Politics and Religion

I don't know if you realize this or not mein...
Priapus53 2531 reads
1 / 14

There have certainly been some egregious excesses on this board,from both sides of the political spectrum.  I've previously named 4 from each side of the spectrum; I have 2 new additions : WW, for his continually offensive use of the word, "pigs" to describe the cops. God-------sounds like something outta 1968------hell, even I'm offended. What simplistic black & white thinking.He should be ashamed of himself. Of course, there is some police brutality,but where would society be without the courageous work of the "thin blue line" ? Social
anarchy ?!, Uh, uh, bro, not for this "left of center lib".

Let's not forget the new candidate on the right:  :"Quadimoto". Why the conservatives turn a blind eye to the hateful,illiterate rantings of this cretin is beyond me. He even went so far as to as to say a certain poster was "destined to die". Time for you folks on the right to speak out against this sorta thing.

Political boards would be better off without the "mouthbreathers",but, they are inevitable----below you'll find a picture of the "Mouthbreathers' National chairman-----;)

-- Modified on 7/21/2010 11:52:04 AM

-- Modified on 7/21/2010 12:10:25 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1925 reads
2 / 14

Some people see making peace with the establishment as a sign of maturity. I see it as a sign of spinelessness. I'm an anti-authoritarian. I'd wager that we'd have a far more harmonous society without that thin blue line at all. To quote Proudhun, "anarchy is order."

p.s. not that I don't enjoy the pictures you post, but can't you at least resize them a bit?

-- Modified on 7/21/2010 11:36:54 AM

Priapus53 1654 reads
3 / 14

sorry to say it,but most of them matured & tried to effect change legitimately. It's too bad, WW--------sometimes you come across with some really cogent insights which I enthusiastically agree with, but, then, you spoil it with idiocies
found in your thread above. & where the fuck would we be without the "thin blue line" ?! If memory recalls , several on this board have threatened to "beat the crap" out of a certain poster-----I don't believe those idle threats ( I certainly wouldn't make them ) but I wouldn't wanna be him if there were no cops------LOL !

-- Modified on 7/21/2010 12:12:05 PM

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-- Modified on 7/21/2010 2:30:20 PM

-- Modified on 7/21/2010 2:31:54 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 841 reads
4 / 14

When I read Priapus, I see a striking resemblance to the closet queen,who bashes gays.
I might be completely mistaken,and he is  actually a childish old woman, trying to act like a man..
Before someone starts grading others illiteracy, it  would be wise to learn definitions of three letter words, or at least read Freud..
Now that I have pondered further,I could be wrong. Has Priapus ever claimed he was born as a man?

"You reap what you sew, NC--------EOM
Posted by Priapus53  , 7/18/2010 9:55:06 AM "  

Priapus53 693 reads
5 / 14

it means they're latently gay themselves. There's a Freudian term for this called "projection"-----of course, you wouldn't know about that, since you only have a 9th grade education.

As I said earlier,you probably should take up residence on the TS board------would be a better
"fit" for you----------;)

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1674 reads
6 / 14

What false accusations do you speak of ??
I merely stated  you need to learn your three letter spelling, before you grade others illiteracy.

You most certainly project yourself as a whiny old woman, and I don't ever recall you claiming you are a man..After all, the last three letters in your handle are PUS and most of us can certainly  hear you huffing and puffing, as you type..

Thanks for the info on the TS board..If I visit one or two ,I will be sure to write a review.
How about You??

Have you picked up that three letter word Thesaurus yet? Sometimes you just can't blame it on a typo..LMAO


johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1352 reads
7 / 14

... who are the other mouthbreathers?

Personally I don't think either quad or WW is a mouthbreather.

Of course, anyone who disagrees with me on anything must automatically be misinformed. (*chuckle*)

Hold on ... that means the whole world is misinformed. :-)

ipeesittingdown 33 Reviews 1116 reads
8 / 14

...as a government bureaucrat. That's really giving it back to "The Man"! Way to be an anarchist, lol...behind a computer screen!

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2301 reads
9 / 14

I come across as a nihilist? Really? Not that I don't appreciate the writings of Neitsche, but when did I ever say I agreed with him? You don't need cops when you're armed Pria. Cut out the middle man. :D

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1046 reads
12 / 14

...but if you're an employee in the private sector your labor is used directly to benefit corporate executives the company investors. That's the scum I'm referring to. The reason why the standard of living has decreased over the last 30 years is because our economy has been rearranged to serve that very scum at the expense of everyone else.

So, I'd much rather work in the public sector. Better job security, guaranteed raises, tons of benefits, the best health care in the country...I'm simply looking out for my own enlightened self-interest. :)

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1078 reads
13 / 14

one of the fringe benefits of working for the gov't. It's very lax and laid back. I'd say that I actually do 3 hours of work in a given day.

In other words...the gov't is taking your tax dollars at gun point in order to put that money in my pocket. God bless America Jimmy, and thank you for your kind donation! :D

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