Politics and Religion

Off topic : Judgemental hobbyists : the ultimate oxymoron ?!regular_smile
Priapus53 5120 reads

Perhaps something both sides of the political spectrum here can agree on.

This board has a pair of VERY close ( ; )  ;) religious hobbyists who look down upon atheists, pot smokers & pro-choicers. JUST as bad as if an atheist hobbyist looked down up pro-lifers,non pot smokers & the religious.

I mean, as hobbyists ( as well as providers ) , by nature, since we're engaged in "illicit" activity, frowned upon by the law & bourgeois society at large, isn't it being hypocritical for hobbyists & providers to be judgmental ?!

Shouldn't sane hobbyists & providers have a libertarian " live & let live" mindset ?

Thoughts ?

I think the ultimate oxymoron would be a poster that pretends to start civil discussion threads while he is also attacking anybody and anything with ridiculous comments that are anything but civil.  Yet he flies off the handle when he gets a dose of his own medicine, 3 times a day as prescribed by his doctor.

That would be a very silly hobbyist.  Assuming he actually "hobbys," of course.

Priapus532176 reads

then you're both suffering from delusions of adequacy. Both of you should try using med pictured below.

Btw, you ARE touchy today----could it be because you fell for obvious 4/1 prank on GD board ?----------LMAO !

I've been hobbying for 27 years & I KNOW it's the truth------the fact than an irrevelant gnat like yourself doubts my veracity, only causes me to feel a mixture of extreme amusement & pity-----:)

Because I know you could spell irrelevant if you really wanted to spell it correctly.  You were just misspelling it for literary effect.


Posted By: Priapus53
then you're both suffering from delusions of adequacy. Both of you should try using med pictured below.

Btw, you ARE touchy today----could it be because you fell for obvious 4/1 prank on GD board ?----------LMAO !

I've been hobbying for 27 years & I KNOW it's the truth------the fact than an irrevelant gnat like yourself doubts my veracity, only causes me to feel a mixture of extreme amusement & pity-----:)

Priapus531264 reads

How about commenting on the op subject matter instead of your usual IRRELEVANT inanities ?----;)

snowball391402 reads

Meet me at the usual glory hole.  I forget, is it my turn to catch or pitch?

Come on out from behind the skirt.  No reason to be embarrassed.

snowball391555 reads

Unzip your tiny manhood and do me, stud!  You know you love it, sweetie!

snowball391302 reads

when I see your tiny little excuse for a manhood.  But I always get over it when you swallow me whole.
Also nice is you've finally figured out I'm not Priapus.  How many days did that take, genius?

Does Thorazine help with your particular delusions?

When one has a beam in their own eye, they ain't much open to seeing the errors of their own ways! ;)

While I certainly think it's pretty silly for hobbyists or providers to be uptight, don't forget that we are all engaging in a very judgemental activity. I'm not going to say it never happens, but I have my doubts that very many hobbyists pick providers based upon their winning personality. I'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing, it's just the way it is. The same process works the other way around too for a lot of legitimate reasons.

But what gets in my crawl, is when social conservatives engage in this hobby. The belief that gays shouldn't have the right to get married, or that a woman (which includes providers) shouldn't have the right to control her own reproduction, but that you personally should have the right to pay $ to get your dick wet. The cognitive dissonance must be overwhelming.

For once, you are saying something I agree with.

We are being very judgmental here. That's what reviews are. They are a means for customers to exchange information that allows other customers to make judgments about providers.

It is entirely possible to think recreational drugs are very immoral, but the this hobby isn't. That's me. If there is any reason to think a provider has a drug problem, I stay away. Very far away.

What should be illegal is a different question, too.

Snowman391321 reads

I would like someone to explain this to me...

What is the difference between the Religious right trying to push legislation they think is needed because their religious beliefs call for it and some middle eastern Cleric wanting to establish Shariah law?

Religion and Politics DO NOT MIX!!

Snowman392284 reads

I find myself in total agreement with Priap!!!!

Wait, I think I just felt the earth stop on its axis...   ;-)

Totally agree, judging others on moral issues while hobbying seems pretty stupid.

Priapus531385 reads

The purpose of TER reviews are to steer hobbyists away from "questionable or risky" providers & see if the reviews are favorable toward a type of provider that the hobbyist has a physical/personality preference toward. "Moral judgments" do NOT enter into the picture.

-- Modified on 4/2/2011 7:08:20 AM

since we're dealing with humans here (well, most of them are human), and humans are known to be unpredictable on the whole, such a rational thought will be too rational.

I think part of this lack of "live and let live" is that most hobbyists and providers think of this as a separate part of their lives. It exists elsewhere and has nothing to do with their reality. They don't allow it to spill over into the rest of their lives, even to the point of denying either their guilt for participating or their joy in finding kindred spirits.

Which denial is, of course, silly. It comes out in funny little ways. The fact is that everything we do, everything we say and everything we think about affects the rest of our lives in some way. Many people still don't realize that and probably will continue to deny even that simple (though not easy) idea, as well.

Also, asking for rational thinking about hypocrisy by married p4p'ers? Sorry, darling; not going to happen.

No, I didn't read anyone else's posts, so if I'm repeating something, meh...

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