Politics and Religion

anthony6 41 Reviews 3999 reads

here is a hypothetical I would like to pose to see a response.  

so everyone would agree that our healthcare system is currently a for profit business, correct?

Now then, logic would dictate you are going to create things to maximize profits. Still in agreement?

Is there a conflict of interest in doing what is right for all people, because the focus is on turning a profit?

*FYI, these are all rhetorical questions, we SHOULD all be smart enough to realize the answer to these questions is YES.

What would happen if it were not a for profit system? (i don't know, i'm asking)

or let me take it a step further.  What do you think would happen if we gave all the CEO's, board members, and all the high ranking officers a disease which has yet to be cured, say like aids.  do you think we would still only have highly expensive medicine to tolerate the disease or would we have a cure. i leave you with the transcript from a Chris Rock Joke about aids:
That's right, we got AlDS out there.
You think they're gonna cure AlDS?

No, they can't even cure athlete's foot.

They ain't curing AlDS.
Shit, they ain't never curing AlDS.

Don't even think about that shit.

They ain't curing it,
'cause there ain't no money in the cure.

The money's in the medicine.
That's how you get paid, on the comeback.

That's how a drug dealer makes his money,
on the comeback.

That's all the government is:

a bunch of motherfucking drug dealers,
on the comeback.

They ain't curing no AlDS.

That's all it is.

You think they're gonna cure AlDS?

They're still mad at all the money
they lost on polio!

Curing AlDS? Shit, that's like Cadillac
making a car that lasts for    years.

And you know they can do it...

but they ain't gonna do nothing
that fucking dumb.

Shit, they got metal on the space shuttle
that can go around the moon...

and withstand temperatures
of up to       degrees.

You mean to tell me you don't think
they can make an Eldorado...

where the fucking bumper don't fall off?

They can, but they won't.

So what they will do with AlDS is the
same thing they do with everything else.

They will figure out a way
for you to live with it.

They don't cure shit, they just patch it up.

Get you to the next stop,
so they can get more of your money.

They ain't gonna cure it.

Hopefully, in our lifetime,
you're gonna see somebody go:

''Yo, man, you weren't at work yesterday.
What's up?''

''My AlDS is acting up.

''You know, when the weather get like this,
my AlDS just pop up.

''But l took some Robitussin. l'm fine now!''

That's right, man. AlDS is scary, man.

l took my AlDS test, passed it .

You know what's scary about the AlDS test?

What's scary is
you don't get the results back for five days.

Five days, that's a long time.

And you know what happens
in those five days? You start reflecting.

You start thinking about
every nasty, skank-ass...

questionable piece of sex you ever had...

and everybody got a few.

And you're like,
''God, what the fuck was l thinking?

''    . She didn't even have teeth!

''Oh, God!

''What the fuck was on my mind?''

lt's like the movie Scrooge,
and the Ghost of Pussy Past comes.

''Remember me?
l'm ltchy, the stripper from Miami.''

You know what else happens
after you take an AlDS test?

You start calling up people
to see if they're alive.

-''Hello, can l speak to Lisa?''
-''This is Lisa.''

-''Hello, can l speak to Tammy?''
-''Tammy dead.''

''What happened?''

''She got hit by a bus.''

''Thank the Lord! Yes!

''Go Greyhound!

''Yeah, she got hit by a bus!''

''Livin' la vida loca!''

At least they're still working on AlDS.
At least they're trying to get rid of AlDS.

Some diseases, they just gave up on.

There's some diseases,
if you get them, you on your own.

They ain't gonna have no telethon for you...

R. Kelly ain't singing no song.

You just got this shit, that's right.

You get paralyzed,
they don't got shit for you.

Look at Christopher Reeve, paralyzed.

Superman can't walk.
What kind of sorry-ass shit is that?

Superman can't walk.
What's next? What the fuck!

Aquaman gonna drown in the tub?

What the fuck kind of injustice is this?

Superman can't walk.

The Hulk gonna get the gout?
What the fuck!

Superman can't walk.

Now you go tell a doctor you paralyzed,
they don't got shit for you.

''Doc, l'm paralyzed. What you got?''

''Why don't you take this chair
and roll your ass around town?''

''ls that all the fuck you got
is a goddamn chair?

''Where do l take this prescription,
to a furniture store, motherfucker?

''l gotta go to lKEA?
What the fuck is this shit?

''l said l can't walk. l didn't say l can't sit!''

That's right. And if you go blind,
they don't got shit for you.

Look at Stevie Wonder,
been blind for  years...

got all the money in the world.
Don't know if he got hundreds or ones!

lt's just a stack to Stevie.

They don't got.... Stevie can't see shit.

Can't see the day, the night, the shadow,
the shade, can't even get a peek!

Just a peek. Can we help Stevie get a peek?
Get a fucking peek!

The man wrote Songs in the Key of Life,
Talking Book, Innervisions.

Can we get this brother a peek?
Just a fucking peek!

ls that asking for too much?
Just a.... That's it.

You tell the doctor you're blind,
he don't got shit for you.

''Doc, l'm blind. What you got?''

''Why don't you take this dog and have
the dog drag your blind ass around town?''

''That's all the fuck you got, is a damn dog?
Man, if l could see, l would whup your ass!

''A fucking dog!
What the fuck is wrong with you?

''Come on, give me a midget or something!''

That's right,
blind people should get midgets.

All blind people should get midgets.

lt's hard enough living life
when you're blind.

Now they gotta learn how to talk dog.

What kind of shit is that? You can't see,
so you can't read the dog's lips.

You just listen.

''What, my shoelace untied? What?''

''ls it cold outside? What?''

''ls somebody at the door?
What, motherfucker?''

Just give blind people midgets.

And if you're a midget,
it's already hard enough to get a job.

Just have the midget tell the blind man
where to go. Be a seeing-eye man.

Just walk in front of the blind man like,
''Yo, man, you gotta make a left.

''Just make a left, brother.''

If you hadn't noticed, Chris Rock's attitude has come a long way since he was a young "angry black man" to a "angry middle aged, tax paying man of indiscriminate color"

It's amazing how your attitude will change once people start wanting to take your hard earned fucking money. It's a lot easier to bitch when you are doing the taking instead of when you are doing the giving, especially when the "giving"is involuntary in nature.

thats what i thought, but nope, it let me post it lol.  

what about my hypothetical? do you think we would have cures instead of medicine to live with a disease if this was somehow miraculously turned into a functioning non-profit system? i think so.  

I pay my 28% in taxes, pay my own medical, etc, etc. I am not taking from anyone.

you see, if you don't pay for endless corporate welfare, and pay for GaG's tax breaks, then you're stealing from him!

The solution is simple. Raise taxes on the middle class so folks like GaG don't have any of their money stolen from them.

Hold your breath! It might even fix the economy....to GaG's liking!

-- Modified on 9/18/2011 11:50:23 PM

to suppress a known cure for AIDS.

Or is it just everyone is pretending to work for a cure but are just footdragging cause "THEY" are all in on it?

should be.

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