Politics and Religion

Haha, there are still people on this board who deny "defund the police" ever happened
GaGambler 33 reads

With that kind of "head in the sand" mentality I can't wait to see how badly the Dims get slaughtered in the mid terms.

Can you even imagine all the Congressional investigations into the Bidens' that will happen when Congress flips red? Turnabout is fairplay, right?

It was as bad as anyone could have expected for the Dems last evening!!

"The spin will now begin in earnest, but the bottom line is this: Last night was a rout for the Democratic Party and its friends. They were swept in Virginia; they suffered a sixteen point swing in New Jersey — coming within a few thousands votes of losing a gubernatorial race that nobody (bar our own Dan McLaughlin) was talking about, while taking some notable losses in the assembly; they lost every single judicial race in Pennsylvania — including a seat on the state’s Supreme Court; they did worse than expected on the city council in New York; they even lost a race for city attorney in Seattle. Meanwhile, in Buffalo, NY, the socialist was defeated by a write-in candidate, and, in Minneapolis, a ballot measure to abolish the police was roundly rejected. If this sentiment were to hold, next year’s midterms will be utterly catastrophic for the party and its cause."

Now find me someone who cares. We've got a year until there's an election that means something. And my view is this was a much-needed wakeup call for the Dems. Now let's see if they're smart enough to heed it.
If they get their act tougher and pass these bills in Congress, and they give the economy a jolt, perhaps the midterms will swing their way. I'm not saying it WILL happen. But it could.

They better be smart enough to heed it!! If they don't they're fucked in 2022!!!

RespectfulRobert19 reads

Let get the agenda passed as that really hurt Mcauliffe and Murphy. What could they run on? High food prices? High gas prices? Supply chain bottlenecks? That's part 1. But part 2 is that we desperately need to borrow from the Frank Luntz school of how to talk about certain issues.  
I don't ever want to hear "Defund the Police" come out of the mouth of ANY democrat. How about, gee, Idk..."criminal justice reform" instead? And "CRT" needs to die too. It doesn't matter that it isn't taught in schools. We need to say more than that. We need to shout "I do NOT support CRT, but I do support THA." (Teaching history accurately). THAT'S a winner with indy's and moderates.  
Language and the framing of issues using certain key words is not only important, it's imperative. If we continue down this self inflicted path, we will get crushed next fall. The average seat change in congress is 27 seats or so? Last night was a major wake up call. I hope we heed it.

With that kind of "head in the sand" mentality I can't wait to see how badly the Dims get slaughtered in the mid terms.

Can you even imagine all the Congressional investigations into the Bidens' that will happen when Congress flips red? Turnabout is fairplay, right?

Find ONE post by a lefty on this board who said "defend the police" never happened or said it was a good idea.
PS: None of us had actually forgotten what a blatant liar you are. It really wasn't necessary to come back and remind us.

in 2020 on a sign a protester was carrying, I thought to myself, "What a dumb shit, he can't even spell 'defend'".  

This is what a message search turns up using the key word "defund" along with "inicky" as the author.

I can't wait for him to turn himself into a pretzel trying to deny his own words which is just one of the many reasons I no longer engage in conversation with him. I'll concede he is not as stupid as many of his brethren on the left, but he is every bit as dishonest.

Oh well maybe I'll pop in again in a few hours/days or weeks just to see if there is anything or anyone worth talking to around here. Somehow I seriously doubt it.

Did the idiot even READ what's in his link or is his reading comprehension now at a Second Grade level. Hell, the first post on the list is so old it's not even ABOUT defunding the police.
And then there's this one. The rest are consistent with it.
Does CaCa really need to make it this easy?

READ WHAT I WROTE! I never said no one ever claimed defund the police was never mentioned. I wrote on numerous occasions it was a) stupid and b) would never happen. If you actually read the list CaCa posted, I kept saying that over and over.
 But CaCa keeps lying about it.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

from last week was a little off.  I predicted a two-point win for Youngkin.   It ended up at 2.1%.  I'll try to do better next time.  Lol

Enjoy your oh-so-rare moment in the sun.
PS: I was also predicting a Youngkin win.

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