Politics and Religion

Good news, bad news, or not a game changer?
mattradd 40 Reviews 2462 reads

Any experts on Iran, here?

In my first reading I was a bit encouraged to read about the rift between the the secular President Ahmadinejad, and the supreme religious leader, Khamenei. But, then it became apparent that, instead of conflict between a religious fundamentalist and a secular modernist, each was trying to out spiritualize the other. What does that portend from a country with a significantly large highly educated population in a growing social network world? Hopefully the Iranians give up on these clowns sooner rather than later, and become part of the Jasmine Revolution.

I think the Supreme Leadership ( the religious leaders ) have taken notice of the democratic direction being attempted in surrounding countries.  I think they realize that their own population is very unhappy with their current state and ripe for their own revolt against status quo.  They know that their current president is not in tune with the people and fear that without some change, it's only a matter of time before they are confronted with a People's revolt.  Thus, I think they have created the dispute with the president as a prelude to getting rid of him and replace with someone who doesn't have the bad will attributed to him by the world at large and his own people.  Call it a preemptive strike to circumvent their own country from becoming embroiled in protest.

religious leadership more radicalizing or more moderate than Ahmadinejad? You seem to imply that they are more of a moderating influence regarding foreign and domestic policy. That was my impression when it came to the nuclear weapons issue. But I could be wrong.

But the tug of war within the regime to see who can be the biggest fundamentalist has been going on for years.  There also  are "moderates" within the government, but they are moderate only by comparison to  the nut-jobs.  In the general population there is a huge number of educated, western-oriented people; intelligentsia, students and other youth.  They went into the streets two years ago to protest Ahmadinejad's re-election and were crushed.  Many were arrested.  Some were executed.  The difference between Iran and the rest of the Muslim world is the regime has a huge Revolutionary Guard that is intensely loyal to the Mullahs and will squash any protests.  Don't expect an uprising to succeed there any time soon.  But one can hope!

MOFW999 reads

Then that makes you a real chatty noisemaker so STFU!

Respond to the "subject" but not the content!  STFU yourself, and keep hiding behind that alias, tough guy!

I wasn't truly looking for an expert, just someone with an educated opinion. He gave one!

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