Politics and Religion

hwy2hershey isn't a moron.
JakeFromStateFarm 180 reads

He's a Moran.  And

JakeFromStateFarm2350 reads

Reports are that the Trump Administration is already blaming Ryan for not bringing conservatives along early enough. The Republicans are eating their young.  What fun!

... any Republican, Congressman or Senator voting for this Careless Health Act will be signing their  own death warrant.   The law is so stupid and anti people, this got be nominated for a Nobel Prize.

-- Modified on 3/23/2017 9:53:26 PM

JakeFromStateFarm333 reads

Please try writing a coherent English sentence.  WTF does "signing their death own death warrant" mean?  Also, please tell me what Nobel Prize the Act should be nominated for?  Is there a Nobel Prize for Stupid?  I will be happy to nominate you for that one.  Or maybe the Nobel Prize for Lying.

He's got my vote.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Please try writing a coherent English sentence.  WTF does "signing their death own death warrant" mean?  Also, please tell me what Nobel Prize the Act should be nominated for?  Is there a Nobel Prize for Stupid?  I will be happy to nominate you for that one.  Or maybe the Nobel Prize for Lying.

...Mr. Pot/Kettle has to call others incoherent to deflect from his own poor English.  Look at one of his typical incoherent sentences:

"As this article explains, it could be a near thing if McConnell tries to overturn the cloture rule."

Maybe that's coherent on the Funny Farm.  Of course, some of the looney tunes talk in tongues and Jake claims to understand them.


Maybe you should run and tell on him for poor grammar.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Mr. Pot/Kettle has to call others incoherent to deflect from his own poor English.  Look at one of his typical incoherent sentences:  
 "As this article explains, it could be a near thing if McConnell tries to overturn the cloture rule."  
 Maybe that's coherent on the Funny Farm.  Of course, some of the looney tunes talk in tongues and Jake claims to understand them.  

WHAT? Your post makes ZERO sense.  

Did your crayon break?

Posted By: hwy2heaven
... any Republican, Congressman or Senator voting for this Careless Health Act will be signing their death own death warrant.   The law is so stupid and anti people, this got be nominated for a Nobel Prize.

Except for the Republican base, there was no need to take up health care so quickly. Well except for the fact that Obamacare is falling apart in so many places.

I'm betting Trump moves forward quickly (past health care), with or without some of the Republican's. The Dems should take advantage and work to get some things they want. Start pushing infrastructure which would also give them a foot in the door to start to mold the coming tax reform a little more towards their favor.

ACA 35 times!    I heard from a friend in Smyrna, TN that a few nursing homes around the area have already told the grannies and grandpas that if Medicaid is cut, they all will be out including the people who run it.    Most of these people I hear are depending on Medicaid to pay for the facility.

TwoMints403 reads

They could repeal it tomorrow. That would pass easily.

Trump doesn't want it just repealed. He wants it replaced. They also have procedural reasons to do this having to do with the Senate and reconciliation. I'm sure it's been said here a dozen times, but I know your attention span isn't long..

3rd party info about some mythical cut. Fake news.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
ACA 35 times!    I heard from a friend in Smyrna, TN that a few nursing homes around the area have already told the grannies and grandpas that if Medicaid is cut, they all will be out including the people who run it.    Most of these people I hear are depending on Medicaid to pay for the facility.

followme385 reads

his post is bullshit is he said he heard from a "friend".

You heard from a friend in Smyrna?  LOL.   Another convenient personal anecdote in your ever failing attempt for relevance.  This latest attempt could win you the Nobel Prize for bullshit.  The last recipient was the Peanut Head Obama.  Congrats.

WOW...it's incredible what comes out of your mouth...and what goes in it.

Obviously you were having a wet dream now with your TURD comment.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Read before you blurt your BS!   This is just a sample.   You need a "turd" award.

Trumpanazee is threatening House Speaker Paul Ryan and his animal house "pass Trumpcare or else I will move on".

"I will take whatever is left of my balls and move on to more important things like inventing more conspiracies, Lies and deny everything that has the world Russia".

Would you rather he threw himself on the floor and kicked and screamed and cried like you do.  

You know...the way of the SNOWFLAKE.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Trumpanazee is threatening House Speaker Paul Ryan and his animal house "pass Trumpcare or else I will move on".  
 "I will take whatever is left of my balls and move on to more important things like inventing more conspiracies, Lies and deny everything that has the world Russia".

No I want the Trumpanazee to move on with his damaged balls in to more urgent things like inventing new conspiracies, new Lies and deny everything that has a Russian connection.

Next what?   "While I was in Washington during the week, crooked Obama sneaked in to my tower and to my penthouse and asked for Malaria".  

Do you ever read what you write? Who are you calling a moron? At least you're still fascinated with Trump's balls. Don't you have a plane to catch?

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