Politics and Religion

I guess you've forgotten all your Bill Clinton Defense lines...
Chowder I Cant Hear You 1713 reads

afterall, besides being Chief Law Enforcement Officer, he was the one who enforced EEOC rules and regs for sexual harrassement in the work place.......

I love watching the Clintocrites pile on this guy!

-- Modified on 7/11/2007 9:29:49 PM

Tusayan2264 reads

Apparently his visits to the D.C Madam weren't Sen. David Vitter's first visits to prostitutes during his marriage. He was also a patron of New Orleans brothels in his home state of Louisiana.  Remember, this is a guy who was one of the author's of a bill for a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage as a threat to to the family.  

Rudy Giuliani also chose Vitter as his regional campaign chairman for the South, but I guess that sense with one serial adulterer campaigning for another.  I wonder if Vitter will schedule campaign stops for Rudy in the New Orleans bordellos. Glad to see that Vitter's priorities are in the right place rather than trying to rebuild after Katrina.


afterall, besides being Chief Law Enforcement Officer, he was the one who enforced EEOC rules and regs for sexual harrassement in the work place.......

I love watching the Clintocrites pile on this guy!

-- Modified on 7/11/2007 9:29:49 PM

Silent Majority1400 reads

If any of them commit perjury, pay off others to commit perjury, or get sued and plea out for sexual harrassment- then we might have something.

And so far, I have'nt seen anyone send their future senator wifes out to lie for them either.

Silent Majority1527 reads

Yea, why isn't he hiding behind his wife's skirt or staging vacations where they dance on the beach together with no music playing to show how in love they still are?  Didn't they get the memo?

Tusayan1469 reads

No one that I know of thinks highly of Clinton for cheating on his wife. But this Vitter cahracter is in a whole different league when it comes to hypocrisy.  He presents himself a family values candidate and had received awards from the Family Research Council. As a Congressman he said that Clinton should resign after the Lewinsky affair.  
Also, as despicable as Clinton's affair was, it was not illegal.  Prostitution is currently illegal in the District of Columbia and Louisiana.
The best quote regarding the Vitter affair came from his wife back in 2000 when she was asked if she would be forgiving as Hillary Clinton or Rep. Bob Livingstone's wife back if her husband were unfaithful.

"I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary," she said. "If he does something like that, I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me."

....that Fucker "Libby"..(ya Libby did not get his pardon yet, but he will get at Jan. 19, 2009)

-- Modified on 7/12/2007 2:00:55 AM

Silent Majority2382 reads

This whole "hypocrite" thing needs to stop.  Almost all politicicians can be called hypocrites because they speak of standards that simply can not be met.  Many Repubs have the "family values" that they later break through sex or DUI or whatever.  Most Dems are hypocrites with their global warming and tax shelters when they're all a bunch of pampered, capitlaist pigs.  There is nothing wrong about politicians speaking of a higher ideal to try to attain, but in reality most never will.  We're all human.

What seperates Clinton from other sex scandals is the lying after he was caught, the purgury and the way he cast himself as the victim.  He had a complete lack of contrition and humility.  He couldn't even pretend.

After mildly acknowledging his point, you manage to make the point of your post about Clinton, and deflect the CURRENT, REAL issue completely.  Are you sure you aren't Ken Mehlman?  That was so textbook RNC, I got goosebumps.

As I have said on here, ad nauseum, Repug manual, page 8..."Play the Clinton card".

Tusayan2339 reads

I'll pose a question that the right wingers have never been able to answer when they called on it. You throw out the perjury card (at least I think that's what you were trying to do. It appears that you're a graduate of the George W. Bush school of English with a term like "purgury") at Clinton, so please tell us which court found Clinton guilty of perjury?

And deception.  Not to mention, lower their standards.  Thirty years from now, whenever a Republican in office to impose Victorian moralism gets caught in a direct betrayal of their platform, we're still going to be hearing about how Clinton . . . did something like that.  

Clinton did not run on a moralistic anti-gay strengthen the family platform.  He was not betraying his constituency for one.    

It's getting so Republican conservatives are looking like clowns. Whenever they're betrayed directly by one of their politicians, the politician apologizes, says he made a "mistake," when actually nothing is further from the truth, his constituency grins and bears in, and then say defiantly that Clinton did it first!  

While the more clownish conservatives apply this technique repeatedly, the more rational ones simply get discouraged with politics, and forget to go to the polls.  

So keep it up.  


Leper Colonialist2027 reads

Well, Senator Vitter is from Louisianna, where I'm told the good folk are much more tolerant of those types of peccadillos on the part of their elected reps.

Now, if this was a Senator from say, Utah or Idaho, well, i'd be enjoying this story a whole lot more.

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