Politics and Religion

I don't think people know what they want.
JohnyComeAlready 471 reads

One thing is for certain no convicted murderers will be sentenced to death in Baltimore. Due to Maryland's moratorium on capital punishment, thanks to the previous Democrat in Annapolis.

However people are still chanting "We want justice!" ?
Posted By: ex
 Baltimore cops on soaring crime rate: The public wanted a softer police force and now they’ve got it  
 There were 23 homicides and 39 nonfatal shootings in Baltimore in May 2014. Through 29 days of May 2015, there were 42 homicides and 104 nonfatal shootings.  
 Here is a new term and a  
 recent trend, its called  
 the "Ferguson Effect":  
 "Seven cities were worthy of note. To no one’s surprise, all seven of those cities are run by Democrats. With the exception of New York City, Democrats have enjoyed one-party rule in these cities for decades."  
 "The Wall Street Journal calls this spike in crime “The Ferguson Effect.” After two years of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and the mainstream media waging a relentlessly dishonest hate campaign against law enforcement (starting with the Trayvon Martin lies and leading straight through to the serial lies surrounding Michael Brown), fearing media and political persecution, some law enforcement officers are understandably less proactive and aggressive, while criminals have been emboldened."  
 So did the "Social Justice  
 Crusaders" win or lose...  
 Did the Mayors turn the  
 streets over to the thugs...  



Baltimore cops on soaring crime rate: The public wanted a softer police force and now they’ve got it

There were 23 homicides and 39 nonfatal shootings in Baltimore in May 2014. Through 29 days of May 2015, there were 42 homicides and 104 nonfatal shootings.


Here is a new term and a  
recent trend, its called  
the "Ferguson Effect":


"Seven cities were worthy of note. To no one’s surprise, all seven of those cities are run by Democrats. With the exception of New York City, Democrats have enjoyed one-party rule in these cities for decades."

"The Wall Street Journal calls this spike in crime “The Ferguson Effect.” After two years of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and the mainstream media waging a relentlessly dishonest hate campaign against law enforcement (starting with the Trayvon Martin lies and leading straight through to the serial lies surrounding Michael Brown), fearing media and political persecution, some law enforcement officers are understandably less proactive and aggressive, while criminals have been emboldened."
So did the "Social Justice
Crusaders" win or lose...

Did the Mayors turn the
streets over to the thugs..

One thing is for certain no convicted murderers will be sentenced to death in Baltimore. Due to Maryland's moratorium on capital punishment, thanks to the previous Democrat in Annapolis.

However people are still chanting "We want justice!" ?

Posted By: ex
 Baltimore cops on soaring crime rate: The public wanted a softer police force and now they’ve got it  
 There were 23 homicides and 39 nonfatal shootings in Baltimore in May 2014. Through 29 days of May 2015, there were 42 homicides and 104 nonfatal shootings.  
 Here is a new term and a  
 recent trend, its called  
 the "Ferguson Effect":  
 "Seven cities were worthy of note. To no one’s surprise, all seven of those cities are run by Democrats. With the exception of New York City, Democrats have enjoyed one-party rule in these cities for decades."  
 "The Wall Street Journal calls this spike in crime “The Ferguson Effect.” After two years of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and the mainstream media waging a relentlessly dishonest hate campaign against law enforcement (starting with the Trayvon Martin lies and leading straight through to the serial lies surrounding Michael Brown), fearing media and political persecution, some law enforcement officers are understandably less proactive and aggressive, while criminals have been emboldened."  
 So did the "Social Justice  
 Crusaders" win or lose...  
 Did the Mayors turn the  
 streets over to the thugs...  

as well as a sophomoric one.

  Maybe a few Captains and Chiefs should be hit with professional malfeasance, public endangerment and gross dereliction of duty charges.

Into every aspect of the local government.

Those "officers" appear to be narcos, who were following the orders of the prosecutor's office.

Cops are not being aggressive and are only doing the bare minimum so as not to get killed or lose their job.

Really...can you blame them at this point?

The Left should be thrilled! Why would they want those racist, black murdering boys in blue anywhere near the inner city?

Clearly, African Americans are MUCH safer now. LOL

bigguy30388 reads

The first thing that needs to be done is give all cops mental evaluations.

Then the second thing is cops should live in the neighborhoods they patrol.

Also stop giving these bad cops a free pass.

If the good cops stand up to the bad ones.

We might start getting some where too!


Posted By: JackDunphy
Cops are not being aggressive and are only doing the bare minimum so as not to get killed or lose their job.  
 Really...can you blame them at this point?  
 The Left should be thrilled! Why would they want those racist, black murdering boys in blue anywhere near the inner city?  
 Clearly, African Americans are MUCH safer now. LOL

Posted By: bigguy30
The first thing that needs to be done is give all cops mental evaluations.
bigguy30, I don't think a sane person would want to be a police officer in Baltimore City.

Really??? If I am a cop in a shitty part of Detroit that's dangerous enough. You think my family needs to fucking live there???? Retarded, completely utterly retarded.  

Posted By: bigguy30
The first thing that needs to be done is give all cops mental evaluations.  
 Then the second thing is cops should live in the neighborhoods they patrol.  
 Also stop giving these bad cops a free pass.  
 If the good cops stand up to the bad ones.  
 We might start getting some where too!  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Cops are not being aggressive and are only doing the bare minimum so as not to get killed or lose their job.  
  Really...can you blame them at this point?  
  The Left should be thrilled! Why would they want those racist, black murdering boys in blue anywhere near the inner city?  
  Clearly, African Americans are MUCH safer now. LOL

Good. A cop breaking the law is a criminal, too. Hopefully, they drop the "poor me" lamentation and passive-aggressive refusal to do their job.... and actually LEARN how to do their jobs without acting criminally themselves. No cop should be above the law.

I have always believed that there are many, many more "good cops" than "bad cops". Now, I'm rethinking that. Basically, if the "good cops" remain silent, cover-up and fail to take actions when they see "bad cops" doing wrong... how can we call them "good cops"? Without self-policing and equal treatment of police under the law, the Blue Brotherhood is nothing more than a street gang - and a better-armed, better-funded, and more dangerous gang has never before been seen.

Police officers need to be BOTH safe and accountable. They have to own that they are responsible for both the problem AND the solution.  

Yes, our own police won't even keep track of who they kill. It took the Brits to do that for us, and show conclusively the lies that police and even the FBI have been telling us for years...

Looks like Sharpton just may have a convert in you yet! :D

I'm heading to the Sharpton rally any day now!

I think I just threw up after saying that.

Posted By: MasterZen
....the Blue Brotherhood is nothing more than a street gang - and a better-armed, better-funded, and more dangerous gang has never before been seen.
Who would you suggest
police the streets for us?
The Crips or Latin Kings?

Apparently the citizens in
those cities can't police  
themselves. they are more
violent than the police...!!!
Can't you see that???

Posted By: MasterZen
They have to own that they are responsible for both the problem AND the solution.  
The police respond to calls
made to dispatch about a  
crime or a possible one, and do  
their job. Do you have the absurd
fantasy that the gangs and  
street criminals just willfully
give up and say  "Yes officer
I did it"....Huh?  some run, others
fight...What is a cop to do when
the criminal does not comply with
the police investigation?...Let
him go?


How about blaming the
criminals for a change

We need the police
to enforce the law
let them show up
be an example for us all

When those who serve
discredit us all
there is no safety
just colour of law

A person is free
until convicted in court
let the jury decree
and the cops not suborn

The rule of law applies to all
not the select few
when help you call
that is what they should do

Escalate violence
increase unrest
cops at their worst
not at their best

They have power
over you and me
checks and balance

Criminals are not going to magically
become lawful people just because
the police are more accountable, or softer.
Baltimore is proof of that...
Lets blame the initial perpetrators
and predators before we lay the
blame on those who show up
to help...

Posted By: MasterZen

 When those who serve  
 discredit us all  
 there is no safety  
 just colour of law  
The cities are less safe
without a police force.
It is the criminals and
rioters that make it
less safe for us all.
Posted By: MasterZen

 A person is free  
 until convicted in court  
 let the jury decree  
 and the cops not suborn
A person is innocent until
proven guilty, but the cops
need to get the evidence
and arrest the accused...
Posted By: MasterZen

 Escalate violence  
 increase unrest  
 cops at their worst  
 not at their best
Freddy Gray was running,
Michael brown was fighting.
It's their faults, not the cops...

The Baltimore riots, and civil
unrest are not the fault of the
police, but the individuals who
are doing, and instigating the  

I guess Zen missed the article where a 16 yo girl was raped and murdered in her own basement during a home invasion.

If only the cops were friendlier that wouldn't have happened.

should not be held accountable when they break the law. That their whining and refusal to do their jobs when faced with being held accountable is justified.  

Note that I am not commenting on the two particular cases you seem fixated upon; I am speaking to what I see as a much broader and pervasive issue in US law enforcement, one that rarely escalates to the level of a Walter Scott (  http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2015/04/08/vo-full-video-south-carolina-shooting-unarmed-man.walter-scott-family ) but happens day in and day out, time and again, sometimes violent and sometimes simply arrogant disdain for an individuals' constitutional rights.  

You like to talk about "runners" and criminals. Fine. I suppose a running criminal deserves anything a cop chooses to dish out? You'll love this then - Francis Pusok was a criminal "runner" who "got what he deserved" when he surrendered to police:


Of course, let's not forget that once officers have you restrained and in custody you will be well taken care of. We are 10-15 baby! Oooops, I mean 10-52!!


If you or I did anything like what these officers did, our asses would be in PRISON. Every officer who committed these crimes was placed on Administrative Leave (paid vacation) while the "incidents" were "investigated". Only the officer who murdered Walter Scott was ultimately sent to prison. The others were by and large simply allowed to resign, or remain on duty. Cities are paying millions and millions to settle lawsuits brought about by the actions of these officers. Of course, the taxpayers are ultimately paying for these "peace officers" actions.

If you or I did anything like what these officers did, the police would have immediately acted to stop our assault and arrest us. No officer acted to stop their fellow officers from committing these crimes (many joined in the assault) and no officer arrested a fellow officer.  

All officers are trained in first aid and CPR. In none of these cases did the assaulting officer attempt to render any first aid or assistance to their victim. In only two cases did fellow officers attempt to render first aid or assistance.  

Absent these videos, would any of these officers have been held accountable for their actions?  

Police have brought the lens of public scrutiny upon themselves, as a result of incidents like these. They must be accountable for their actions, as is everyone else.  To claim they have no problem to deal with is ludicrous... at the very least they have one hell of a PR problem - a problem that will not go away by denying it, or acting foolishly by refusing to do their jobs. They need to step up.

I'll leave you with a really nice police search video. I'd love to hear how you justify these cops' behavior as they "handle" these "criminals":


Perhaps you might consider the possibility that Freddie and Michael are not issues at all without a pattern of behavior to give them greater weight? Consider that perhaps your reasoning is based on some kind of delusional fantasy that everyone the police come into contact with is a "suspect" or "criminal"; that police can not commit criminal acts themselves.

They are full of contradictions about innocent until proven guilty, and people being equally held accountable to the law.

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