Politics and Religion

2 Democratic pollsters : Obama should abandon 2nd term bid & let Hillary take over
Priapus53 3507 reads

Interesting idea, particularly since Hillary polls FAR better against GOP field ( particularly Romney ), than BHO, but does ANYONE think this is gonna happen ?!

but I don't think it's any more likely than Cain or Newt heading the GOP ticket in 2012. Possible? Yes. Likely? No.

It is hard to count the Hildabeast out though, and she wants to be POTUS so bad she can fucking taste it, don't let her current "good soldier" act fool you.

and every 28 days she'd have her hand on the button just begging for someone to piss her off lol

Obama may be spineless, but at least he isn't a DLC Dem. We might as well elect a jackass like Rahm Emmanuel President.

How about instead we elect a Democrat who has a spine and brains? You know, someone who's actually worthy of being labeled a liberal. We haven't had one of those since the Truman administration.

Tomcat-Petty970 reads

obama is the most idiotic and dangerous president of our lifetime.

At least with Hillary running the country, you know that Bill will have a say in the presidency and policy. He was the only Dem president that I really liked.

Plus, how about some turnabout fair play. Hilliary can say that she did not swallow and never had sex with that man. Now that would be funny :)

...but "the most idiotic and dangerous president of our lifetime"? Wow, you really don't know your history, do you?

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