Politics and Religion

How fucking pathetic and
followme 1001 reads

Shameful. obama is a fucking disgrace

putin is number 1 and number 48, obama, put him there.

I suspect that trump will soon move up one notch to number one

JakeFromStateFarm213 reads

OK, you dunce, I figured it out. You're referring to an irrelevant Forbes ranking.
And of course Obama has slipped, he's a lame duck leaving office in less than 6 weeks.
Next time you want to pee in your own mouth, do your homework and provide a link.
Here it is.
You're welcome.

followme157 reads

take it easy jack-off-jake now you are shitting yourself over a simple mistake, Yeah I forgot to post the link.

Calm down cause if you get that upset over something as minor as  a link not posted you really must have a fucking shit hemorrhage over important stuff.

Sure does not take much to make  you to lose control of your bowels.  

Now goo get some baby wipes from your good buddy fg and clean up.

You're Welcome
In Pant Poopers We Distrust  

You need a BIB at both ends .

JakeFromStateFarm204 reads

Your last bathroom adventure. Go take a shower.

followme155 reads

The fact that I know about the BiB really bothers you.

You're Welcom

..."Don't followme because I'm senile and don't know where I'm going," or JakeFromTheFunnyFarm.

Don't followme puts up a post without a link because he's too busy trying to figure out which hooker to snatch a kiss from, or JakeFromTheFunnyFarm who posts a link from RT.  Maybe they don't have cable on the funny farm, and that's why Jake doesn't know that "RT" stands for "Russia Today."  RT is the PROPAGANDA arm of the Russian government.  Jake could have posted a link directly from Forbes, but he chose to be a useful idiot for the Russians and post a link that puts the Russian spin on the Forbes article.

Next time you don't want to look like a fool, do do your homework and provide a link that doesn't make you look like a Russian tool.  Stick to being a plain old tool.

Here's the link you should have posted:

You're welcome.

86H13LTP157 reads

The National Enquirer is now more reputable than those Fake News Spinners

Well look at who it was after an election....Obama, oh and he was number one in 2011...Why isn't Trump number 1??? What the fuck is wrong with him???? Shit we elected a loser....RECOUNT!!!
This post is useless and it just shows what a stick up your ass you have.....channeling my inner gunny, now where's that "Mud Shark"....lol

followme147 reads

That obama is a total and complete fuck up plummeting from #1  to #48 and is going out a loser.

as for trump, who cares where he was or if he was on the list in 2012?
The fact trump rose from not on the list to second place in a short period of time is to his credit.

He  as PEOTUS has attained second place therefore we actually elected a winner and are getting rid of a loser.

You're Welcome  
2016 does = GOP WH, Senate and House ....Get over it ..deal with it.... dry  those tear

JakeFromStateFarm114 reads

Earth to swallowpee, Obama's popularity, even after the election, is higher than most Presidents at 57%.  That's the appropriate measurement at this point, not the "influence" of a President with only 35 days left in his term. Your idol, Dubya's approval rating at this point in his term was 29%.

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