Politics and Religion

How convenient. Just claim to take the verse metaphorically when it suites you
Blowing Chunks 240 reads

And literally,  when it suites you.  Very flexible yes

If he was sober and impartial he might tell you  there is no such word  , therefore you are  
"the one"  lacking  existence .  


Why do senile  teachers favor the student who agrees with him ?  

   Because the demented  swallow agreement with their flock , like a drunk with wine .

 Why did the scientist become fat and fall down ?  
  Because he confused milligrams with  kilograms in his new and improved diet .  

 Why do millions die from legal  prescription  drugs ?  
  It's not a joke  

  Oops my bad , after more research  I found existance in the dictionary .  
" existance "
This is the wrong way to spell "existence". There is no "a" in existence -- or in definitely, for that matter.
Maybe if you weren't functionally illiterate, you'd have a more "excellant" job. "

Posted By: Drunken Asian
what is existance?  

I suggest you come to terms with your lack of understanding before continuing your palaver

If we assume he existed at all, then he was a stark raving mad lunatic. Don't believe me? Read Matthew 5:27-29

"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna."

So, in other words, LOOKING at a pretty lady is the same thing as ADULTERY. According to Jesus, any provider who posts an ad should make money without actually seeing anyone.  

And if you LOOK at a pretty lady, then the best thing for you to do, IS TO CUT OUT YOUR OWN EYES.  

Think about that for a moment.  

Now, I have a question. Was even Osama bin Laden that fucking nuts?

That's a pretty graphic passage by the way.  

Who's more of a lunatic, the folks believing that the lunatic is god  

or the lunatic claiming to be god

Pimpathy262 reads

After reading that passage, or any verse.

... if you can't find some sanity, among all the madness in the world. The lunatic is you.

GaGambler182 reads

They are written so ambiguously and are so open to interpretation you can almost always find something in any religious text to support whatever moronic idea you want to peddle. You can usually find "evidence" to support both sides of the same argument  in the same "holy" book. Religion gives you so many outs it's no wonder it is used so liberally by con men.

Pimpathy223 reads

... what's the point, if you can't pick and choose?

GaGambler313 reads

The people believing him are simply fools. There are a lot of easily led fools in this world but only a relative handful of true lunatics to lead them off the cliff.

Believing he was god. They also believe in the tooth fairy, Santa and the easter bunny, not to mention all of Grimms fairy tales.

Transcending from the valley of the physical world to the mountain of the mystics.

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