Politics and Religion

He'll throw in a red herring about Good Friday. BFD, they...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 296 reads

...don't work ANY Friday.  And if they were SOOOOO concerned about women, they'd vote on Good Friday.  But they're too busy denying women equal pay and trying to overturn Roe v. Wade.

GOP 2016 slogan:  Barefoot and Pregnant!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., scheduled a Friday session that won't have any votes, rejecting Republican and Democratic requests that he allow a vote on a bill that would allow rape kits to be processed more quickly.


...of an article posted by Fox News taken from the National Examiner because they know their viewers (like you) have the attention span of a hummingbird and they're too lazy to read the ENTIRE story to get all the nuances and political machinations.

Instead, you cry crocodile tears because we all know how Republicans stand up for women, right?

Your real outrage should be directed towards the Senate.  Ask yourself why there will be no votes on Friday.  It's because the Senate is only in session Tuesday through Thursday.  Lazy fucks!


He will never admit he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar telling only half of the story.

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., scheduled a Friday session that won't have any votes, rejecting Republican and Democratic requests that he allow a vote on a bill that would allow rape kits to be processed more quickly.  
-- Modified on 4/14/2014 1:35:47 PM

-- Modified on 4/14/2014 1:37:41 PM

...don't work ANY Friday.  And if they were SOOOOO concerned about women, they'd vote on Good Friday.  But they're too busy denying women equal pay and trying to overturn Roe v. Wade.

GOP 2016 slogan:  Barefoot and Pregnant!

"""But they're too busy denying women equal pay and trying to overturn Roe v. Wade. GOP 2016 slogan:  Barefoot and Pregnant! """"

A demagogue /ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/ or rabble-rouser is a political leader in a democracy who appeals to the emotions, fears, prejudices, and ignorance of the lower classes in order to gain power and promote political motives

JackDunphy339 reads

No, they won't call them that officially in Obummercare, but they will be in there. Funds are not a finite quantity, so life and death decisions will be made by someone.  

Somebody will have to make the determination of giving the 52 year old father of four a heart transplant to save his life and not giving it to the 84 year old women with stage 4 breast cancer.

Care will eventually be rationed in O-Care. It is rationed in every country tht has "universal" (ahem) HC.

You can call that whatever you wish, but "death panel" seems appropriate to me

Who decides now that we shouldn't preform a heart transplant on an 85 yr old patient? People are denied because of age now by doctors.... The truth is with the cost of the transplant 2+million, anti rejection drugs 100,000 a yr- maybe the cost as a whole isn't worth it?  
     Medical science will quickly outpace our ability to pay for procedures. Do you want your insurance to be half of your  take home pay? Medicare is something like 30% of our national budget (not sure if that was factoring out deficit spending, it might have been) and was rising around 8% a yr if I remember correctly.... Medical care handled the way it has been is not sustainable. It's a simple fact.

The doctor’s decision to authorize a transplant, the organ supplier’s decision to provide the organ,  and the insurers decision to cover it are made independently.  Age plays a huge role in the first two and for good reason – few 80 year olds can survive the surgery.  To my knowledge, age does not play a role in the insurer’s decision to cover an approved transplant.

        Medicare does in fact cover many transplants from approved facilities irrespective of age and I would imagine ACA compliant health insurance policies do the same.

        The only way I can see that Obamacare would change this would be if the Independent Payment Advisory Board ever gets constituted. By statute, this Board cannot directly ration health care; but it can exclude certain procedures from Medicare coverage in favor of cheaper ones which might tilt the doctor’s decision against authorizing the procedure.

         Pre-Obama care, private insurers did effectively function as “death panels” by various exclusions and the life time cap on benefits. But for the most part the ACA changed that. So although clueless Obamacare critics keep bringing up the Death Panels allegation, you will never see them actually cite to a provision of the ACA that supports this view

JackDunphy273 reads

...not how it will play out in reality. Have you seen what Krugman has said about this issue? "DEATH PANELS" are coming eventually. Yep, that's what he said.

And like I said, every industrialized county that offers universal care makes these decisions on a day in and day out basis.  

If you REALLY think O-Care will be BETTER than the rest of the world...well get back to me when you have joined the reality based community.

in the insurance companies. They make the same sort of decisions.

Did you throw yourself in the water, or did you just slip and fall into it?

Posted By: mattradd
Did you throw yourself in the water, or did you just slip and fall into it?

Perfect example of your ADD and you lack of truthfulness let alone intellectual ability. Once again, this is not a special needs forum where you can tell half the story and not be called out. You and pimp are running a tight race for idiot of the year! Also, what a freaking retarded response. Sorry, for insulting retards, you Are past that stage!

Posted By: NeedleDick, the BugFucker
It took you 3 tries to type 3 sentences!  
-- Modified on 4/14/2014 5:52:03 PM

That would mean he'd have to be honest, and that's not going to happen.  ;)

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