Politics and Religion

Putin murders another political opponent. Trump hopes he gets reelected…
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 201 reads

…. so he can do the same thing.  Bullshit you say?  Well Trump wants to take that exact argument to the Supreme Court.  

An appellate court judge asked Trump’s lawyer if Trump was President could he be prosecuted if he sent SEAL Team Six to assassinate his political opponents.  Trump’s lawyer said Trump as President would have complete immunity from prosecution unless and until he would be impeached AND convicted.  

Trump could never be convicted by 2/3 of the Senate so for all intents and purposes, he could murder anyone he wanted to with complete immunity (if the Supreme Court agrees with his immunity theory).

Putin says Biden is good for Russia.

…about this guy dying in a Russian prison. Don’t know much about him, but I heard he was attempting a coup in Russia with the backing of the CIA.  

Meanwhile, Ukraine murdered an American citizen and journalist a couple months ago and he didn’t say anything. That’s because like all lefties, Big Moron hates America.

Where did you hear he was attempting a coup in Russia, willy?  In your tin foil hat, willy?  Got a link, willy?
I "hear" that your dickless cat wears a tin foil hat too.

Turns out Big Moron was pissing and moaning that a guy dying in a Russian prison and calling it such a horrible injustice. As it turns out Alexi Navalny was a Neo Nazi white supremacist.  

Mark your calendars folks. Feb 2024 was when Big Moron cried and shed a tear over the loss of a white supremacist Neo Nazi. Putin must be an amazing guy to get Mexicans to love white supremacists. Who wants to sing a round of Kumbaya with me?

First off Trump in his time in office never ordered the murder of US citizens like Obama did when he was president. Yep Obama, via drone strike killed a father and son without trial or due process.  

Then there was Biden’s killing of a family of aid workers again by drone strike in Afghanistan just after the pullout and that was a total mistake!  

So you can give up on the koolaide narrative that Trumps going to “kill people.”

All of the lefts arguments are “he could do it!” To that I say Jabba could get on a tread mill but that ain’t happening either.

Just because Trump’s lawyers claim immunity for an illegal act doesn’t mean Trump wants to commit such an act.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: What country would try to imprison the leading political opponent !!!
Normally I would say N O T these United States but…

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