Politics and Religion

Rich Republicans, you better start spendin' it!
Call me crazy 5235 reads

All you right-wingers who think you are rich better start spending your gobs of $$$$$$$$!

Because if you are rich you're gonna have to start helping to improve the country in addition to your investments. The jig is up.

Shit, can you fucking believe that you may have to actually start giving back!?!?!? How messed up is that???

This is, at last, the confrontation of science vs. magic, youth (or at least youthful thought) vs. the desperation of of those who cling to the past, afraid to face the future.  Cuba's no paradise, but they have a better health care system thatn we do.  How is that possible?  Guess what?  We can learn from our enemies.

On top of it all, we're sick and tired of the corrupt, immoral closed-minded morons currently occupying the Oval Office.  Can't wait to open up the windows and let the air in, except because of the GOP's anti-environment stance, we can't breathe that without a filter.
Great going, Geez, et al.

You probably saw Fat Mike's fab movie, so you feel pretty well informed with regard to Cuba's health care system. Because if you really knew anything about either health care system, you wouldn't begin to compare the two. It's like comparing a 57 Chevy held together by wire and spit, with a 2008 Cadillac Escalade. If you want to see what socialized medicine really looks like, watch Barbarians at the Gate. It is fiction (like Mike's movie, but honest about it) set in the Canadian health care system. How come you never see Americans going to CN for medical care? Some go for prescriptions, but those are the same drugs only cheaper because the gov't pays. Now, where does the gov't get the money? From the citizens, which is why their tax rate is twice ours. More money for a shittier service.  

I have no idea what movie you are thinking of, but Barbarians at the Gate is about F. Ross Johnson and his attempt to manage a levered buyout of RJR-Nabisco. It has nothing to do with health care in Canada.

It is a funny movie, however. Highly recommended.

was the title. Set in Montreal. Saw it many moons ago, I remember it as a good movie.

In fact, it costs less and it delivers better results. You might be surprised that socialized medicine works pretty well -- much better than what we have. You might even like it too! Have you considered that maybe what you've heard about it could be wrong?

I lived in England for 8 years back in the late '60's and early '70's, about 70 miles from London. Socialized medicine is great, if you never get sick. If you do, then you go on the waiting list. Might take awhile to see a doc.  Routine physical exams were very difficult to schedule. Don't know about now, but back then, the government told the doctors what their salary would be. Most of them had a private practice on the side to make enough money to live. Don't think the doctors here will put up with that.

Chuck Darwin1598 reads

your description sounds a lot like many private insurers.

At one point I had more than 30 cousins in Ontario. Most are dead now...........

Seriously, many cousins, most are proud Canadians but all said the health care system was fine until you really needed it. Then you waited for everything, and people who might have recovered didn't. Most had a horror story about a friend, neighbor or co-worker. One rich cousin actually flew to Boston for treatment for breast cancer.  

US doctors are squawking NOW about HMO's cutting their money way down. Many bright people no longer go into medicine, but go into fields where they can make money.

Posted by rockmeat, "Cuba's no paradise, but they have a better health care system thatn we do.  How is that possible?  Guess what?  We can learn from our enemies".

  Do you ever look at the other side of anything before you speak..I would have thought you were jacko, but he's crazy, not stupid..If we drop our Drs. pay down to dollars a day to equal the Cuban Drs.pay, how much are you entitled to ???

Special to The Miami Heral
In Venezuela, the doctors' association sued the President Hugo Chávez's government for using doctors unlicensed to practice in that country. The program continued despite a court ruling backing the association. And in Honduras, the Professional Association of Honduran Doctors has complained over the presence of Cuban healthcare workers there at a time when 1,500 recent Honduran medical graduates are out of work.

Cuba touts its medical missions as a show of solidarity with the world's needy that it can well afford, with one of the highest doctor-patient ratios in the world -- one doctor for every 165 residents, according to the World Health Organization.

But there are more palpable benefits for the island. Cuban medical personnel sent abroad earn hard currency for their perennially cash-strapped government, and the estimated 20,000-22,000 deployed in Venezuela are being paid in part with cheap oil.

In Guatemala, the Cuban medical deployment also has its ups and downs.

For its part, the Guatemalan government has gained 285 physicians and 128 other medical personnel at very low costs, with government public health officials saying the Cubans earn about $400 per month -- less than half a typical Guatemalan public sector doctor's salary. Last October, Cuba sent 600 extra medical personnel to Guatemala after Hurricane Stan, but they have since returned home.Yet that $400 is also about 16 times the average salary of a doctor in Cuba, so the Cubans here have been using their comparatively huge salaries to buy refrigerators, stereos and other items that they couldn't afford in Cuba. They take the goods home when they finish their work here.


AAAAAAHHH!!!!   Cuba is a horrible place.  It's a crime for more than 3 people to be standing together and talking.  

You are not allowed to quit a job or look for a job. The state tells you where you are going to work, what you will be paid, what your hours will be and that is that.

MEDICAL CARE IN CUBA SUCKS!!!!!! Unless you are in elite 2%.  The remaining 98% have medical care that is about what the USA had in the 1920's and 30's. No heart surgery, no treatment for around 90% of the known cancers.  NO CHOICE IN WHO YOU SEE!!!!!!!aaaaah!!!  They'd probably send you to see Dr. Vinnie Boom Batts!!!

Most Cubans use the same toothbrush for over a year!!!!!!  Most Cubans  do not get soap, toothpaste, basic hygiene stuff on a regular basis because it is not available!!!!!!

Castro turned Cuba into a giant prison!!!!!!

Their diets suck!!!!!Beans and beans and more beans!!! I don't want to live on beans.

Castro executed over 15,000 human beings.  Castro holds a grudge forever.  There are political prisoners who have been in prison who have been in prison 30 years.  The main way politicals get out of prison is by dieing.

All you leftys must read:  Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose"

All of you must go to the nearest library and check it out and read it.

Socialism sucks!!

communism sucks!!

Socialism will be on the ash heap right along w/fascism and communism.

Socialists are lunatics.

St. Croix2389 reads

liberal. It has the same effect as a a cross in front of the devil. But then again, it's over 1200 pages, small font, and no pictures. Doubt they would understand it, let alone read it.

Ayn Rand rocks but daym, ol' John Galt went on for ever when he decided to speak...a good read none the less.

Chuck Darwin2020 reads

anybody and watch them die of boredom.

Libertarianism is a pretty good scam is you think things come from nowhere and never need maintenance.  You know, if you're 14.

I saw a pretty good example a while ago in a magazine, advertising for a new Libertarian state in Florida.  They were offering to give you a visa to this new state for $25,000, and promising there would be no taxes.

I'm sure the county sheriff was cool with that. Or not.

Geez, you're in a fool's world, believing there is some sort of magic in wealth.  When 50% of the wealth belongs to 1% of the people, where CEO make 400x what their line employees make, it's insanity. Anyone who actually believes that the mere acquisition of wealth is the measure a person's worth is incredibly deluded.

Sorta like Bush.

I'll tell you my solution right now.  

1) We must cut the fed corp tax from 35% down to 20%.

2) We must eliminate the capital gains tax and eliminate all tax on interest.

and 3)  We must simplify the tax code.  Make the taxes 50% less progressive (50% closer to a flat tax).

If we did those things, are economy would take off!!!!!

jobs jobs jobs----prosperity prosperity prosperity!!!!! less welfare, less crime!!!!

We're all for less taxes. If my hobbying budget was that of my taxes, I would have a harem of beauties. Some of us have to be Republican; we can't ALL be on welfare. Now that the lazy class has had a sample of welfare, you'll never eliminate it.

Smart people who work hard should make more than some loafer who did zero in school, has a shitty job, and is mad at the world because of it. Anyone who is unhappy because someone else has more, even way more, than he has, should get off his ass, learn something productive, get a job and work hard. The people I know who have money followed that well known prescription to improve their lot in life. They earned it. Sure, there are people born to it, but so what. Most of todays "haves" got it themselves. If you don't like it, too bad.

Bushit-eater1885 reads

Damn straight they got it themselves!  Got it themselves from their pappies, or their parties, or got it by good old fashioned securities fraud!!

When 50% of the wealth belongs to 1% of the people, where CEO make 400x what their line employees make, it's insanity"

  Seems like a fair share to me when 90%+ of the population can't do their job on their own without a LEADER... If it wasn't for the leaders in this country  the followers would be eating beans, beans, and more beans just like the Cubans.

Devils-advocate2619 reads

exactly the problem you want us to have more of - that is, way too much leadership, and incompetent leadership to boot.

Bush likes Mexicans so much he's decided to copy their fucking country.  Solves the immigration problem right there, eh!!

harryj1670 reads

Do you mean the likes of: George Soreass, The Clintons, Fairy Kerry, Kennedys, PissOffski, whore/Gore, etc., etc.?

BuckFush!1688 reads

Harry spends his whole monthly Socialistic Insecurtiy checks on booze at Willie's Bar.  That's why he can even see or think straight!!

GaGambler1551 reads

I already pay more in taxes than you probably make, but you fucking lefties are never satisfied. I don't owe losers like you a thing.

Chuck Darwin2348 reads

manage to outweigh anybody else's craziness.

It'd be easy enough to call his POV payback.

-- Modified on 6/9/2008 9:13:14 AM

GaGambler2962 reads

outweighing anybody esle's craziness?

the guy probably thinks that anyone making over a hundred grand is rich. I can guarantee you that anyone with an attitude like his has never run a business.

So what does an asshole like him add to the equation? Not a God Damned thing, he's another blood sucking parasite blaming every one else for his own inadequacies.

Chuck Darwin1910 reads

about it.

What equation are you talking about?  US politics?  

There's always going to be some resentment about anything, and the question is whether it needs to be dealt with.  You know, it's very fashionable these days to rant about taxes being socialistic, then the same clown will usually rant that we're not burning ammo fast enough.  Libertarians are the PsITA who will go down and whine about the county recorder charging them for the very documents that enabled them to make a make their small fortunes - exactly the sort of customer that  the people in line behind wish they had a baseball bat for.

But it's usually cheaper to sell something to people than ram it down their throat, and in either case, there's no sense in getting excited about it.

What's important to understand is that exactly who has what inadequacy is entirely a matter of opinion.   I doubt anybody who has a good word for GW Bush has a whole lot of room to be whining about ANYBODY ELSE'S inadequacy.

GaGambler2185 reads

Fashionable to dislike paying more than your fair share of taxes? There is nothing fashionable about it, I've been paying waay more than my share for decades.

So are you actually trying to defend this idiot asshole alias poster? I work my ass to make a success of myself, I am probably the only one on this board doing anything meaningful about the high price of oil, and this asshole who probably doesn't even pay taxes doesn't think I pay enough. Fuck him, and you too if you agree with him.

How's that for foaming at the mouth?

GaGambler2001 reads

Even you can't come up with anything to defend this ball-less asshole.

By your response, I take it you have nothing with which to defend this asshole.

GaGambler1701 reads

Just say it out loud.

"GaGambler, you were right"

I promise you, it will only hurt for a moment. lol

-- Modified on 6/10/2008 5:28:38 AM

people that won't work, won't get an education, won't become self-supporting members of society...so don't preach to me buddy...how much do you give? We capitalists have improved the country to the point that too many people do not have to work to survive.  Dems buy the votes by promising more handouts...Republicans want more business, more jobs more productive people.

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