Politics and Religion

I agree that's how a lot of people think.
JohnyComeAlready 607 reads
2 / 35


The young man who was killed sounds like a person who would commit future acts of domestic violence.

inicky46 61 Reviews 595 reads
3 / 35

mass demonstrations about the police are permitted?  Oh, I know, it's all part of a massive conspiracy to convince the masses it's not a police state.  God, I'm so confused.  Then again, perhaps you are confused.

randomvr301 541 reads
4 / 35

If you have statistics of other countries where police have killed unarmed men, put it out here to prove we are not a police state!

randomvr301 769 reads
5 / 35

In the US, the true number of fatal police shootings is surely much higher, however, because many law enforcement agencies do not report to the FBI database. Attempts by journalists to compile more complete data by collating local news reports have resulted in estimates as high as 1,000 police killings a year. There is no way to know how many victims, like Brown, were unarmed.

By contrast, there were no fatal police shootings in Great Britain last year.  
In Germany, there have been eight police killings over the past two years.
In Canada police shootings average about a dozen a year.

Care to dispute this?    Prove it with a report or newspaper study.

Last but not least, you don't kill someone who you "think" would commit future acts!   By that logic we should have killed all the nuts who have threatened to kill the President.

randomvr301 628 reads
6 / 35

So can we charge this police thug with murder?    The dashboard camera was turned off.   He had body camera and was not turned on.        

Sure, you got to be confused.

inicky46 61 Reviews 639 reads
7 / 35

Here is a definition of a police state.  So if you had included a reference to The Patriot Act, the Koch brothers, etc., you could have at least made a cogent argument.
But you failed.

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 9:45:40 AM

JohnyComeAlready 707 reads
8 / 35

I doubt that police like shooting people, due in fact to the paper work that is required.

Posted By: comfortzone
In the US, the true number of fatal police shootings is surely much higher, however, because many law enforcement agencies do not report to the FBI database. Attempts by journalists to compile more complete data by collating local news reports have resulted in estimates as high as 1,000 police killings a year. There is no way to know how many victims, like Brown, were unarmed.  
 By contrast, there were no fatal police shootings in Great Britain last year.  
 In Germany, there have been eight police killings over the past two years.  
 In Canada police shootings average about a dozen a year.  
 Care to dispute this?    Prove it with a report or newspaper study.  
 Last but not least, you don't kill someone who you "think" would commit future acts!   By that logic we should have killed all the nuts who have threatened to kill the President.

JohnyComeAlready 672 reads
11 / 35

police state

: a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures

... if America is a Police State?...  it always has been and will remain that way for some time!

The fact your link says "GRAND JURY" in the title is enough evidence to render your claim that America is a Police State false.

JohnyComeAlready 877 reads
12 / 35

I'm not sure about this particular jurisdiction, but most departments who operate patrol vehicles equipped with onboard visual recording devices(dash cams). Which are actually mounted behind or below the rearview mirror to the windshield, only activate when the vehicles emergency warning lights are activated, and probably only when the forward facing emergency lights are activated?

Most police officers are only allowed to activate the warning lights when they are responding, or on the seen of an emergency. Had the warning lights been activated, the officer may have broken the protocol for when the emergency lights are to be activated. I don't believe an investigation constitutes an emergency.  

The officer was most likely following his departments procedures regarding the emergency warning lights/dash-cam.

bigguy30 793 reads
13 / 35

So your bullshit of not looking at the larger picture is clear or is that part of your capitalism belief? LOL

Since DA Offices across the country needs the cops for their cases.

Then do you really think they are not going to look out for the cops?

Also if you need more proof about the DA in Ferguson then check out this link:

Plus the guy comes from a family of cops and his father was killed in the line of duty.  

We need more checks and balances in the laws for this to stop!

-- Modified on 12/26/2014 9:19:16 AM

JohnyComeAlready 638 reads
14 / 35

Don't end upon the wrong side of the law, and you won't become a cog of the criminal justice system.

bigguy30 688 reads
15 / 35

So how does this really make any sense if you want the real truth?

Just another case he said and he said something else.

If you want the truth turn the camera on!


-- Modified on 12/26/2014 9:53:13 AM

bigguy30 684 reads
16 / 35

I have been saying for months it's good and bad cops.

Just like it's go and bad citizens.

The laws should apply to everybody no matter if a person is a cop, politician etc!  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Don't end upon the wrong side of the law, and you won't become a cog of the criminal justice system.

User1994 23 Reviews 678 reads
17 / 35

Michael Brown was a violent criminal who attempted to arm himself with a cops gun.

Posted By: comfortzone
In the US, the true number of fatal police shootings is surely much higher, however, because many law enforcement agencies do not report to the FBI database. Attempts by journalists to compile more complete data by collating local news reports have resulted in estimates as high as 1,000 police killings a year. There is no way to know how many victims, like Brown, were unarmed.  
 By contrast, there were no fatal police shootings in Great Britain last year.  
 In Germany, there have been eight police killings over the past two years.  
 In Canada police shootings average about a dozen a year.  
 Care to dispute this?    Prove it with a report or newspaper study.  
 Last but not least, you don't kill someone who you "think" would commit future acts!   By that logic we should have killed all the nuts who have threatened to kill the President.

Timbow 680 reads
18 / 35

Quote :
Max Richards · Hagerstown Community College
If the body cam is turned off and someone is killed I think the cop should be charged with premeditated murder.
Reply ·
· 146 · December 24 at 10:46a

Posted By: comfortzone
So can we charge this police thug with murder?    The dashboard camera was turned off.   He had body camera and was not turned on.        
 Sure, you got to be confused.

User1994 23 Reviews 836 reads
19 / 35

MB is on video robbing a store by shoving and threatening the clerk. He then, according to all evidence, punches a cop, tries to take his gun (god knows what he was going to do with that), then runs away, turns around and charges. These are the facts. And so desperate are the Democrats to rouse their base they make this thug a martyr and create a war on cops. They would have brought back OWS but then people would notice they aren't complaining about the fed diluting the value of the dollar to prop up Wall Street.

Now they are trying to toss another race into the mix of victims, hoping we will all assume those killed were innocent victims.

What you have to understand is that cops are authorized to use deadly force on dangerous and/or violent people because that's they way society wants it. You are basically starting a war on mainstream America with this latest "movement". It cannot possibly lead to anything good for anybody. Well, except maybe Democrats who need votes. Because that's what all this is for. But those Democrats had better hope that these Dem voters don't make the connection that cops = government.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 622 reads
20 / 35

Nick is right. If you ever have a chance to immerse into a police state environment for a couple of months give it shot. You'll probably feel we're not there yet when you return to the States.

JohnyComeAlready 576 reads
21 / 35

I wont be surprised when these cameras continuously fail because they will most likely be junk.

JohnyComeAlready 627 reads
22 / 35

Young people are always accosted by the police. I know I was, because I myself and the idiots I hung out with would instigate them by doing stupid shit.  

You should be a fan of FOX, they've been filming on duty LE before it became vogue to do so.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 683 reads
23 / 35

I don't see anyone being made a martyr. I hear the word "victim" a lot, and talk about a police officer being "held unaccountable," but this is hardly a sequel to Emile Zola and Andrew Dreyfus. The immediate problem can be dealt with through various steps including rethinking the Grand Jury's role when it comes to police shootings and better training for police who by and large want to get it right and want the whole team to agree on what the right response is. As far as the underlying problem regarding how white people view young black males, that has very little to do with left/right politics.

mrtatmit 19 Reviews 613 reads
24 / 35

all these white cops going after the Eskimos for smuggling alcohol.
when I was little I remember learning about the soviet union.  
I recognize it all around me today.  

ooooooo OBAMA!

randomvr301 636 reads
25 / 35
JohnyComeAlready 680 reads
26 / 35

Posted By: WickedBrut
As far as the underlying problem regarding how white people view young black males, that has very little to do with left/right politics.
How do white people, and black people view young black males in this country?

How do black people, and white people view young white males in this country?

I doubt if the view of either race by either race is all that different. I think what many people are viewing are the actions or perceived actions of the individual. Not race, I think race only becomes a factor when the nations grows tired of discussing the topic of people doing stupid shit that ends up getting themselves killed. People don't want to dissociate themselves with the actions of idiots, so the blame the opposing race. Racism is a Dissociative Disorder.

randomvr301 497 reads
27 / 35

He was investigating a robbery at a Mobil station and confronted the dead man as a suspect!   LOL.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 653 reads
28 / 35

Some white kids are thugs. We would be better off just shooting them down in the streets? Is that what you're suggesting? Or would that change be a little to extreme for you? It isn't clear.

JohnyComeAlready 708 reads
29 / 35

You know that does happen already. I'm only judging people based on their actions.  

Posted By: WickedBrut
Some white kids are thugs. We would be better off just shooting them down in the streets? Is that what you're suggesting? Or would that change be a little to extreme for you? It isn't clear.
- These are your words

You missed the point of my post BTW, which was people do not want to associate themselves with people who do stupid things. That's where racism stems, people will point out that other ethnicities do stupid things, and shrug off what people who look like themselves do. Why? because people naturally identify with their own race.

randomvr301 633 reads
30 / 35

As "standing at a gas station while black".?

JohnyComeAlready 691 reads
31 / 35

He wasn't charged with or convicted of a crime, that incident dose not compare to my broad sweeping generalization of people who get arrested.

Oh wait, you are talking about the robbery suspect who pulled a gun on a LE officer.
Posted By: comfortzone
As "standing at a gas station while black".?

inicky46 61 Reviews 528 reads
32 / 35

And based on the testimony, his scenario isn't unlikely.

GaGambler 586 reads
33 / 35

That nut job socialists like WillyWonka claim are so great and then get back to us about how bad we have it here in the US.

I will agree with you about the Patriot Act, the Koch brothers? not so much. I will call and raise your Koch Brothers with one George Soros,

inicky46 61 Reviews 534 reads
34 / 35

So how about Marx Brothers?  Or the Smith Brothers?

-- Modified on 12/27/2014 4:23:44 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 524 reads
35 / 35

If a person acts in an admirable way, s/he stands out as an individual. When someone is obnoxious, s/he appears obnoxious in way stereotypic of their ethnicity. It has so much to do with perception and so little to do with culture.

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