Politics and Religion

Trump starts whoring his presidency on Jan. 21, 2017......
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 7375 reads

...the day after the inauguration.  The Opening Day Foundation was created in Texas on December 14.  Trump Jr. and his idiot brother were named in the filing papers as directors of the foundation.


A brochure released by the foundation said that for $1,000,000. you could have a private reception and photo opportunity with PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump on January 21, 2017.


Naturally, the shit hit the fan just as it did when Ivanka whored herself out to have a private coffee meeting.  Trump backed off of the Opening Day whorefest.  The Trump transition team issued a statement by Hope Hicks.  Whoring Hope lied her ass off and said: "The Opening Day event and details that have been reported are merely initial concepts that have not been approved or pursued by the Trump family.  Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are avid outdoorsmen and supporters of conservation efforts, which align with the goals of this event.  However, they are not involved in any capacity."

"Initial concepts?"  Papers were filed creating a foundation.  Brochures was printed indicating various bribery opportunities.  That's a lot more than "initial concepts."

Tweedledumb & Tweedledumber "...are not involved in any capacity?"  Their names were listed as directors on the filing papers of the foundation.  


The Trumps' whoring makes Bill Clinton's Lincoln Bedroom fiasco and the allegations about Hillary's P4P as Sec'y. of State look like amateur hour.

Aren't you looking forward to four years of the Trump family selling themselves out to the highest bidder?

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 3:31:45 AM

So, I fail to see how an event that did not take place would be worse than multiple events that did with regards to the Lincoln bedroom shenanigans. I think the Democratic Party needs to pick its spots better when attacking Trump. I do believe his administration will be a target rich environment upon its arrival, but pointing out things that didn't occur vs. things that did, only gives the Republicans an easy defense and makes this a one day story. In essence, if we have a daily outrage over everything Trump, we will not be taken as seriously when we have significant corruption forged on us by him.

I am not saying not to push back on corruption. I am saying to pick our spots better and to discern between those that are outrageous and those that are not. My concern is that if we scream about every Trump misstep, faux pas or trespass, we will not be taken seriously when he commits his truly insidious and heinous acts. You are making a finer, more micro point, and I am looking at the macro picture, but of course you are correct as you are making a very valid argument. Thanks for the clarification.

JakeFromStateFarm274 reads

Not to mention that the Republicans missed NO example, no matter how small, to politicize anything.

Albeit in this hyper partisan age we now live in, that may be a dream from a by gone era.

JakeFromStateFarm350 reads

Mainly because I'd like to see the Dems pay the "Party of No" back for years of obstructionism.  And I do think it's wise to take the higher ground when possible.  Also, as a pragmatist, I'd like to the see Dems cooperate where they can and save their "no's" for bedrock things like SCOTUS justices, simply to make it harder for the Reps to justify using the nuclear option.

GaGambler250 reads

if they had been we wouldn't be saddled with the disaster that is ObamaCare and we Never would have done potentially even more disastrous Iran Deal.

I do agree the Dems should save their ammo for things like the SCOTUS Justices. Although picking Ted Cruz for SCOTUS would be one sure fire way to get him out of the Senate.

I think Trump is going to be smart enough to tie the Infrastructure bill along with tax reform, which will pretty much force the Dems to go along and which could give us 4% GDP growth that would benefit us all.

GaGambler328 reads

Don't be LTM.  

And your point is valid. Using LTM as an example, we hear so much noise out of him every single fucking day, day in and day out, nobody pays any attention to what he says any more. It's just so much annoying noise it's hard to even tell one annoying post from another. The same does go for many others on your side of the aisle in regards to Trump and in fairness, there are several on the other side of the aisle that did the exact same thing with Obama.

Yes, If you bitch, whine and throw a hissy fit every time he burps at the dinner table, your accusations will simply be tossed aside as more of the same if he ever does cross the line and does something terrible.

So basically, you're saying we can look forward to more of the same special interest influence peddling and political whoring as we have since the earliest days of the first Bush administration.

The only real differences in the long term, are the special interests being catered to.

The Clinton Foundation was the inspiration behind the The Opening Day Foundation. The only real differences, from my jaded perspective, are the special interests being coveted. Both involved access to the highest levels of power and influence. Neither are amenable to, or interested in the hoi polloi.

What I'm curious to know is this:
Why is it that on a hooker board of all places, referring to someone as a whore is a bad thing?

Posted By: BigPapasan
...the day after the inauguration.  The Opening Day Foundation was created in Texas on December 14.  Trump Jr. and his idiot brother were named in the filing papers as directors of the foundation.  
 A brochure released by the foundation said that for $1,000,000. you could have a private reception and photo opportunity with PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump on January 21, 2017.  
 Naturally, the shit hit the fan just as it did when Ivanka whored herself out to have a private coffee meeting.  Trump backed off of the Opening Day whorefest.  The Trump transition team issued a statement by Hope Hicks.  Whoring Hope lied her ass off and said: "The Opening Day event and details that have been reported are merely initial concepts that have not been approved or pursued by the Trump family.  Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump are avid outdoorsmen and supporters of conservation efforts, which align with the goals of this event.  However, they are not involved in any capacity."  
 "Initial concepts?"  Papers were filed creating a foundation.  Brochures was printed indicating various bribery opportunities.  That's a lot more than "initial concepts."  
 Tweedledumb & Tweedledumber "...are not involved in any capacity?"  Their names were listed as directors on the filing papers of the foundation.    
 The Trumps' whoring makes Bill Clinton's Lincoln Bedroom fiasco and the allegations about Hillary's P4P as Sec'y. of State look like amateur hour.  
 Aren't you looking forward to four years of the Trump family selling themselves out to the highest bidder?  

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 3:31:45 AM

JakeFromStateFarm283 reads

1) Even though your point about the term "whoring" was tongue in cheek, you're right.  Using said term on TER is hypocritical as hell -- especially by someone who constantly whines when others make comments he thinks aren't politically correct -- but why would we be surprised?
2) I strongly disagree with your drawing equivalencies with the Clintons because after all the heat that Trump brought on the subject of "pay for play" during the campaign, for his kids to immediately play the same game even more blatantly shows what greedy hypocrites they are.  

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 9:58:31 AM

1 - It was indeed tongue in cheek, but I really did mean it in a rhetorical sense. It makes no sense at all to me to refer to others as whores when so many of us here proudly wear the whoremongers badge. At least those of us who still actually get laid (reviewed or not).

2 - I agree with you completely regarding the hypocrisy of Don Jr and Eric. It was a dumb, short-sighted move and really illustrates the lack of understanding (or disdain for same) of proper political protocol. But the equivalency I attribute to both "foundations" remains unchanged. Both were designed to enrich the "founders" while granting privileged access to the seats of power. Whether it was the Bush compounds in Kennebunkport(41) or Crawford Ranch (43) , the Lincoln bedroom or the Clinton Foundation, they all served the same purpose in order to enrich the same masters. The Trumps are merely the Flavor of the Moment when it comes to peddling influence.

I think the Trump idea has been shut down as of this writing, and Ivanka no longer shares her morning gossip and coffee with you for $25000, but these are people of privilege; To The Manor Born as it were. Not to make excuses, but I would not be surprised if they did not know any better and simply "expected" to do whatever they wished. (now that was tongue in cheek)

On a personal note Jake - I know you love a good bone as much as the next monger... would you really turn down a session with Ivanka if the price was right?  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
1) Even though your point about the term "whoring" was tongue in cheek, you're right.  Using said term on TER is hypocritical as hell -- especially by someone who constantly whines when others make comments he thinks aren't politically correct -- but why would we be surprised?  
 2) I strongly disagree with your drawing equivalencies with the Clintons because after all the heat that Trump brought on the subject of "pay for play" during the campaign, for his kids to immediately play the same game even more blatantly shows what greedy hypocrites they are.  

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 9:58:31 AM

JakeFromStateFarm539 reads

Since she's birthed a few brats I'd want to be sure there ain't no stretch marks.  Yuck.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Since she's birthed a few brats I'd want to be sure there ain't no stretch marks.  Yuck.

JakeFromStateFarm455 reads

there's a picture in the message box inside.  I can't trust you farther than I can throw Wu.  Which, given Wu's corpulent ass, ain't very far

... the eom was an oversight. Forgot to remove when I found the photo I wanted.

-- Modified on 12/21/2016 5:24:25 PM

...Because it's reserved for true whores like the Trumps and other politicians.  We don't say "whoremonger," do we?  No, we generally say "monger."  Maybe because it's a shortened version or maybe because we don't want to say "whore."

I did a search on the General board going back about 16 years to see how we refer to the ladies of TER:

Provider -  125,000
Escort -       21,000
Prostitute -    3,500
Whore -         3,300

Most of us treat providers with respect (unless they're posting; then they're treated as equally as other posters...except by the white knighting manginas like JakeFromTheFunnyFarm who think providers are delicate flowers in need of protection).  That's why the word "whore" has been used so little over the years.  Many don't mind being called "hookers," but I don't think they'd like being called "whores."  But if you can't understand why calling them "whores" or referring to them as "whores" is a bad thing, go ahead and do it.

"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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