Politics and Religion

I can actually go along with that assessment
GaGambler 98 reads

That fact that he was a self hating gay takes nothing away from the fact that it was his religion, not his gayness that prompted him to go on a murderous rampage. I wonder what he thought would be waiting for him in Paradise?  

The world is full of self hating gays, even on these boards there are some so obsessed about anything gay it seems rather obvious they have "tendencies" as the typical heterosexual who is secure in his own sexuality has better things to do than obsess over what gays do BCD. The difference is of course that Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist gays aren't taught (browbeaten) that their sexuality is not only a sin, but a crime for which the only proper punishment is death.

I will allow it's possible that some very confused Christian gay man may have killed himself and others because of being similarly brow beaten by an overbearing Christian father, but Islam takes the hate to an entirely new level.

JakeFromStateFarm501 reads

Multiple reports say Mateen was known at Pulse, having visited there several times.  He also may have used gay dating sites and chat rooms.  Not exactly the model of an Islamic terrorist.

..a self-hating gay man who spent all his life portraying the opposite. A fraud in need of a Freud.

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