Politics and Religion

How's Darrell Issa's IRS scandal investigation going...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1855 reads


With the recent disclosure that Lerner disclosed taxpayer information to the Federal Election Commission, Lois "I did nothing wrong but I'm taking the Fifth Anyway" now faces scrutiny for a possible felony violation of the IRC statute prohibiting the disclosure of taxpayer return information.

      Further the IRS has stalled the investigation by making so many redactions on materials supplied that they are almost unreadable. What are they hiding?

      And if actually you read the Democrats op ed piece you would have noted that they have moved the goal posts back - they fault Issa for not pinning anything on Mr. Obama as opposed to uncovering wrongdoing at the IRS. I've never thought Mr. Obama had anything to do with the scandal but there is plenty of wrongdoing uncovered so far and more to come. Issa issued a subpoena to Secretary Lew this week and seeks all emails between  the White House and the IRS since 2010. A fishing expedition to be sure but best wait till all the evidence is reviewed before you make your conclusions.

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