Politics and Religion

I don't have facebook. (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 257 reads

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Interesting how you make shit up.  

"facebook' is a goddamn Mecca for self absorbed narcissists simply trying to one-up their friends and/or family.

  I have been skeptical from the beginning, and very metered in my use of facebook from the start. But now thanks to this government monitored tracking device otherwise known as a smartphone I'm being pinged several times a day with absolutely insipidly stupid news and photos of what some over privileged asshole had for lunch. Is our species truly this fucking self absorbed to think I (or anyone) care about some overpriced vegan lunch he and his new wife had? Or some ditz from my high school days grousing about not being told to stop taking one of her 40 medications for her self inflicted Type 2 Diabetes 5 days prior to a scheduled medical procedure? FUCK!!!!

I've taken only ONE "selfie" with my phone, and that was to see how the fucking thing worked. I don't see how these chronic attention whores get a fucking thing accomplished during the day between the "selfies" taken and 'posted' with everyone including the guy who vacuums the interior of their car at the goddamn car wash.  

  Darwin got it right; because there is no way a supreme being would have created Homo sapiens, leaving such a flaw of narcissist stupidity in our emotional make up.

  I needed that rant; thank you!    

-- Modified on 6/23/2014 9:16:31 PM

agree with your post.  I closed my main facebook account as a result and only keep 1 biz facebook account solely for networking purposes. I haven't posted shit since a few years ago. Who needs that bombardment of nonsense?

Especially annoying are when some prick from highschool posts about how Jesus saved him from not fixing his car because the check-engine light turned off for exactly 1 day, during which time he went to get the state inspection done. He then sold that car and check engine light turned off again during that time. He thanked Jesus for turning off the check engine right when he needed it, even though he knew the intrinsic problem still persists.  Certainly a stupid post to post on a personal status update because I'm pretty damn sure even if I believed in jesus, jesus has nothing to do with that random act of nonsense. What he did was deceptive and didn't disclose a major problem before selling his car.  

Another annoying facebook post is when some bird brain posts his topless body as if guy friends are supposed to be turned on by that?  

I don't even have facebook installed on my phone, I erased it.

You really took offense to, the guy being "deceptive" in unloading an unwanted car. You let the stupidest fucking shit get under your skin.

There is no way you can be as intelligent as you think you are.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
agree with your post.  I closed my main facebook account as a result and only keep 1 biz facebook account solely for networking purposes. I haven't posted shit since a few years ago. Who needs that bombardment of nonsense?  
 Especially annoying are when some prick from highschool posts about how Jesus saved him from not fixing his car because the check-engine light turned off for exactly 1 day, during which time he went to get the state inspection done. He then sold that car and check engine light turned off again during that time. He thanked Jesus for turning off the check engine right when he needed it, even though he knew the intrinsic problem still persists.  Certainly a stupid post to post on a personal status update because I'm pretty damn sure even if I believed in jesus, jesus has nothing to do with that random act of nonsense. What he did was deceptive and didn't disclose a major problem before selling his car.  
 Another annoying facebook post is when some bird brain posts his topless body as if guy friends are supposed to be turned on by that?    
 I don't even have facebook installed on my phone, I erased it.

Just put me on ignore and quit posting dumb shot.  Stop stalking me with your useless stupid posts.  I've asked you several times to be placed on your ignore but you keep wanting my attention.  You really want to suck my dick don't you?  I'm not a fag tho,  I don't roll that way.

To view how you assholes really think about shit.....really, I'm laughting AT YOU,not with you.
Dam, this is some funny shit material....keep it up A-HOLES, it's paying my bills......lol to the bank!

If you weren't too dumb,  you'd have realized I'm laughing at the religious guys who post the dumbest bull shit on their Facebook with the dumbest possible "God helped me with this"  lines,  even if it was illegal. Too dumb to read between the lines?  Roflmao

Shitting in pants versus ridicule.   ;)  

Tiny dick of yours not helping with your IQ. Keep debating mattradd,  over some stupid shit I don't even post to, that's your job lol

That you're fuckin ridiculous....how do you live with yourself....really.

Aligning someone's spiritual belief, to a business transaction involving an inanimate object, and trying to make an argument out of it.

That's not fair.



Don't lie, you were upset someone didn't declare there check engine light, intermittently stays on when selling or trading an unwanted vehicle. All in the attempt to hold that person to some Christian value.

... as if Christians don't lie, and not telling someone something isn't the same as lying.

Stop sending FB friend request to Christians.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Interesting how you make shit up.  

I find it odd that you'd be so concerned over a used car transaction.  

Watch out, your autonomous car/sex bot, might sneak out at nite, and pick up a few fares... Would that be fair?

Posted By: Drunken Asian
Just put me on ignore and quit posting dumb shot.  Stop stalking me with your useless stupid posts.  I've asked you several times to be placed on your ignore but you keep wanting my attention.  You really want to suck my dick don't you?  I'm not a fag tho,  I don't roll that way.

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