Politics and Religion

As an Arizona native, I remember the Keating 5 which McCain was a part of
AZ Misty See my TER Reviews 4369 reads

As an Arizona native and well into my 40's I have had to deal with McCain his entire career here.  Does no one remember the Keating 5??? He did what he was asked to do by Keating - talk and sway the banking regulators to Keating's way - which caused the huge Savings and Loan failure.  

Yes he went before the ethics committee and had his hand slapped but bottom line is .... he did what he was asked to do and caused financial problems for Arizona then.

So what is keeping him from continuing with this entire nation economic melt down?  This man has a history of doing this to us.....does no one remember????

I do and I have lived in Arizona all of my life and had to deal with McCain's crap his entire career.  Remember the Keating 5 and remember McCain has a history of causing economic problems.

harryj1327 reads

the interests of themselves while they screw the ignorant sheep they duped into supporting them.

jw_blue1509 reads

McCain was exonerated from this case. The people who were charged were all Democrats, and Congress wanted to make it look like it was bi-partisan, so why not add the only Republican who knew Keating. LOL.

Nice try....

Public records show that McCain and Keating had become personal friends following their initial contacts in 1981- McCain met with four other Senators when his "friend" and  constituent requested a meeting. Additionally, if you check sources, you will find that in addition to McCain, Keating also had financial & personal ties of support to several Senators and both political parties.  

On April 9, 1987, a two-hour meeting with three members of the FHLBB San Francisco branch was held,in DeConcini's office, to discuss the government's investigation of Lincoln Savings. Present were Cranston, DeConcini, Glenn, McCain and Riegle. McCain's statement during that meeting, McCain said, "One of our jobs as elected officials is to help constituents in a proper fashion. ACC [American Continental Corporation] is a big employer and important to the local economy. I wouldn't want any special favors for them.... I don't want any part of our conversation to be improper."

Additionally, The Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings-  Cranston (*Democrat from California*)  DeConcini
(* Democrat from Arizona*)  and Riegle(*Democrat from Michigan*)

McCain's personal relationship and his business venture in association with Keating had nothing to do with "Arizona's Financial problems" - to quote your post:....."McCain has a history of causing economic problems....."   -how are you alleging that his private investments into a shopping center caused economic problems for Arizona? -or- are you suggesting that meeting with a personal friend to listen to him "state his case"  against charges being made against him hurt the economics in Arizona?- or maybe a private meeting with other Senators was the culprit of Arizona's Financial problems???- I'm confused exactly what are you alleging McCain did during his time in Public Service to impact Arizona's economy?

I'd love to have more verified 'incidents' of how McCain's behavior or any action he has taken while in office has caused economic problems.

My statements about his behavior as well as his record of public service can be checked by going to Wikipedia (*I believe that is still a trusted site*)

sorry... I am open to listening and considering opinions about the candidates but smearing a man's time in public service just isn't cool in my book-

Try posting just the facts, maybe then everyone can make an educated choice in what they want to believe. While this is an open discussion board posting statements which are just untrue does nothing more than reflect negatively on the author.

I personally, would be concerned about B. Hussein Obama's relationship with Louis Farrakhan and Farrakhan's wife, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan....as well as Obama's close personal relationship to Reverend Jeremiah Wright- an individual who has openly expressed both anger and hatred towards the American government. The Obama campaign has commented that Reverend Wright has been Mr. Obama’s spiritual mentor- yet when details of Wright's hatred for America were made clear Obama quickly tossed "over 20 years" of friendship and mentor-ship aside- denying he had ever heard any of Rev Wrights options.... in over 20 years B.Hussein Obama never once understood any of the reverends beliefs- OMG, how can anyone think a  man who spent over 20 years in such a dynamic individuals presence but never understood his beliefs even consider to believe this same individual could possibly discern the problems facing a country in 4 years?

Additionally, public knowledge that Senator Obama has had a deliberate, long-term association with William Ayres, an admitted and unrepentant bomb-maker for the Weather Underground, a violent anti-government group active in the 1970’s is also of more concern to me as an American than who Senator McCain's wife invested finances with in a shopping mall.

Bottom line- McCain and his family have easily passed the security clearance required by our Government to be exposed to confidential American secrets and matters of National security- and the fact is indisputable that B Hussein Obama has never been given a security clearance and probably would not pass one if he had to be subjected to one.

If you are truly concerned about a threat to this Country then I'd look further than a friendship and association with a businessman who has had ties to many Senators and financial leaders. I'd focus more of my attention on the American values and who amongst us surrounds our self with highly recognized individuals who are outspoken in their hatred of this country.

In the meantime, serious and legitimate questions remain: What was the precise nature and extent of Senator Obama’s relationship with William Ayres? Would Senator Obama be willing to provide all records relevant to this relationship for public review? If a detailed explanation would allay public concerns, why not give it? When did Senator Obama first learn of Ayer’s violent, anti-American activities? Was he aware of them at the time his relationship with Ayres began? How long after acquiring such knowledge did Senator Obama disavow those activities and repudiate his association with Ayers? How was it possible that Senator Obama could have been an active member in the church of Jeremiah Wright — his pastor, friend and mentor for twenty years — and be unaware of Wright’s extremist views, which were spoken from the pulpit, video-recorded and sold by his church? Once he became aware of these views, why did he delay repudiating both the views and the man who espoused them?

These are questions that only Senator Obama can answer…and he should do so. The voters should expect no less prior to deciding who will occupy this Nation’s highest office.

While asking those questions.... (if answers happen to be plentiful that day)...I'd also love to know what & why B Hussein Obama traveled into Pakistan when Americans were being discouraged to do so- also why did he use an Indonesian passport to gain entrance. Furthermore what exactly was this next "Presidential Hopeful" doing during that visit and who was he being mentored by then?-I guess those questions aren't as important during this age of terrorism and Terrorist threats to America as are the questions about how much money a Senator invested in building a community-  Maybe my sense of value is a little off from others but I still think the greatest threat to America comes from fanatical extremists who wish to destroy our Country. IF you feel 5 Senators meeting in a controlled conference room in DC is more of a threat then I will have to agree on just one point.... we think differently!

Echochamber2984 reads

I find it curious that you refer to him as B Hussein Obama.  Yet you don't refer to McCain as J. Sidney McCain. Yeah we all know why.

"highly recognized individuals who are outspoken in their hatred of this country"  >>> you mean like Todd & Sarah palling with seccessionist AIP?  You are aware that the founder openly declared his hatred for America?

"sorry... I am open to listening and considering opinions about the candidates but smearing a man's time in public service just isn't cool in my book-"   >>>> Any credibility you may have garnered for a nanosecond instantly vanished with your rant.

I don't give a shit about Keating/Ayers/Wright/Hagee/Muthee/Parsley/Falwell

I am gauging the candidates as a whole.  

-- Modified on 10/27/2008 12:38:28 PM

As a native and a voter since I was 18, I have lived here in Arizona and dealt with the crap he causes here.

So unless you have lived here in Arizona for McCain's 25 year career then you don't know what it is truly like having me screw others while he and his wife wealth continue to grow.

So I have lived with him and his politics directly for 25 years and have never voted for him.  Until you can say the same you have no idea.

I don't understand how he has forced you into screwing anyone?-  did I miss something while I was out of the US?

Your post said: ...." then you don't know what it is truly like having me screw others while he and his wife wealth continue to grow....."

Are you angry that you are screwing other people - or are you angry that McCain & his wife have their wealth growing - or are you angry at what you allege are 25 years of you living "directly" with McCain????   also, you do understand that he really didn't "actually"  live in Arizona for the majority of the last 25 years right?- so how are you alleging that you lived directly with him?  

Your posts doesn't seem to point to tangible resources that can be researched for truth. While you seem very passionate to blame McCain for whatever it is you hate about your life, you haven't stated specific reasons that can be researched for consideration.   Sorry no offense but surely the election for the individual to govern the US should be governed with more concerned than "feelings"  and statements that can't be verified.

And he and Cindy have a couple of places here and yes they do spend a lot of time here.
Because of my past limousine business we had to take people there all the time.  

Bottom line is simply ... by living here in Arizona where McCain has represented for 25 years we here are more familiar with his voting, actions, meetings, and so on then the rest of the nation.  

As far as tangible resources I didn't know I had to site exact things - actually I already did - The Keating 5.  

And if you really want me to site all 25 years....oh but lets just look at his record of voting with Bush 90% of time over the last 8 years but then I guess is just a "feeling".

To get a better picture of what MAC stands for lets look

T ax breaks for big Oil.

O utsourcing Jobs.

M arket Domination

Uncle Tom. (In a purely political non racial sense).

wth9872002 reads

just another Obama shill, telling lies sponsored by obama campaign, drink more cool-aid...

No lies just 25 years of having to live with McCain's "service" here in Arizona.  So had to experience first hand from the voting and such he has done that have affected us here in Arizona - especially the savings and loan failure due to the Keating 5 and he was one of the 5.

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