Politics and Religion

I know this is a provider board but....
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 5245 reads

I get a little annoyed when providers make posts about the economy, personal responsibility, etc. when they earn a tax-free income.  More power to them but it's a symptom of the political climate. About 50% of the population doesn't pay any income tax yet they seem to have the most opinions on how government should spend the money. I love it when people give zero but tell me I'm not paying my fair share.  When did not contributing make people so noble?  If everyone in this country had to pay a little income tax they may actually pay attention to where the money goes and they may force our representatives to not bankrupt the country.

zorrf1378 reads

Plenty of tax returns with "escort" or "escort service" listed as the type of business.  "I get a little annoyed when" people who have no clue what the fuck they're talking about "make posts about" the very subjects in which they have no clue what the fuck they're talking about.

That's why I never pay cash and put it on my expense report when I see a provider.  Do your escorts charge you a sales tax, moron?

Any escort that is reporting income certainly doesn't report 100% of it, or 50%, etc.  Even if your girlfriends tell you that to get an extra tip.

zorrf1086 reads

Wait wait...we were talking income taxes before, *now* you want to talk about regressive sales taxes? Moving the goalposts a bit, but I'll bite: To my knowledge, we don't have a federal sales tax, and plenty of business don't charge a sales tax for their services because they aren't required to in the states in which they operate. Can you cite a state that requires collection of sales taxes for escort services?

Would you also care to clue us in on the methodology of your research that leads you to conclude that escorts don't report 100% of their income? Your personal experience with sucking cock for money doesn't count...We need statistics for evidence of an overall trend.

Did you really cite the fact that you don't expense your visits to escorts as evidence that their income isn't taxable???

You are truly a dumbass.  

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 11:15:22 AM

I brought up sales tax and paying cash as examples as to why it's an under-the-table income.  I hate to be the one to tell you there is no Santa Clause but they only lick your hairy, smelly sack because you pay them and they sure as hell don't want to give half of it back to the Government since it wasn't Obama under your unwashed ball sack earning that money.

I'm sure if you were a provider you would be the only one stupid enough to report all of your money.  But let's assume the girls are just a tad smarter than you.

zorrf1423 reads

You brought up something that applies to quite a few tax-paying business around the US to illustrate that escorts, as a group, don't report all of their income? lol. This is fucking amusing how stupid you are. Please say other shit and make me lol some more.

Yes, if I were a provider, I would report 100% of my income, given how easily the movement of cash can be traced by the greenest of accountants. Yes, I know you wouldn't, but I, unlike you, have a brain with fully functioning left hemisphere and was born with *just* the right number of chromosomes to avoid the staggering subhuman retardation you have to muddle through to type the horseshit you've spewed in this thread.

More, Cartman, more! This shit is entertaining as fuck to me....watching you outdumb yourself.

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 11:43:46 AM

Watch for his baiting capabilities guys and most certainly watch your backs lol

Good to have you back zorrf; no I won't be participating today but I shall enjoy the carnage LOL  YOU ARE a worthy opponent

socracy1671 reads

That the 50% of people who don't pay income taxes include people who earn at or below subsistence levels of income, and many of them still pay payroll and SS.  So they're not exactly getting a free ride, as your post would imply.  You should familiarize yourself with the reality behind the numbers you use to make your point.  

And yes escorts, if they're smart and want to avoid REAL trouble, do in fact pay taxes on their earnings.  I anticipate that a flood of ladies will explain in subsequent replies.  Sounds like you have a bone to pick with them, and you'll have the chance to do just that shortly.

Social Security is supposedly their money they get back.

If they pay $5,000 in payroll and get a $4,995 tax refund at the end of the year I think its a pretty good deal.

Let's assume for black market reasons, that they don't pay income taxes. They still pay sales taxes. And while I'm sure some make a very good living off of it, there's many who don't. Sales taxes are naturally regressive. The poorer you are, the more you're taxed.

I welcome providers to post here. I figure many don't want to get into not-so-polite conversation, but I rather like a girl who can talk politics, even if I don't agree with them.

I will say that OC has a point in that many Americans aren't paying any income taxes. I think everyone should contribute, even if it's just a nickle. We've got a 14 trillion dollar monkey on our backs. We need to pay it back or default. I'd rather not default.

Zorrf is also quickly becoming one of my favorite posters here. I think he's even more cynical than I am, which is quite a feat.

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 10:57:03 AM

digem-all1518 reads

Would you expect anything else from Cartman? Most of his posts are half-assed and based upon half truths.  The dude cant make a cogent argument nor support his own opinions.

on whether they declare and pay income taxes on their provider income.

    The clueless young ones who don't know the meaning of "Al Capone" probably do not; the older, more educated or at least more savvy ladies who appreciate that tax evasion is a felony as opposed to misdemeanor prostitution probably do declare most of their illegal income, or at least all that gets deposited in a bank,  and do pay taxes on it.

    In between are the part -timers and low income ladies who know they are supposed to pay taxes but the figure the risk of prosecution is slight.

     Ironically, this is where the review history can come back to bite them. The IRS can reasonably look at the members of the 300 club and figure they have a substantial illegal income and target those ladies for investigation. But, as far as I know, this hasn't happened yet.

I've always had the impression that, you viewed, the only opinions that mattered anyways, were yours and the those who agreed with you! ;)

It seemed, very muddled and, not very coherent

-- Modified on 8/9/2011 11:51:55 AM

Correcting your spelling and punctuation is making me a happy feller.

It's actually spelled "gist," not "jist."
It comes from the French word "gesir," a verb meaning "to lie."  This is from the Oxford English Dictionary.
Note to Cartman: in the future, you might want to do your homework before playing Word Cop.

[a. OF. gist (F. gît), 3 sing. pres. ind. of gésir to lie, gésir en to consist in, depend on, used in the AF. law phrase (cest) action gist, ‘(this) action lies', which occurs 1502-3 in Kelvey's Rep. (1688) lf. 50a, and is common in law-books.]
1. Law. The real ground or point (of an action, indictment, etc.).

1711 5 Modern Reports (1794) 305 (Gatehouse v. Row) Because it is the very gist of the action. 1769 BLACKSTONE Comm. IV. 333 These charges..are the points and very gist of the indictment. 1791 BURKE App. Whigs Wks. 1842 I. 501 This is the great gist of the charge against him. 1834 P. BINGHAM New Cases I. 72 The gist of the action being the assault and battery. 1875 POSTE Gaius IV. (ed. 2) 502 The gist (gîte) of the civil action of Condictio..was the increase of the defendant's fortune or patrimony by the reduction of the plaintiff's patrimony without any consideration or equivalent gain to the plaintiff.

1726 SIR J. STRANGE Rep. Cases I. 666 Where the special damage is the git of the action, this sort of evidence is allowed. 1795 CHRISTIAN in Blackstone's Comm. (1809) III. 140 The gît or foundation of the action is held to consist in the husband's loss of the comfort and society of his wife. 1823 DE QUINCEY King of Hayti Wks. 1862 XI. 41 The gite of the lawyer's reasoning.

2. The substance or pith of a matter, the essence or main part.

1823 in Cobbett Rur. Rides (1885) I. 339 This is the gist. Here lies the whole of it. 1861 T. A. TROLLOPE La Beata II. xii. 52 The gist of the fun is to demand the production of the green sprig..at the most..unexpected times. 1864 BOWEN Logic xi. 363 The gist of the reasoning does not depend upon any Maxim or First Principle.

I should have realized once I brought up a provider as an example all of the white knights would start defending.  Let's just reread the rest of the post which was the actual point.

About 50% of the population doesn't pay any income tax yet they seem to have the most opinions on how government should spend the money. I love it when people give zero but tell me I'm not paying my fair share.  When did not contributing make people so noble?  If everyone in this country had to pay a little income tax they may actually pay attention to where the money goes and they may force our representatives to not bankrupt the country.

zorrf2082 reads

Reheating the stupid shit you already said isn't going to make you less of an imbecile.  Might be time to think  about shutting the fuck up on this particular subject.

Because you seem to have intimate knowledge of how these women account for their finances.  Of course all people that earn an income through illegal activities would report it to the government.  It's common fucking sense!!  

I have no doubt you are so defensive because you are a member of the bottom half I referenced that does not pay income taxes.  Don't feel so bad "zorrf".  And yes, I would like fries with that.

zorrf2650 reads

See. You're confused again, shittard. I wasn't the one that made a proof positive assertion about escorts' takes on tax policy being irrelevant because most of them don't pay taxes. *You* did that, and I mockingly criticized you for not being able to provide evidence to support your dimwitted argument. You tripped over your dick a couple times talking about sales tax and expense reports, but the only thing you've accomplished was making a complete ass of yourself and looking like an even bigger retard than you were when you started this thread.

Do you see what I'm saying here? Do you understand that why the burden of proof is on you here? Do you understand why you've come up miserably short in meeting that burden? Haha. Of course you don't, dipshit.

Providers don't pay taxes on their income from illegal activities is a "dimwitted argument" and you need "proof" of it?  Really?  So that's why you're getting so upset?  This is your stand?

(note- This next part is going to be sarcastic) I see your point.  Until someone proves otherwise I'm going to assume that all providers, drug dealers, gun runners, moonshiners, etc. report all of their income to the United States Government.  Why on Earth wouldn't they??  And until someone shows me proof I have no reason to believe otherwise.  In fact, every year H&R Block has a sign in their window saying "10% discount for hookers and pimps".  You should see them lined up outside the door just aching to pay Uncle Sam. (note- end sarcasm)

Who needs common sense when you can curse and scream a lot, right zorrf?  Dude, if you are not JackO with a new handle or share some DNA with him I will be surprised.  Go back under whatever rock you crawled out of.  

PS- Do you keep the receipts your provider gives you?  Do you have a provider file in your tax records?  Is your ATF incorporated?  Burden of Proof, Ha!  You are humorous. :)

See if you can answer these questions?
What percentage of income tax is paid by the rich in the United States?

How many people get food stamps in the United States?

How many government checks go out every week?

Amount of wasteful spending in government?

The numbers are staggering!

Democrats, Love to attack the rich.  We live in a democracy.  These people worked hard to get what they have.  If you want to spread the wealth, move to a socialist or communist society.  

I'll let you do the research.  Let me tell you the rich are giving a large majority a free ride.  If people didnt follow so blindly and actually took the time to read more than one source, they would realize this.  

We don't have to worry about terrorist attacks anymore.  Our country is destroying itself.

The wealthy pay a large share of all income taxes, but there's a reason for that. They've gotten the vast majority of all the income gains in the last 30 years. Just how much money have they made? It is utterly staggering.


How many people are on food stamps? About 48 million Americans. That's 1 in 6. We still have now record long term unemployment, what the BLS calls "discouraged workers". Cut food stamps and you'll have nation-wide riots on your hands.

You're quite right that we live in a democracy. And in this democracy 82% of the people want higher taxes on the wealthy. Even Warren Buffett says that when a nation needs more revenue, they should go to the people who have it. Spreading the wealth has nothing to do with socialism or communism. The reality is that capital markets naturally concentrate wealth. Progressive taxation isn't communism or socialism. It's just redistributing what was taken from workers in the first place.

When you have massive wealth concentration, you run into a lot of problems. We now have an income inequality gap that is utterly staggering. If you look at the gini coefficient alone, you'd assume that the USA is a third world country.

And when you have that wealth concentration, more wealth than any person could ever hope to spend, then that wealth becomes power. It corrupts our democracy. And that is why the wealthy now only pay 35% in income taxes (before deductions) when they used to pay 94% when Eisenhower was President.

You also seem to believe that wealthy people got wealthy by working hard. This is quite silly. Capital is far more efficient in making you money in a market economy than labor is. I'll remind you that capital gains is only 15%, while Joe $45k a year who's busting his ass just to put food on the table is paying 25%.

I'm also sure that the millions of Americans who have been thrown out of their homes because of Wall Street shennigans are happy for their "free ride". Especially after banks made them homeless after they bailed them out with their tax dollars.

zorrf1550 reads

And sometimes you just fucking nail it like you did here, old boy.  Could've thrown in some more expletives, but pobody's nerfect.

Isn't hight taxes for the rich is the problem for econnomy not growing and anemic job creation followed by Obama as POTUS?

Why the change all of a sudden?

BabblingHooker1124 reads

With my first $5,000 I retained a lawyer, set up a corporation, and hired an accountant. I file every EVERY quarter. I don't use "escort services" as it's 100% legal to do so. I count the webcam and phone time I sell and the panties, bras, stockings and autographs I send out. I admit that I only file on a percentage of my profits. However it is DAMN expensive to be an escort! My accountant, who I love but hate, is a hard ass! He doesn't allow me to include certain "business expenses" that I deserve to file! (chuckling) Every quarter I try new ones out on him. Last quarter he shot down: shoes that I had zero intent of selling, hair weave, my bimonthly waxing and spa treatment, and a hello kitty compact mirror.

Please don't ass-u-me that escorts are poor citizens again. Lol. We're holding this failing economy up in more ways than one!

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