Politics and Religion

I can see why Zisk & the rest of this board regards you as a delusional idiot, OC
Priapus53 902 reads
1 / 28

Btw, your run-on sentences & punctuation are atrocious; must be a product of your flawed "education".---:)

Also, get your facts straight ; vast majority of public strongly disapproves of Ryan Medicare revamp. Something you & your "alias bromance" on this board desperately fail to realize.

Pictured below is you "getting the goods" from your board "mancrush"-----;)

zisk 86 Reviews 851 reads
3 / 28

You've become like Jack0 the sock puppet, who used to pretend he was a lawyer, English professor, economist, accountant, or whatever else was useful to act as an authority on some subject he knew nothing about. Given that you are anonymous here (and you are quite pathetic to ever, even for a fleeting moment, wish to give anonymity on an escort review board just to try to gain some leverage on a rather meaningless debate) you are free to make up any credentials you like, as you just did. The evidence regarding one's background would manifest itself in how knowledgeable and informative is the information in one's posts.

Until you prove you understand how a simple if-then clause works (as in: if x, then y which means y occurs IF x DOES occur) you are in no position to lecture anybody on English comprehension. Even Robertini seems to have you beat. (Notice here how I used the same sort of if-then clause construction in my title that you attempted in your own previous post. The difference being, mine makes sense. Yours is still and will always be, until you go back to fix it, screwed up.)

But before going back to a remedial English course, first learn how to follow a thread properly. Not only did you fail that immensely in your 'debate' with me, but you also failed it with Inicky, who was commenting (if you could follow the thread placement) on your lying about being done with the thread. Instead you tried to make it about a post of yours which came AFTER the post of mine he posted to. I doubt anyone was fooled.

"If you are a barely literate misunderstood dunce in your regular life you should assume the same applies to this board."
--is that why you are so 'misunderstood'?

zisk 86 Reviews 1298 reads
4 / 28

It appears that your repeated usage of the word 'if' is now being used correctly, because the 'then' clause (although you omit the word itself) does logically follow. Unlike before.

You still need to learn the difference between the word 'random' and 'obscure'. You didn't use the word 'random' here so I do not know if you have grasped the distinction.

So IF you want to pretend you beat me up yesterday, then I will allow your fantasy to continue uninhibited. Furthermore, IF you want to pretend:
a) I was made a fool
b) you were never caught in a lie, and
c) you didn't desperately try to make me return to the same thread by challenging me after I stated I was bored with the thread at that point and would give you the last word and not post anything further there, no matter how stupid your next post would be (and you certainly didn't let anyone down in that regard)

THEN I won't rain anymore on your pity-party post.

You still don't get it, and never will. But I can't teach a desk how to dance.

Priapus53 774 reads
5 / 28

It will do wonders for your pathetic syntax, grammar & punctuation. As for your numerous psychoses, you're too far gone for any self-help book to aid you. Perhaps a kindly P & R poster will e-mail you a 6 pack of thorazine-----;)

Lastly, a wardrobe suggestion that could benefit you :

-- Modified on 6/4/2011 12:51:30 PM

zisk 86 Reviews 1371 reads
6 / 28

Whatever nonsense he posted in his reply, I do not care. He's just another Jack0 the sock puppet wanna-be. Let him believe he is in everyone's head (or whatever childish notion that was) and is causing "emotional energy" to be released (I think I got that phrase of his correct). We really should know better than to tangle with someone who has the insight to claim to have written multiple papers in college.

You should feel honored, though, that he is "allowing" you to post in the thread this time. More attention for him, I suppose.

GaGamblerssmarterbrother 1075 reads
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I have no intentions of taking sides in your stupid little argument, but you lost your right to call someone else stupid for posting under two aliases a long, long time ago. Just remember you are lucky to even have retained your posting priveleges after your last little "alias posting binge"

Now why don't you both just STFU?

Your little spat is little watching five year olds fight, except most five year olds are more mature.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1024 reads
8 / 28

Maybe next week you will get to the letter "E" on your way through the alphabet and "impress" us all with another "new" word.  Or another clever picture . . . .


Priapus53 1496 reads
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GaGamblerssmarterbrother 946 reads
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and he, not to mention noone else was aware of the fact that you have done the same on several ocassions. That is being hypocritical, and I felt obligated to call you on it.

Now you two go back to your stupid and petty fight, I don't support either one of you over the other, you both sound like a couple of children, and not too bright children to boot.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 5117 reads
11 / 28

I would love to put my level of education and career in the subject of English, Language Arts, and Writing vs. all of the "intellectuals" on this board.  The degree and certifications I have earned as well as the papers I have written in college and beyond vs. the "intellectuals" on this board who don't understand what the word "If' means or continue to blame everyone else for "not understanding them" when their flawed arguments get blown out of the water.

If you are a barely literate misunderstood dunce in your regular life you should assume the same applies to this board.

-- Modified on 6/4/2011 10:36:49 AM

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 834 reads
13 / 28

Are you still smarting from yesterday?  Does the boo-boo still hurt?

IF I offended you I wish to apologize IF it has caused you any stress.  I don't wish to debate with you anymore IF it makes you feel sad.  IF getting your ass kicked from one side of a thread to another embarrasses you and IF it makes you desperately come back for more abuse I will ease up.  IF it seems like you are about to be made a fool of again you should just sit this one out.  IF I am ever about to make another comment about a female's appearance on this hooker board I will keep quiet IF it upsets you oh so much.  OK Zisk? IF we are BFFs now let me know and I will be super-nice.

Next week we study the the subordinating conjunction "although".  Its a tough one Zisk so study up.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1103 reads
14 / 28

Or you could just post pictures like Priapus to help express yourself.  You may come across as an immature idiot but you get an "A" for effort.  Another useful post Priapus.  Well done!

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1251 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 920 reads
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And proven you are an even bigger, more self-important raging douchebag than I could possibly have imagined.
And, yes, of course we all knew implicitly from your wise and learned use of language, what an "intellectual" you are.  Your many degrees and certifications?  Why it goes without saying!  
Please do keep it up.  You are amusing on an entirely new level.  And, of course, the fact that "we" have gotten deep inside your powerful brain is all the reward "we" need.
Rhetorical question:  Do you have the remotest idea how lame this post makes you look?  It is almost sad.  Almost.  Mainly, it's  fucking hilarious!
It must really suck to be you.

Inicky_Jr. 2114 reads
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And you don't understand it either!!!  And using quotes from my post don't mean you understand it!!  Nobody understands me!!!

Come on dude.  You and Zisk are the inspiration for this post.  A couple of dolts that are just too fucking stupid to realize when they are proven wrong time and again.  Apparently you have these really deep thoughts and ideas yet what comes up on the screen is an uninspired partisan hack. :)

inicky46 61 Reviews 1506 reads
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Are you shitting me?  You're using your handle and an alias on the same thread???  Your stupidity knows no bounds.  You have forever lost the right to call anyone else stupid.  And, yes, you do inspire me!  Your boundless idiocy is intoxicating.  It's kind of like watching an idiot savant like Rain Man.  And you are the P&R Board's idiot savant of self-parody.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 537 reads
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I'm obviously not trying to fool anybody when I use the alias.  I am parodying you (and others) and your hilarious "logic".  Priapus has many inspired aliases that he assumes is me but isn't. But I do have a Priapus alias as well.

Here's the difference between us.  I do not call anybody stupid.  I expose their arguments as stupid.  Your mature response is too then retort by calling people stupid.  Just read the thread below where you use the terms "stupid" and "idiot" as you spiral.  The "Another Idiot who doesn't understand me" is your quote.  You make so may posts one would think you be good at it.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1417 reads
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"Here's the difference between us.  I do not call anybody stupid.  I expose their arguments as stupid.  Your mature response is too then retort by calling people stupid.  Just read the thread below where you use the terms "stupid" and "idiot" as you spiral."
Yet, in this same thread you call me an "immature idiot," and "just as fucking stupid."  In another thread today you stated: "When I want your stupidity I will ask for it."
After that, I stopped counting.
Thus,you have indicted yourself as a liar and a hypocrite.  I mean, do you even read your own posts?  From the same day?
You have no credibiity on this board and should just shut the fuck up and go away.  This will be the last time I respond to you, so you are welcome to the last word.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1363 reads
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He is too dense to be reasoned with and, as shown below, has proven himself to be a complete liar.  Stop wasting your time with him.  I have.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1160 reads
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I do have to say I think it's funny that Michelle Obama talks about health and fitness even though her ass is fat enough to project an IMAX from her spank covered posterior.  Oops!  I hope I didn't "out" her like I "outed" Weiner's girl by posting information from The Daily News website.  If you feel the need to defend her for the next two days sir I will understand.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 767 reads
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Are you aware how much I've completely gotten to you and your little friends?  You don't know me but I've ruined your day.  I know you are going to say you don't care but read your post again.  In fact. read your last 10 posts to me. :).

This thread was just more bait.  You're all pissed off and I'm laughing.  Sometimes I just feel the need to shit on the liberal circle-jerk of this board.  When any of you are challenged you unravel.  You have yourself a nice day now.  

This time I will include it..... L-O-L

inicky46 61 Reviews 928 reads
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Yes,  of course I used the dreaded "s-word" with the poor lad.  He  was the one yelling about it, so I pointed out he'd done it numerous times himself.  Probably another occasion where you needed to read my actual post but, hey, who really gives a fuck.  Anyway, I am sooo done with him.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 566 reads
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I am delusional. I'm like the Don Rickles of this board.  Everyone thinks I am so witty and funny.  Wait a minute...

-- Modified on 6/4/2011 2:25:53 PM

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1002 reads
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joleneineugene 1579 reads
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who answers you and give them your real name. Ask for theirs. Of course, few will give you their name. You, however, won't be anonymous any longer.

Then you'll have the satisfaction of handing the "intellectuals" their heads, nuts and other parts when they disagree with you.

johngaltnh 6 Reviews 1460 reads
28 / 28

Pretend for a moment that I have some sort of fantastic qualification in a field we happen to be discussing -- such as economics.

Pretend further that you and I disagree about something in that realm.

If you see and can verify the authenticity of said qualification, are you going to say: "Oh, well, now I see that John has a superior qualification so I am going to change my position!"

LMFAO -- no way!

People with PhDs disagree with each other all the time.

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