Politics and Religion

I have no idea what your comments have to do with your link.
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 1994 reads
1 / 8


Even if a few central american kids have to drown in rivers and 10 year old girls get raped along the way.

Maybe they'll have John Edwards as neighbor?

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 272 reads
2 / 8

What does the Obamas maybe buying a house have anything to do with kids drowning and rape? Partisan hackery is one thing. Tourette's is quite another.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 230 reads
3 / 8

are collateral damage of Dummycrapper using these people as pawns in their fever to maintain political power.

BTW, it's not a just a "house."

Specifically, it is:
 a $4.2 million house in Rancho Mirage.

The 8,200-square-foot former home of novelist Joseph Wambaugh is the source of a bevy of rumors reported by media outlets ranging from the Los Angeles Times to Variety.

The home, a hilltop estate in Thunderbird Heights, has been on the market for about a year. Several real estate agents, speaking anonymously, said they heard secondhand that the president was looking to buy the 1993 remodeled home with seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms.

The contemporary house sits down the slope from the highest property on Thunderbird Mesa Drive, the home of Michael Smith, a personal friend of first lady Michelle Obama and the interior designer of the Sunnylands Center and Oval Office of the White House.

Not bad for a couple of downtrodden minority victims of the Whitey Power Cabal! Poor whiny babies affirmative actioned their way into a "hilltop estate" in Thunderbird Heights DESPITE the Whitey Power Cabal's best efforts to keep da black man down

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 310 reads
4 / 8

In case you've missed it, President Obama is rich. Yes, when your two books sell a zillion copies, you get some coin. I'm failing to see what the big deal here is. Many former Presidents have lived in this neighborhood, as your link points out.  

So what in the world does kids drowning have anything to do with this? Or kids in the desert? Or ghettos? Or using the term "whitey"?  

You're being completely incoherent here, Buggy. You're bitching just to hear yourself bitch. Come back when you can form a logical argument for why anyone should give two chits about this

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 242 reads
5 / 8

YOU are the one who wants to take a baseball bat to the 1%. You make the most idiotic arguments about how "Profit" is money stolen from your "werkers", and yet, here we have an example of a guy making millions selling hardbound bullshit and living in the lap of luxury, all the while pronouncing his "CARING" for the poor.

These CA kids who are drowning in the Rio Grande, are being raped as they work their way up from CA, that are being exploited and abused by CA drug gangs are coming here BECAUSE of O'bimbo's desire to load the US up with victacrat DEMOCRAT VOTERS. He is responsible for them making their trek and HE is responsible for what happens to them along they way.

So what if a few die? As long as the majority make it and vote D eventually, it's a "WIN"!

It's crystal clear why Dems deny there is voter fraud.

DA_Flex 261 reads
6 / 8

Your post has no relevance or any redeeming value.  In fact, is wasn't worth the time it took for me to write these two sentences.

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
YOU are the one who wants to take a baseball bat to the 1%. You make the most idiotic arguments about how "Profit" is money stolen from your "werkers", and yet, here we have an example of a guy making millions selling hardbound bullshit and living in the lap of luxury, all the while pronouncing his "CARING" for the poor.  
 These CA kids who are drowning in the Rio Grande, are being raped as they work their way up from CA, that are being exploited and abused by CA drug gangs are coming here BECAUSE of O'bimbo's desire to load the US up with victacrat DEMOCRAT VOTERS. He is responsible for them making their trek and HE is responsible for what happens to them along they way.  
 So what if a few die? As long as the majority make it and vote D eventually, it's a "WIN"!  
 It's crystal clear why Dems deny there is voter fraud.

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