Politics and Religion

How about Trump's college transcripts?
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 3168 reads
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I  believe with confidence, President Obama was born in Hawaii,  but...........
  I'd like to see that written in his College transcripts .  :-D

     I'd rather read President Obama's College transcripts.  
     I'm curious if he claimed foreign birth place minority to help gain acceptance to Harvard.
    Most of us remember the teachers pet in school who got ten extra points every grading period  
for their kiss ass efforts.    
   Some "actual graded exam copies" would be interesting, to determine if curving points were given to student Obama for his cool factor.
              Your thoughts Tax returns or College transcripts.
   I'm fairly certain  you won't see either one unless President Trump sends them to you. ROFL

mattradd 40 Reviews 498 reads
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First of all, who is president? Why in the world are you still fixated on him?

Secondly, why are these points important to you? Is it about his 'otherness,' or that he may not as smart as some people think he is, and may have received special treatment because of his "otherness'? I'll remind you that when people, here, challenge Trump's intelligence, the typical righty's response is, 'he was smart enough to win the election.' So, I guess that makes Obama smart enough. ;)

I would like to see Trump tax returns, primarily because it could warn us of any conflicts of interest he may have that may influence our national security.

GaGambler 249 reads
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In Obama's case, it could very well be that he lied somewhere along the line to give himself a leg up by using his minority status, place of birth etc to his advantage. That was common practice at the time as I was encouraged to "fudge" a bit myself during that era as a non white person myself. Not for college mind you, but I was encouraged by my recruiting officer when enlisting in the Army to do so.

In Trumps case, I think it's a lot more likely that his ability to use the tax code to avoid taxes and equally as likely that his returns will show him not as "generous" to charity as he claims, enough so that he was willing to take the political hit by not revealing them than it is anything as nefarious as ties to Russia. If there was anything THAT juicy, someone would have spilled the beans by now. Trump didn't operate in a vacuum, anything involving enough money to cause a conflict would have had to have been in the hundreds of millions and you can't do hundreds of millions in business when you as visible as Trump without "somebody" having noticed.

I love this "Obama is ancient history" when you and your ilk whined about Bush until Obama's last day in office. Personally I do agree, it's not all that important to me, both men made a conscious decision to keep their secrets and both of them survived politically.

Donald.J.Trump 356 reads
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DJT's return?

I expect a dumbed down version looks like this:

Income               $  A LOT
Expenses            $  A LOT
Tax                    $  None, I'm a genius

And BHO transcript might resemble this:

GPA         None of your business unless I'm getting a ride
Classes    Whatever I need to get into your school
Race        Use whatever gets me the most aid
Sex         I use my right hand most of the time
Posted By: GaGambler
In Obama's case, it could very well be that he lied somewhere along the line to give himself a leg up by using his minority status, place of birth etc to his advantage. That was common practice at the time as I was encouraged to "fudge" a bit myself during that era as a non white person myself. Not for college mind you, but I was encouraged by my recruiting officer when enlisting in the Army to do so.  
 In Trumps case, I think it's a lot more likely that his ability to use the tax code to avoid taxes and equally as likely that his returns will show him not as "generous" to charity as he claims, enough so that he was willing to take the political hit by not revealing them than it is anything as nefarious as ties to Russia. If there was anything THAT juicy, someone would have spilled the beans by now. Trump didn't operate in a vacuum, anything involving enough money to cause a conflict would have had to have been in the hundreds of millions and you can't do hundreds of millions in business when you as visible as Trump without "somebody" having noticed.  
 I love this "Obama is ancient history" when you and your ilk whined about Bush until Obama's last day in office. Personally I do agree, it's not all that important to me, both men made a conscious decision to keep their secrets and both of them survived politically.

mattradd 40 Reviews 224 reads
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were revealed about him or her. However, all things that could prove to impact our national security, I believe, should be revealed.

Regarding whining about Bush, I believe the choices he made have impacted us, even today, whereas I'm not seeing how Obama's transcripts have. ;)

Also, when I've referred to Bush in the past, it was to point out the hypocrisy in some righties, on this board, criticizing Obama for doing the same thing! ;)  

Further, I find it offensive, as do many, to be referred to "you and your ilk." I've only heard it used, personally, in a derogatory manner, many times in a racial context. So, in the future, I will not respond to any of your posts addressing me as such.

-- Modified on 3/18/2017 1:09:45 PM

GaGambler 339 reads
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What are the chances of everything in the returns NOT being torn apart and vilified by the "experts" called in by CNN and their ilk that will be brought in to explain said returns to us stupid people?

Every time Trump says or does something the media version of what was said or done is always at odds with what I see or hear when I watched it live.

As for BHO's college transcripts, he has hidden them for years, He's not a stupid person so it's pretty clear he lied on them somewhere for personal benefit. To me that's a big yawn. He's a politician so it's a given he's a liar, what he did to get into college is a lot less relevant than the lies he told while in office. So I will agree, I really don't care.

Oh I almost forgot, your summation of the Trump return is probably about right. If any laws were broken the IRS would have already brought him up on charges, OTOH if there wasn't "something" very embarrassing in there he would have revealed them a long time ago.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 250 reads
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Posted By: Donald.J.Trump
DJT's return?  
 I expect a dumbed down version looks like this:  
 Income               $  A LOT  
 Expenses            $  A LOT  
 Tax                    $  None, I'm a genius  
 And BHO transcript might resemble this:  
 GPA         None of your business unless I'm getting a ride  
 Classes    Whatever I need to get into your school  
 Race        Use whatever gets me the most aid  
 Sex         I use my right hand most of the time
Posted By: GaGambler
In Obama's case, it could very well be that he lied somewhere along the line to give himself a leg up by using his minority status, place of birth etc to his advantage. That was common practice at the time as I was encouraged to "fudge" a bit myself during that era as a non white person myself. Not for college mind you, but I was encouraged by my recruiting officer when enlisting in the Army to do so.  
  In Trumps case, I think it's a lot more likely that his ability to use the tax code to avoid taxes and equally as likely that his returns will show him not as "generous" to charity as he claims, enough so that he was willing to take the political hit by not revealing them than it is anything as nefarious as ties to Russia. If there was anything THAT juicy, someone would have spilled the beans by now. Trump didn't operate in a vacuum, anything involving enough money to cause a conflict would have had to have been in the hundreds of millions and you can't do hundreds of millions in business when you as visible as Trump without "somebody" having noticed.  
  I love this "Obama is ancient history" when you and your ilk whined about Bush until Obama's last day in office. Personally I do agree, it's not all that important to me, both men made a conscious decision to keep their secrets and both of them survived politically.

JackDunphy 510 reads
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As Bush is STILL mentioned here and he has been gone for 8 years and Barry about 8 weeks. LOL

Matt's hypocrisy seems boundless, to be sure.

I really don't care about Obama's college or Trump's taxes. Everyone knew heading to the ballot box that both were hiding something and very few, if any, cared enough to cost them any votes.

And with all the leaking and access to Trump's records that SOMEONE would have, you are right, that would have been made public by now.

Still, it was quite funny watching Maher last night rip MadNow and saying that that whole episode was  a major win for Trump.  

Maher even said it was a reasonable amount of tax to pay per his income and that Madnow botched the story.  

There are few people on the planet that hate Trump more than Maher, and for him to side with Trump over "Rach" puts this episode in "Epic Fail of the Century" for her and those at PMSNBC. lol

Hpygolky 207 Reviews 436 reads
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For being such a moron.....now I see why you "work" for trump. So typical.

mattradd 40 Reviews 266 reads
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I know it's difficult to read someone's emotions through their written words. It's more like incredulous! And, I'm not being hypocritical, in calling him out on posting about an unimportant issue regarding Obama, which, in my eyes, makes it appear he's fixated on him, or obsessed with him. If he wants to talk about how Obama's policies have impacted us, to me that's fair game, anytime! I'm counting on you to be intellectually honest enough to tell the difference! ;)

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 378 reads
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I doubt there's anything embarrassing in his returns.  There doesn't have to be because they'll make something up and run with it anyway. Can't find a cash receipt from Putin?  That's more evidence that Trump lies.  Can't find golden shower invoices?  That proves Trump didn't even pay the poor women.  You saw Rachel Maddow  and her craziness over 2 pages of a twelve year old return.  What if she had ten years of returns and tens of thousand of pages in front of her?  I think Trump stalled on the tax return thing because he didn't think he was going to win and he didn't want to open himself up to a Maddow-like inquisition.  Now that Trump's won he's not going to turn over anything which will prove Putin and Russia and bla bla bla.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 450 reads
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What bullshit.  "Many investors are in the second and third level of Russian power"?  And are LLCc?  So?  Even more ridiculous than Maddow.  Over paying to launder money?  Prove it.  All the information is public record.  Get an appraiser to do an analysis.  Innuendo is much easier for "journalist's who are paid by the word.  Huffinfton Post, what a fucking joke.

JackDunphy 459 reads
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You are a hypocrite bc you are incapable of calling out liberals who are "fixated" on Bush.

And you are a massive hypocrite on race and bigotry, as I have pointed out NUMEROUS times here.

You still being fixated on Obama as being "the other" is proof positive of that. ;)

Wake me when you grow a set as "butt hurt" offends you and now so does "you and your ilk." LOL

You are a fraud. You see homophobic references and racist references but ONLY when they are done by R's.

You run away when specifically asked about well established bigots on the Left. How brave of you.

This just in Matt. Excusing or ignoring hatred by YOUR side only breeds more of the same.

Wake me when you wake up. ;)

Donald.J.Trump 284 reads
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I did hear from a very reliable source that during DJT's audit that his TER membership dues were disallowed.  According to that very reliable source, "Trump will appeal and, if necessary, take it all the way to the Supreme Court".

Sounds serious too!
Posted By: GaGambler
What are the chances of everything in the returns NOT being torn apart and vilified by the "experts" called in by CNN and their ilk that will be brought in to explain said returns to us stupid people?  
 Every time Trump says or does something the media version of what was said or done is always at odds with what I see or hear when I watched it live.  
 As for BHO's college transcripts, he has hidden them for years, He's not a stupid person so it's pretty clear he lied on them somewhere for personal benefit. To me that's a big yawn. He's a politician so it's a given he's a liar, what he did to get into college is a lot less relevant than the lies he told while in office. So I will agree, I really don't care.  
 Oh I almost forgot, your summation of the Trump return is probably about right. If any laws were broken the IRS would have already brought him up on charges, OTOH if there wasn't "something" very embarrassing in there he would have revealed them a long time ago.

ROMMEL 54 Reviews 376 reads
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Trump said he doesn't know a Russian?  He's never met a Russian?  I doubt that and you seem to be making things up as libs are wont to do.  Give Trump a break.  Putin's blackmailing him, what's he supposed to do.

GaGambler 376 reads
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When he knows full well I am one of TER's best at using "macro aggressions" It's kind of "what I do" around these boards. lol

He really has become quite the pussy, hasn't he? and I wonder how long he is going to dodge the question he's been asked about Hadji? It's not that hard a question, is it?

mrhuck 15 Reviews 335 reads
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...GaG may be correct but I don't think D.T.'s tax returns would reveal any broken laws the IRS would have found that, my guess would be that some of D.T.'s business associations past or present would constitute a conflict of interest for a U.S. president.

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 333 reads
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i would prefer Ivanka's pussy in my face..

ed2000 31 Reviews 540 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 397 reads
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Projection is about disowning what one cannot tolerate perceiving in oneself, and placing it on another. Nawwww, Jack and GaG never do that, right! ;)

munchinmuffin 75 Reviews 315 reads
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I dont think you would be overly impressed with them!

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