Politics and Religion

how many people have you labeled trolls here, anyone who isn't a liberal are trolls lol
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Biden Says Democrats Will 'Shock the Heck' Out of Everybody in the 2010 Elections
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Bruce Drake
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Subscribe :Vice President Joseph Biden Sunday tried to get the political genie back in the bottle that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs let escape last week, when Gibbs said there were enough House seats in play this year to allow Republicans to retake control.
Dubbed "Gibbs-Gate" in one New York Times headline, the spokesman's remark on NBC's Meet the Press infuriated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and was reported to have exacerbated a deeper anger among House Democrats who felt they had gone out on a political limb for President Obama on a range of hot burner issues and had received lukewarm political support in return.
Appearing on ABC's This Week, Biden bounced back by declaring, "I don't think the losses are going to be bad at all. I think we're going to shock the heck out of everybody... I am absolutely confident when people take a look at what has happened since we've taken office in November and comparing it to the alternative, we're going to be ... in great shape."
The Republicans need to win 39 seats to recapture the House, which they lost in 2006 after 12 years in control. Many political analysts say that Gibbs spoke accurately given the number of Democratic seats believed to be in jeopardy, but House Democrats have been worried Obama is more concerned about protecting the party's Senate majority.
"Here's the deal," Biden said. "What Robert Gibbs also said was what he believes, what I believe, what the president believes (is that) we're going to win the House and we're going to win the Senate. We're not going to lose either one of those bodies."
"Look at Harry Reid," Biden added. "You know, I got ...kind of banged around for saying I think there was a 55 percent chance Harry Reid is going to win ... Now Harry Reid, in the last poll, is up 7 points... I'll bet Harry Reid wins."
"The election is not until November," Biden said. "And I think we're going to have to firmly make our case. I think we can make it, and especially in the context of who's going to be opposing us. Compared to the alternative, I think we're going to get a fair amount of credit by November, and I think we're going to do fine."
Biden suggested the reason the administration and the Democrats are not yet getting the credit now they deserve for major actions on issues such as financial regulatory reform and the health care overhaul is that "the vast majority of the American people and a lot of people really involved don't even know what's inside the packages...But people are going to start to focus on exactly what we're doing.
On CNN's State of the Union, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer acknowledged tension between the White House and Capitol Hill lawmakers, but said, "My view is that the president and the Democrats in the House and the Democrats in the Senate have the same objective: keep this economy moving and growing; keep moving forward ... The president has been working hard. Joe Biden's been working hard on behalf of our candidates. And we think we're going to do well. "

Priapus53831 reads

Could it be on this map ?

Like shooting fish in a barrel------;)

Moderates have not weighed in races yet. The republican party's embrace of teabaggers is starting to backfire on the party as moderates start to pay attention to races once primaries are out of the way. There is a reason why Reid has jumped ahead in Nevada, the senate race in Illinois has gone from a sure republican pickup to a tossup at best for republicans, and Rand Paul is losing ground in Kentucky. Biden is in the right country and on to the right concept. The correct question is which country are you in or planet are you on?

Timbow892 reads

I bet Paul will not lose in Kentucky and it was hilarious to see Gibbs say the DEMS will lose and Pelosi getting all pissed at him :)

60% majority to a 55% majority. Let's see what happens in a few months.

troll-buster1333 reads

I've been predicting for months willy will be walking with his best stupor on,step in front of a bus, and be crushed..
I hope my clairyvoyance comes true.

Priapus53946 reads

which means you don't take it entirely seriously,
which obviously you can't manage to do, along with controlling your emotions.

Someone has angered you SO much here that you wish them dead ?! & under a chickenshit alias to boot. Christ, dude, get a life & seek help.

-- Modified on 7/19/2010 6:49:04 AM

Jack_Schitt1214 reads

even i ain't that fucking crass. go jump under that bus yourself.

are right I have a big ego ,thanks to my pals on this board, what a great site, love it, live it, write it.

Willy most certainly,sometimes talks in a stupor, and his humor is often much worse than vile.If I saw him stumbling on his way to the   underside of  a bus, while walking in a stupor, I would dare not interferes with his Karma.
I would be afraid to try and save him, as I hope I would, most humans. In willys case I would have apprehension I was possibly protecting,the  second  coming of Hitler,or another Ted Bundy.
 Trollmaster was only using deductive reasoning, and not clairvoyance.
Some of willys  posts, are much too evident to deny, if you believe in Karma.
To be clear, I wouldn't push him under the bus, but I would have no problem, not interfering with Karma, taking its own course of action.
 Even though I sometimes find willy vile and disgusting  I don't wish he was dead.Maybe his family loves him and they are fooled into believing he is someone decent.

Warning willy ..Be careful when walking in traffic. I seriously doubt the Karma God likes you as much as I do..

Priapus532668 reads

& your idiotic thread proves it. What is your excuse ? I'm not gonna say Down's syndrome, because that would insult all the upstanding people who have that condition. How people on this board support you is beyond me--why ? Just because you're a fellow conservative ?

Lemme restate what I said earlier-----you're a moron. I hope some on this board would join me in condemning this hostile & insecure troll .

Priapus531085 reads

& I certainly don't wish anyone to die, or say it's their "destiny" to die. If those statements would come from the left or the right, I would equally condemn both sides for saying such  moronically crazed statements.

WAY beyond the fucking pale-------

In some respects I'm a pretty hardcore conservative; so Pria and I disagree on a lot.

But this IS a fucking MESSAGE BOARD.

We have no real idea what people on here are like. But we can make a pretty good guess that everyone here is someone's son, daughter, mother, father, sister or brother. In other words, everyone here has a life that is of value to someone.

We ought not be stating that a fellow poster deserves to die.

It's just not an environment where such conclusions can be properly drawn. For all anybody here knows, I might be a hit man and Willy might be the next incarnation of Gandhi.

That is different, by the way, than an impersonal advocacy. For example, that stupid people be allowed to die. (Though I'm not advocating that.)

So I agree with Pria that this is not the place for personally aimed sentiments of doom.

or your equivalent of 'letting Karma' take him out.

And comparing him to Hitler? C'mon quad: you've often said you 'may be dumb, but not stupid'. Well, that was stupid.

But his sheer stupidity and refusal to understand basic definitions is no reason to wish death upon him. Ok, some of his posts are vial as well, such as his continued referencing to police as 'pigs' and making up claims regarding their brutality and that not a single one of them is a decent human being. blah blah blah. Still, no reason to wish death on him personally. Just that he might grow up some day.

As for you, you come across as quite a troll yourself with your post. Can one troll accurately identify another? I wish that you too might grow up some day.

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