Politics and Religion

I clearly stated "OTHER assault weapons laws being bandied about"
ed2000 31 Reviews 273 reads

"Other" i.e. NOT N.Y Safe Law. What is it with reading comprehension around here lately?

And to quote someone from right here recently, "no legitimate observer" would classify a semi-automatic firearm as an assault weapon.

10 round limit? Why doesn't the NY police department agree and self limit? We've been through this fallacy that 10 is plenty not too long ago.

thisbud4u368 reads

There were mass shootings in S. Carolina not too long ago.  What is your freaking point ?   It is all shooting.

ll the time. Watch the News after the weekend is over and you see how many shootings and killings in the city or county.  
Most seem to be gang related. Other crime related, family fights, bar/club fights.
What I don't get it's when they want to label or group the shooting. Was it a hate crime? The victim was Black so it's possible.
Was it terrorism? The perpetrator had an Arabic last name and was a member of that crazy stupid religion and he severed her head. So it seems it could have been terrorism.
Was it an illegal alien? It turn out he/she is. See, all illegal aliens are killers. He shouldn't have been here in the first place.
Was it a racist/antisemitic killing? It happened in or near a Jewish center. The News start speculating that it could be and it could be. But the other day it was a member of that place or/and group.  

I think killings are bad bad. Find, punish the killer.
I hate it when they differentiate between random, criminal, hate crime, terrorism, white supremacist, gang, work violence, insanity or whatever killing, shooting.  
I hate how they think they know who and why it happened early in the story by who, how and where it happened.

If it happens with a gun. The pro-gun and anti-gun people start saying stuff. He had a flag on his jacket. Let's kill the flag cause I don't like the flag and even though is not related, let's make it so.

But maybe it's me and that's the way it is supposed to be. But then tell the News people and TV people not to tell people not to judge one minute and then that's what they do a minute later.

And please, please readers of this post DON'T think this is about the latest shooting. I know it's terrorism related.
But I'm talking about every day shootings/killings in the city

thisbud4u345 reads

There is no point listing cities and states.    The whole country is the world's biggest shooting gallery.    Really does not matter who is killing who, people are ending up dead.

I guess give this whole thing some more time, media will stop reporting it.    It is pointless, meaning less and the just way of life.

should enjoy at least "open carry" in their city, county and State.

Disenfranchised "loners", radicalized terrorists and general criminal thugs HATE armed opposition!

 Frustrate a felon; buy a gun TODAY!

thisbud4u273 reads

The LE tried to frustrate a man with guns but ended up with four people dead on their side!

thisbud4u353 reads

So, you can buy and carry firearms without a permit, be a responsible and law abiding gun owner until you decide it is time to practice you shooting at a public place !

This story is gaining heat as the people who died are Marines, remember Marines.   If the guy had gone to an elementary school and shot teachers and children, then it is just YAWN!    Jesus, you need armed bodyguards in schools, if only those  teachers had guns.

Posted By: thisbud4u
So, you can buy and carry firearms without a permit, be a responsible and law abiding gun owner until you decide it is time to practice you shooting at a public place !  
 This story is gaining heat as the people who died are Marines, remember Marines.   If the guy had gone to an elementary school and shot teachers and children, then it is just YAWN!    Jesus, you need armed bodyguards in schools, if only those  teachers had guns.

committed by the use of an assault weapon with a large capacity magazine (AK 47 30 mag) , at least according to the reports I have read. I don’t think he would have attacked the Marines with a six shooter, do you?

         I predict we will find he bought this weapon legally. If the NY Safe Act was national legislation, however, he could not have made the purchase legally. And, if we had SAFE Act like penalties for the seller, this would at least reduce the number of sellers and make it that much harder for this guy to find a seller to make an illegal purchase.

        Now balance this against the need of the honest but untrained citizen to have an AK47 with  30 round mag for self defense, and the likelihood that the honest untrained citizen could have prevailed in this attack.  

        On the other hand, if we find the Marines were disarmed bc of the base order, maybe we should look into this. I have no problem with our well-trained military being armed to the teeth

GaGambler365 reads

That in States armed to the teeth like Texas and Tennessee that whack job muslims, err excuse me "work place violence" happened in the gun free federal zones created by an anti gun POTUS.

Die in a mass shooting in Europe with their restrictive gun laws as here? Not sure if the data is true I ll let you check into it but it looks pretty accurate.  

Posted By: marikod
committed by the use of an assault weapon with a large capacity magazine (AK 47 30 mag) , at least according to the reports I have read. I don’t think he would have attacked the Marines with a six shooter, do you?  
          I predict we will find he bought this weapon legally. If the NY Safe Act was national legislation, however, he could not have made the purchase legally. And, if we had SAFE Act like penalties for the seller, this would at least reduce the number of sellers and make it that much harder for this guy to find a seller to make an illegal purchase.  
         Now balance this against the need of the honest but untrained citizen to have an AK47 with  30 round mag for self defense, and the likelihood that the honest untrained citizen could have prevailed in this attack.  
         On the other hand, if we find the Marines were disarmed bc of the base order, maybe we should look into this. I have no problem with our well-trained military being armed to the teeth.  

thisbud4u330 reads

So, how many European countries have you lived and experienced life to make that statement ?

thisbud4u393 reads

There are an estimated 33,000 to 35,000 people who die being shot by guns, mass shootings or domestic violence in the US every year.     Do you have similar statistics for the European countries that you say are more violent than this country when it comes to deaths by guns ?

What do you care about here for?  
          If you include suicides in your numbers sure. But think about this; Japan has no personally owned firearms and a suicide rate 135% higher than ours. More than double ours. How can they still have suicides without the evil gun? We wouldn't without guns right? That's one of your idiotic theories right?  
          The truth is you have no real idea why violent crime happens, no idea of the common characteristics involved in most violent offenders, no idea why some subcultures within the USA place no value on human lives. But the firearm is a great scapegoat. "Get rid of guns and all our problems are solved" right? You really are blind.....

Posted By: thisbud4u
There are an estimated 33,000 to 35,000 people who die being shot by guns, mass shootings or domestic violence in the US every year.     Do you have similar statistics for the European countries that you say are more violent than this country when it comes to deaths by guns ?

thisbud4u426 reads

Hey you are all hot air!    You did not answer the question about which European country has more than 33,000 people killed by guns to support your statistics that I am more likely to die in Europe than in US being shot by a gun.

Just answer the question about which European country has more than 35.000 people dying every year shot by guns.   You keep jumping from Europe to Japan.    

I will give you another statistics about people in Europe.   I was in London for a week during Wimbledon.    In seven days did not read anything in newspapers about shootings.   Even London constables do not carry guns.   The people I talked said they are worried about traveling to this country for two reasons:

1. getting killed by a cop
2. getting killed by a lunatic with a gun

Just mass shooting deaths since 2009 per capita. There s even a chart.  
     If you learn to read I did even say I didn't verify the information.  
               LEARN TO READ!

the lethality of the shooter. No law can prevent someone from opening fire in public. So, even if we could infer a causal relationship between gun laws and gun violence, that would be irrelevant to the merits of assault weapon ban legislation.

       And, of course, I know you know that there is no measurable relationship between gun violence and gun laws. There is, however,  a measurable relationship between gun type and the number of gun deaths per event. This is the rationale of the Safe Act

GaGambler344 reads

because you have certainly mastered the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Do you have any idea just how contradictory your post is? or do you even care if your two paragraphs are completely at odds with each other?

It might reduce deaths, it very well might not. There's no real way to know. But the average firearm killing or death it probably won't have a real effect. But time will tell, I don't see it ever having national support though.

Firearms and magazines though and weather it will be overturned in court. For the most part things such as this are grandfathered in. Hell you still don't even need to have seat belts in cars made before 1950 ish.

GaGambler512 reads

Have you read the Safe Act? I just did for the first time recently and it looks like it was written by a first year law student, or maybe by Hadji's dumber brother.

I agree that it is highly unlikely to be adopted nationally, it looks like it only was passed under "cover of darkness" in NY because of the hype over Sandy Hook. It is reminiscent of the Patriot Act, and should be a reminder how bad an idea it is to pass "feel good" legislation when emotions are running high.

Posted By: GaGambler
Have you read the Safe Act? I just did for the first time recently and it looks like it was written by a first year law student, or maybe by Hadji's dumber brother.  
 I agree that it is highly unlikely to be adopted nationally, it looks like it only was passed under "cover of darkness" in NY because of the hype over Sandy Hook. It is reminiscent of the Patriot Act, and should be a reminder how bad an idea it is to pass "feel good" legislation when emotions are running high.

as both my pistols are designed for so called large capacity magazines. And the other "assault" weapons laws bandied about would ban the rest. And one of them is a 65 year old Garrand M1 rifle.

violating New York’s law against being a knucklehead in public, but you need not fear sanctions for possessing your old assault weapons. The SAFE Act indeed provides a grandfather clause for even “one feature” assault weapons.

       Only large capacity magazine pistols are per se illegal, regardless of the date of manufacture.  So you would have to ditch your illegal large cap magazines. But come on Ed – even you don’t have that many enemies, do you? Wouldn't 10 shots get most of them

GaGambler330 reads

Especially when there is not a single reason to believe that Ed would misuse the firearms that I also assume he bought legally and has never violated a single law by possessing

"Other" i.e. NOT N.Y Safe Law. What is it with reading comprehension around here lately?

And to quote someone from right here recently, "no legitimate observer" would classify a semi-automatic firearm as an assault weapon.

10 round limit? Why doesn't the NY police department agree and self limit? We've been through this fallacy that 10 is plenty not too long ago.

hich coincidentally was the topic of the subthread you joined.

I can’t speak for anywhere else. Besides, only New York bans knuckleheads; You should be safe in Illinois

have drafted all sorts of look alike legislation. No legitimate observer thinks they have a chance.  

BTW, it's OK for you to direct a mass shooting thread to the NY Safe Act but I'm not allowed to introduce the issue of assault weapon laws at large?

-- Modified on 7/19/2015 1:22:48 AM

wrps07360 reads

Just like the other shooting cases in the US.. He was not taking his meds. He was suffering from depression. Sounds like a real looser and did not know how to cope in life. He lost his job at a nuclear power plant failed background check due to drug use. If he got laid as a normal guy his age maybe he would not have depression.

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