Politics and Religion

How did you come to that determination as the investigation has NOT concluded?
BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 28 reads

Where do Republicans get their crystal ball from that can predict the ultimate outcome of Mueller's probe? As of now, I don't see hard evidence of collusion to date, but have you ever seen this much smoke in your life and there was NOT a fire?

... investigation? I'd link to the sources of my reading, but they include left, right, non-partisan and wing nut variants...

So seriously... I've read the spin from Trump, his cohorts as well as detractors. Isn't it in the country's best interests that everyone involved testify here?

They either don't want to hear his story since he has said he did nothing wrong, or they just want to string this thing out as long as they can, or both.

nuguy4622 reads

so they also know there is nothing to be learned...so string it out until the '18 election and keep the lies rolling in hopes they can win an election...so far, the public is rejecting the dem 'resistance' and 'obstruction' campaign to re-gain power....lol.

Where do Republicans get their crystal ball from that can predict the ultimate outcome of Mueller's probe? As of now, I don't see hard evidence of collusion to date, but have you ever seen this much smoke in your life and there was NOT a fire?

Just going on memory, it seemed to me that given the distance in the time between his contacts with Russians, and the Trump campaign, along with his distance from Trump's campaign and the White House; quite peripheral, reduces his importance to the investigation, when comparing him to Jared Cushner and Michael Flynn and other; called shooting around the edges vs. going for the bulls-eye!

But there's no way to know what's going on with him.  As for the "Dem's (sic) not calling" him, first of all, they can't.  The Reps control all committees.  Also, who knows what's going on behind the scenes between his lawyer and the committees/ Or if he's being called by Mueller's crew.  No one knows (or will know) what they are doing.
Personally, I don't think he knows Jack Squat.  That's Jack Dunphy's smarter brother.  Of course, ANY brother Duncey could have would be smarter. rofl

...out of his ass in a March 2016 meeting with the Washington Post’s editorial board.  Trump named "Carter Page, PhD" as one of the foreign policy experts advising his campaign.

We will have to wait and see if Trump was bullshitting as usual or if Page really was one of his "foreign policy experts."  Rome, Watergate and Monica Lewinski weren't built in a day.

These investigations are being run by the Republicans. All the chairmen in the various committees in Congress are GOP members.  They are de facto in charge.

The main reason Carter hasn't been called to testify is that he wants to show boat himself in a public hearing whereas the committeemen want to keep things on a calmer note for now.  Besides, they know he is going either lie or refuse to testify, and there is no need for a public showing of that.

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