Politics and Religion

Hey, racist righties! FYI: On Jeopardy, both the Teen...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1797 reads

why do you make such a big deal about this?  You act as if it is unusual for people of African descent to excel at something. Or is it just excelling at an intellectual endeavor that surprises you?  
Sounds like the racism of low expectations to me....  just saying.

There is no surprise that "people of African descent" can "excel at something!" Like intellectual endeavors. But, given that, why haven't they been able to keep up with the rest of us?

The fact that African Americans won Jeopardy is so painful to me.  When I saw this, I threw my TV out the window.  I will never watch TV again.  I didn't even know that they allowed Those People on TV, and now you tell me they won Jeopardy.

It really has me upset and all the Righty Gubbers I know are equally upset.

Although, on second thought I can understand it.  Trebek is a Canadian.  Why we allow Canadians on AMERICAN TV is beyond me.

is this post Political, or Religious?

Answer: Neither this post belongs on the media board.

-- Modified on 2/27/2013 7:43:22 PM

followme272 reads

noticing and making a point that they are African Americans instead of just good decent intelligent human beings.

Must be your way of Cowardly Stabbing them in the Back?

You're welcome
GOP = God Bless America

Snowman39345 reads


The real racist seems to be the one who has to bring the topic up, go look in a mirror you RACIST!!

I'm waiting for Apple's Siri to get married to IBM's Watson.

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