lot more political stuff, pre-internet. Jack Anderson pulled up lots of stuff in the Nixon days, but I'm not saying that I remember reading the election fraud allegations in Anderson's work. There were a lot of investigative reporters back then.

And the argument that 1960 RMN was somehow better than 1968 RMN doesn't hold up, to me. RMN earned the nickname Tricky Dick going waaaay back in his career. 1950s, HUAC, Adlai Stevenson, threats, harassment, ...  

RMN didn't change from pre-1960 to 1960 to 1968. He evolved.
Posted By: ed2000
If you can provide one, I'd be very interested to investigate. It wasn't just IL and WV. TX was also suspect. Anything else sounds like just a convenient excuse to avoid the topic.

ed2000 31 Reviews 297 reads
30 / 38

I never brought Nixon's behavior post 1960 into this. Others in this thread have tried to as well as you. It IS possible to praise or point out one good thing a person does without excusing all the bad things that person ever did. I think I will never get  over the mentality here akin to if you're not 100% with me then you are my enemy.  

BTW here is a linked source to evidence supporting your original claim.

ed2000 31 Reviews 376 reads
31 / 38

Your statement, "You didn't say Nixon had far more integrity and character in the 1960 election" is 100% false. The 1960 clarification was right up front in the first sentence of my main paragraph in the OP. So I'm not JUST NOW making the claim. It was RIGHT IN THE OP.

You obviously think the ENTIRE point and all of the points of a post need to be contained in the headline. LOL. OR we now know all you ever do is read the headlines, LOL. Unlike most truly weasel posts here that never clarify a misleading headline, I'll expect you to point out your requirement to your friends here the next time they intentionally break your rule.  

I'll repeat what I just told imposter.  It IS possible to praise or point out one good thing a person does without excusing all the bad things that person ever did. But in your case I can't think of even one good thing.

BTW, you still have time to delete your post before too many see it.

mattradd 40 Reviews 162 reads
32 / 38

Absolute disaster? Yep! That truly was! There' so much missing in both contexts you present; that of Nixon, and that of Trump's election, and the democrats response to it, that you are left with just a fat pile of BS! ;)

But, you're going to try an justify it anyways! ;)

mattradd 40 Reviews 270 reads
33 / 38

would argue about how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. I had always pictured Ed as being one of the one's arguing, not one of ones dancing! ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 304 reads
34 / 38

The content that clearly spells out it was about Nixon's actions relating to the 1960 election results. But then I expect you to only look at headlines so I'm not at all surprised at your reaction. At worst I'm guilty of an incomplete headline and since I rail against them I deserve that, sorry that they are limited in length here. But then again you live for false headlines.

Posted By: mattradd
There' so much missing in both contexts you present; that of Nixon, and that of Trump's election, and the democrats response to it

-- Modified on 3/13/2017 6:31:54 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 229 reads
35 / 38

The context I was pointing out was in regard to the man and his political history, not the one aspect within that context that you present!

Here's another part of the context I was referring to! ;)

Your one little part of the context of his political life, does not stack up well amidst  the total, hence not a good a good example to use for your argument! ;)

ed2000 31 Reviews 312 reads
36 / 38

That's a common tactic when you have no actual countering argument that stays within the context parameters.

Nixon indeed had several character defects. His actions immediately after the 1960 election was not among them.

Interesting though how few people, including you, believe that someone that is considered evil cannot be allowed to have done even one good thing.

mattradd 40 Reviews 228 reads
37 / 38

But, you just can't see it or admit it. And, after all that's said and done, it made you sound like you are crying about how unfairly Trump is being treated! ;)

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