Politics and Religion

Have you been fooled by the political hype about TP?
pwilley 59 Reviews 3295 reads

I'm just curious about ONE specific issue surrounding the TP, not all their views.

So, the TP Congress folks forced the debate about debt reduction when neither the dems or traditional repubs were even the least bit interested.  Some, particularly the dems in WH and Congress now use the media to try and argue that the S&P downgrade is the TP's fault.  But, virtually every rating agency, every liberal/conservative guest in the Sunday news claims that our failure to address debt in a serious way is the reason for the downgrade ( they don't go so far as to support the TP though ).

So, are your personal biases so strong that you disagree on this one issue and blame the TP for doing something terrible, or do you feel that on this one limited issue, they had it completely right?

Priapus531770 reads

Meaning both parties get the blame.

On Sun news programs, Dems blamed GOP & vice versa. Fucking pointless.

Btw, your subject heading shows that you're not without biases yourself.

I blame this whole fucking mess on dude shown below ( not sure if he is TP member ):

Busted.... LOL  I don't know about biased, but maybe that's a fair statement.  I personally believe the TP had is absolutely correct.  The debt and spending had to be curbed.  The ability of the WH, Dems, and non TP repubs to impose gridlock by failing to accept what nearly every rating agency, every economist, and lest we forget, majority of voters said, it precisely what the S&P spokesperson said, although he was a bit wordy about it.  But, he even went further and essentially said, "told you so", when he indicated that if Congress/WH had adopted the Ryan proposal, or the proposal from the President's appointed Debt Commission, or the full proposal from the TP, the downgrade would never have happend.

It's pretty simple. The problem is that the Republicans have made it impossible to raise taxes. S&P said this in their own press release. Pay extra attention to the last paragraph on page 4. That is the reason for the downgrade. Therefore, the tea baggers are the ones responsible for the downgrade. They assume that the Bush tax cuts will not expire at the end of 2012

-- Modified on 8/8/2011 8:39:54 AM

Keep grasping on to those two sentences Willy.  The big debt settlement means we have projected to add $7 Trillion of debt over the next 10 years as opposed to $10 Trillion.  And the S&P thinks the projection $2 Trillion short.  That was the best they can compromise. Sure Willy, this is all about more taxes and nothing about a government that refuses to reign in spending.  But don't worry, I'm sure your federal pension will continue to increase at an exponential rate.

-- Modified on 8/8/2011 10:13:00 AM

mrnogood1326 reads

I'm sure this is why he is having SUCH a hard time believing what he's seeing

Basically willy, when wisconsin was fighting to just ''cut'' some of your pension, you should have jumped on board, so you would have SOME pension instead of losing it all - But instead you chose to think money grows on tree's, and now the WHOLE system will collapse under the weight of your generous pensions, and you will GET NOTHING-

We can call this justice for you weasle union members, it's unfortunate everyone else will have to lose big with you greedy, lazy, government scum bag thugs that go on strike and shut down schools when you don't get your way..

-- Modified on 8/8/2011 11:35:45 AM

Yet, strangely enough, the value of gov't TSP's are great enough to run the Federal Government when they run out of revenue. Which is all fine by me, they can borrow from it so my TSP can collect interest off of it. What a fucking idiot.

I haven't noticed the sky is falling either, mister pant shitter. Markets are taking a hit like everyone knew they would, but I haven't noticed the hundreds and hundreds of municipalities going bankrupt while I was away on lunch. How many hours do you have left before the markets close? I also haven't noticed that Berkshire Hathaway declare bankruptcy yet.

Yes, us lazy, good-for-nothin' government employees caused this crash. It had nothing to do with Wall Street shenanigans. Those nasty nasty state workers like teachers bankrupt everyone with their luxurious 5 figure salaries. I suppose you even think that AFSCME workers and AFGE workers have the same pension plan. Jesus, you're dumber than the shit in your pants.

So, the whole system is going to collapse under the weight of our generous pensions, and we'll get nothing? Nothing? Well, let's find out what happens tomorrow night. You know what happens tomorrow night? Recall elections in Wisconsin.

Apparently, it's not just gov't workers who have had enough. 45,000 Verizon workers just went on strike, right here in the good ole USA. A sign of things to come? I hope so. If you weren't fucking retarded, you would hope for it too.

mrnogood2294 reads

and what do you think the BIGGEST burden, even bigger than medicaid, is on the states??

YOUR PENSIONS..That's what..

However, I agree with you on their being SEVERAL reasons for a sovereign default...

We're only at the begining of this, bottom up, systematic collapse..Right now we are at the part where 7,000 municplalities have had FAILURES..and those 7,000 failures happened because YOUR pensions are breaking the states..If we didn't have YOUR pensions to worry about paying the states WOULD NOT have been downgraded - it's that debt, to you lazy, over paid spoiled union workers that TIPPED the scales

Look at your greedy ass, you never go to work, or leave here, and you work for the union - you're proof why people hate unions..ONE non unionized worker does the work of 5 unionized workers, and yet you still feel so entitled you'd fight for more pensions, that are more generous than any non unionized worker, who works 10 x's harder than you..

Just look how you think about wisconsin..

If you were given the chance you'd shut down schools, to go strike for more money

If you knew your pensions would cause the states to go bankrupt you would have been willing to have some give and take  w wisconsin??? Instead of this off with their head mantality???

-- Modified on 8/8/2011 12:49:11 PM

...you know what's more interesting than your pants shitting? The warning you got from the mod. :)

So, I really hoped there wouldn't be any disagreement that our downgrade was directly a function of our massive debt, and that accepting that as a fact, would have automatically meant that the TP is not to blame because it was them, and them alone, who were holding out for spending cuts.  

Now I see since there are some here who are still caught up in word games and idealogical drama just to try and beat their chest that "I'm right" all the while the economy continues to flush down the toilet.

There is no hope.  And like empires before us, our future seems to be readily available for easy read in any of the history books.  Too bad.

you aint seen nothing yet.
willy and his union thugs will burn building to protect their REASON given right to a cushy job, primo benis, and a comfy retirement.
they'll use race, children, and old people as their human shields.
think I'm hyperventalating?
Look at greece, wisconsin, and any city work crew.

Priapus531593 reads

God, your posts are full of vitriol & stupidity lately.

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