Politics and Religion

I gather, from the pattern and content of his posting, he is seeking negative attention! ;)
bigguy30 1159 reads
1 / 16

Obama: "If you have to win a campaign by dividing people... You won't be able to unite them later."

-- Modified on 10/19/2017 11:00:19 PM

bigguy30 18 reads
2 / 16

So as you continue to swing and miss with another made up response.
I will continue to laugh at your dumbass! Lol

wapiti 31 reads
3 / 16

Being called racist by Obama is like being called ugly by a frog!  Ain't no racist like a black racist!

THE most divisive man to ever hold the office, as reported by the Washington Post so it's got to be true.

Hasn't he left yet?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 22 reads
4 / 16

2016/July 16

  Cliff Notes for slow readers..
    "The sense that America is more divided than it used to be is backed by hard data. There’s been a sharp spike in the contempt that partisans express for their opponents, according to Pew Research Center polling. More than 4 in 10 Democrats and Republicans say the other party’s policies are so misguided that they pose a threat to the nation."

"A separate Pew poll this year showed that 88 percent of blacks think more needs to be done to give blacks equal rights, while 53 percent of whites agreed."

"More than three-quarters of the public thought Obama would unite the country rather than divide it, according to a CNN poll. Six years later, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found a 55 percent majority saying Obama had done more to divide the country than bring it together"

“It’s one of the few regrets of my presidency — that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better,” Obama said in January in his final State of the Union address.
"As someone in the middle of a hotly fought political campaign, I cannot stand here and claim that my words and actions haven’t sometimes fueled the partisanship that often stands in the way of progress. So I recognize I have to do better, too.”

Dunce Queen HRC  "spoke in Springfield, Ill.,She said there is too much violence and hate in America and too little trust and common ground. And she turned confessional: As someone in the middle of a hotly fought political campaign, I cannot stand here and claim that my words and actions haven’t sometimes fueled the partisanship that often stands in the way of progress. So I recognize I have to do better, too.”

   In President Obama's defense, without his race baiting  demeanor MAGA President Trump and the GOP would not have  decisively won our countryside  from sea to shining sea.  

On the bright side for the lost hopefuls, city slickers stood together for Dunce Queen HRC like hungry rats in heat.  :-D  


wapiti 29 reads
5 / 16

see, it worked!

-- Modified on 10/20/2017 2:09:30 PM

mrhuck 15 Reviews 22 reads
6 / 16

...Between Beeper,Wapiti,& Quad says a great deal about how common prejudice draws persons of weaker character together as typical Trump supporters.

JakeFromStateFarm 18 reads
7 / 16

ZERO.  What a loser.  Just like your fake President.

User1994 23 Reviews 23 reads
8 / 16

Everyone has heard it so much the word has lost all meaning. Too bad that's literally all you have...

2465305 70 Reviews 13 reads
9 / 16

And you will continue to......

1. Say "Swing and Miss"
2. Put "LOL" at the end of most posts
3. Refer to everyone as "dumbass"
4. Call everyone a "racist".

Repetition Repetition Repetition  
Posted By: bigguy30
Re: Wow you are pathetic and desperate.
So as you continue to swing and miss with another made up response.  
 I will continue to laugh at your dumbass! Lol

mrhuck 15 Reviews 24 reads
10 / 16

...And that is exactly the problem, just calling you racists never did work, bigoted people like you have many reasons their character flaws like child abuse or drug addiction, in your case possibly the ones you started Using back in 1994, & NO as long as people like you spout these prejudiced rants good people will know the meaning of RACIST.

bigguy30 19 reads
11 / 16

Most people in this country understand Trump and his supporters.

User1994 23 Reviews 12 reads
12 / 16

We are not totally dependent on one accusation. We have your policies to bash. They failed miserably right before the American people's eyes for 8 years. Your policies cannot be argued to be better, therefore you are left repeating this 'racism' lie over and over and over again. It's pathetic.

And no, I am not going to stop calling you Libtards.

wapiti 11 reads
13 / 16
bigguy30 16 reads
14 / 16

It does not take much to expose race baiting Trump supporters.

-- Modified on 10/23/2017 6:08:36 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 12 reads
15 / 16

Those feeling unloved and underappreciated feel negative attention better than no attention at all! ;)

2465305 70 Reviews 21 reads
16 / 16

Obama? .............YES, Thank God.

Bigguy30?......unfortunately NO....he's still hanging around spouting off his normal nonsense.
Posted By: wapiti
Re: Obama is the racist
Being called racist by Obama is like being called ugly by a frog!  Ain't no racist like a black racist!  
 THE most divisive man to ever hold the office, as reported by the Washington Post so it's got to be true.  
 Hasn't he left yet?

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