Politics and Religion

Have you got proof they shared all the messaging with GWB at the time?
nuguy46 4696 reads
1 / 18

snowflakes, libs, dems all beside themselves over the unproven Kushner backchannel move. But say nothing - and said nothing at the time - when their savior made same overtures to Iran. We all know the result was funding Iran's nuclear ambitions. Hypocrisy at it worst?


macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 103 reads
2 / 18

fucking gigantic yawn..

Posted By: nuguy46

snowflakes, libs, dems all beside themselves over the unproven Kushner backchannel move. But say nothing - and said nothing at the time - when their savior made same overtures to Iran. We all know the result was funding Iran's nuclear ambitions. Hypocrisy at it worst?  

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 103 reads
3 / 18

There is nothing wrong, secretive or underhanded about the Secretary of State meeting or conferring on matters of State with the Russian ambassador.  Its called their jobs.  There isn't anything wrong for the President to convene interagency working groups to study the problem and make recommendations about possible solutions.   That's called his job.  Sure they asked Kissinger to informally call his old buddy Putin and tell him to calm down on the invasions and encroachments of smaller countries, but is that also wrong?

The problem and huge difference with Kushner is that  before Trump was even in office and before Kushner served any governmental function whatsoever, he wanted to open a private backchannel, not subject to governmental oversight or disclosure rules with an adversarial foreign government.  Even now, Kushner is neither an elected official or cabinet appointee.  He is merely an "advisor" to the President.  The word for that is espionage.  Another word for that is treason.  

I think you just read the headline, which doesn't really match the article.  Headlines are there to get you to read the article and aren't meant to be summaries of the article itself.   You just jumped to a conclusion to fit the point you wanted to make.

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 108 reads
4 / 18
ed2000 31 Reviews 108 reads
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That's right, BEFORE the 2008 election, DURING the campaign he started SECRET talks with the Iranians, by sending William Miller to Iran to start the now infamous negotiations.

borabora 15 Reviews 99 reads
6 / 18

👍Why can't they understand this?

Their typical counter-argument is Obama ate a watermelon while in WH.

Not equal crimes, are they?🤣
Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat

 The problem and huge difference with Kushner is that  before Trump was even in office and before Kushner served any governmental function whatsoever, he wanted to open a private backchannel, not subject to governmental oversight or disclosure rules with an adversarial foreign government.  Even now, Kushner is neither an elected official or cabinet appointee.  He is merely an "advisor" to the President.  The word for that is espionage.  Another word for that is treason.

ed2000 31 Reviews 48 reads
7 / 18

Matters not whether encrypted electronics today  or by private courier in 2008, secret is secret.  It's actually only ALMOST the same. Obama and his "spy" took their secret actions BEFORE the election.

Christ, you people are stupid.

ed2000 31 Reviews 63 reads
8 / 18

It's amazing you can't see it because you justify almost everything you say and do by pointing to other bad or evil behavior. Not that what Trump did was bad or evil, just that you think it was but Obama's was not.

Obama kept his communications with the Iranians SECRET and he did so BEFORE the election. What Trump did was no different yet you consider Trump's actions wrong and you ignore Obama's. Frankly, it's something that almost every President has done. Maybe you haven't noticed but you're all alone here now on this issue of secrets.

p.s. "Almost" applies to Obama in that his secret communications with enemies of the U.S. was almost the same as Trump's except Trump waited until AFTER the election. Obama did not.

ed2000 31 Reviews 140 reads
9 / 18


BTW, Let's see if you can explain the difference (huge or otherwise) between keeping communication secret by electronic encryption that no one else can decrypt and  keeping communication secret by physical writing passed back and forth by hand that is not shared anyone else.

Go ahead.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 70 reads
10 / 18

...What's really amazing is using Obama's behavior to try to justify Trumps, if Obama punched the pope in the nose does that make it ok for Trump to punch him too? Until more facts come out I won't judge the situation with Kirshner & the Russians but to have a government official who has personal financial dealings with the Russians dealing with them on an official basis I believe is a conflict of interest.

ed2000 31 Reviews 77 reads
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but more importantly, the "secret" actions of Obama and Trump are almost equivalent, I've "justified" nothing. Both decisions (by Trump and Obama) were quite stupid, but that's a far cry from the characterization being made by Trump's detractors, especially when they are silent regarding Obama's worse actions because Obama had not yet been elected.

-- Modified on 5/30/2017 1:14:17 AM

ed2000 31 Reviews 92 reads
12 / 18
marikod 1 Reviews 66 reads
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Diplomatic relations. So they are not remotely similar.  Plus kushner wanted to use the secure Russian system that our intelligence can't tap. Obama could only communicate with Iran by personal emissary.

You are profoundly wrong about this one.

ed2000 31 Reviews 157 reads
14 / 18

you're in over your head and maybe stay home.

Let's reboot to try to get you up to speed. I first responded to Jinxy to refute his claim to nuguy. Nuguy made a comparison between Obama and Trump regarding the point in question, (a point mind you that you say is irrelevant regardless if it was the OP or not). That question was the two back channels, one created by Obama and the other an attempt to create one by Trump.  Jinxy though he shut nuguy down when he claimed that at least Obama did his secret deed AFTER he was elected. I showed where jinxy was flat out wrong by showing Obama was not only not in office yet but he had not even been elected yet. And we haven't heard from jynxy since.  

You then jump in claiming my point is irrelevant and you are the first one here to refuse to offer up any rational for your claims other than what Trump ATTEMPTED to do was "YUGE".  

Nuguy already answered [part of your #1 in that nothing's been proven yet. To finish. You don't know what the secrets would have been, I don't know either, and it doesn't matter because there was nothing illegal about what they did (thus far anyway). They have every right to talk to Russia, and to do so privately. It's now been proven that Obama had been illegally eavesdropping on Americans. Why would the new President elect not assume he was being surveilled.

As far as #2, do you recognize the irony in your statement? I didn't bring up Obama. Jinxy did. I was merely responding to him. Does it make you feel powerful when you think you can dictate what people can or cannot post and discuss here? Does that technique work in your private life?

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 34 reads
15 / 18

As others have mentioned, we have no formal diplomatic relations with Iran, so the only way to communicate with them is via special courier.  William Millers work was not secret and was fully disclosed to the then Bush State Dept. there was nothing "secret" about it other than it wasn't the subject of a press release afaik.  

It is not uncommon for presidential candidates to gauge relations with foreign states to see what can be expected should the candidate be elected.  

The difference with Kushner is that for the very first time in the history of the United States, a private citizen associated with a presidential candidate wanted to open a secret line of communication, not subject to governmental oversight, by contacting Russian intelligence, not the usual foreign office channels.   In short, Kushner knowingly attempted to violate the Logan Act.  Perhaps he did.  Time will tell.

ed2000 31 Reviews 94 reads
16 / 18

Communicating in secret is 1 of 2 issues here. It is irrelevant whether that was by electronic encrypted messages that outsiders cannot read or by human courier carrying secret message pouches that outsiders cannot read. Secret is secret, regardless the mode.

Also, you ignored the other difference that Trump's actions were AFTER he was elected. Obama's was DURING the campaign. Spare me any "one President at a time" retort as we don't know the content. It's perfectly OK for a President elect to communicate with foreign leaders. Trump suspected he was being surveilled by Obama's admin. Now it turns out the FISA court has substantiated those fears with it's severe admonishment of the Obama admin.

ed2000 31 Reviews 99 reads
17 / 18

Of course the State Department certainly knew his was going. That does NOT mean they knew what he was discussing or transmitting. Was he accompanied by a State Department official 100% of the time? Did the State Dept. get copies of all the cables? I sincerely doubt you know the answers.

So you would normally be seen as backing off your first assertion that Kushner's "huge difference and problem" was that he made the contact before Trump was in office, but I see you've doubled down on treason and espionage with ZERO knowledge of same, even after you've now admitted communication is normal.

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