Politics and Religion

Grow the fuck up
hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 12452 reads
1 / 76

Republican lawmaker from Louisiana and a former KKK activist shot in baseball field.    No comment.   Waiting for tweets.

balller 102 reads
2 / 76

Classic fucking lib lack of basis decency and humanity.

All the wounds haven't been treated yet.

Sadly predictable for this lib child!

Sswede 76 Reviews 114 reads
3 / 76

The resistance left on attack. This morning's event exemplifies exactly who they are...Remember obama's famous proclamation "punish your enemies?" Well here we are children..

GaGambler 120 reads
4 / 76

For the record, FIVE people were shot, how are you going to feel if a couple of them turn out to be "of color" or even from the Sub Continent?

I suppose you are hoping that they are not only all white, but that they all have military back rounds so you can revel in their pain and suffering. Hadji, you are hands down the most vile person ever to have infected this board.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 103 reads
6 / 76

...STOP IT...I hate the idea that booth sides choose to politicize this stupid & heinous act of violence, please just chill out until all the facts are presented.

pot/kettle 119 reads
7 / 76

Not once -- not one single fucking time -- did he mention politicizing this tragic event.  

But you -- in your typical and constantly repetitive manner -- turn it into a chance to make another anti-Trump response.

GaG was only half right.  Your constant bullshit is equally as vile as Hadji's obnoxious behavior.

mattradd 40 Reviews 92 reads
8 / 76

Christian college students to "get even." ;)


Yes, Trump love to get even, even at the smallest slights! Perhaps the shooter was listening to Trump, not Obama! ;)


JackDunphy 89 reads
9 / 76

Many "facts" that are initially rushed out by the media turn out to be untrue anyway. Always time for finger pointing later.

In general though, I am not a big proponent of blaming others for things a certain individual does. People are usually responsible for their own hateful, idiotic choices but of course mental illness often plays a roll in these cases.

Let's see how this develops.

EuroModelsShown 71 reads
10 / 76

Lol that event has been corporately pimped more than the 9/11 terror attacks.

I've never seen more corporate pro-gay propaganda than what came about after the shooting.

You are going to talk about politicizing the event, laughable.

Really tho, why is being gay, such a important attribute for America.

One thing I saw was a rainbow clad NYPD cruiser, dedicated to the shooting victims.

Why? Ford doesn't get enough publicity?  You know the Ford Motor Company, one of the corporations that helped fund the holocaust.

EuroModelsShown 130 reads
11 / 76

Why are federal tax dollars being used to pay for a congressional baseball game. Law makers do not need to play baseball. Along with tax dollars being used to fund the response by authorities.

DUANE 33 Reviews 139 reads
12 / 76

Where is the sane Mattradd of 6 years ago?

"I find it the [to?] be a very sad day..."

the Giffords shooting was way before Trump.

GaGambler 100 reads
13 / 76

But then he would have had an excuse to say how much we talk about him, but as you said, right on cue LTM is right here to make it all about Trump while trying to defend yet another indefensible post by Hadji.

I wonder if fg is celebrating the tragedy as well, or if perhaps he is waiting to make sure all of the victims were white before raising a glass?

mattradd 40 Reviews 62 reads
14 / 76

The Swede politicized the attack. I countered that whatever Obama said was Trumped several times over by Trump!

GaGambler 176 reads
15 / 76

You are almost as dumb as Hadji, Not quite which is why you are the perennial runner up for SPOTY, but you sure are every bit as vile a human being.  The lefties should be thankful to have you here to help balance the scales.

Only a complete moron could blame the victims for the tax dollars spent stopping and investigating a crime.

EuroModelsShown 141 reads
17 / 76

Liberal scum like the shooter, are the same scum that keep the Chicago land minority gang members in business.

I'm just guessing, but what is the body count for the year, like 300?

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 131 reads
18 / 76

This is big news because the people who took the shots were white Republicans.     If it was regular Blacks and  Hispanics on a baseball field, it is another normal day in America.    Someone exercising his second amendment right.    NRA would have put out a statement, "we told you so, you need to have guns to protect yourself".    "The shooter was deranged and mentally ill".   It is all about mental illness.

EuroModelsShown 98 reads
19 / 76

Even if it's for good, it still seems to be a waste of tax dollars.

Why not cut the BS, donate the cost of the event directly to the charity?

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 98 reads
20 / 76

You mean like that Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki charity where all the money goes to his bank account!    Republicans and Charity don't mix, it is like oil and water.      Who would want to pay to watch a bunch of ugly old white Republican men playing baseball?      Knowing the guy from LA who was shot and in hospital, the money may go to his KKK coffers.

This whole charity thing looks suspicious.    Republican + KKK = Charity?    

GaGambler 86 reads
21 / 76

I guaranfuckingtee you that if it were the Democratic baseball team that had been attacked, several of your lefty brethren would have politicized it instead of only one righty doing so.

Remember the last time something like this happened? You lefties were absolutely convinced it was a "right wing nut job" and were left eating crow when the true nature of the perpetrator was revealed.

I am perfectly willing to let the facts come out before leaping to any conclusions.

EuroModelsShown 104 reads
22 / 76

A cracker jack box?

I was blaming the perpetrator for the cost of the response.

I'll go back and look at what I said, but I'm pretty sure you are stupid,  and or can't read.

EuroModelsShown 86 reads
23 / 76

I don't want to see white, or any color old or young men play baseball.  

The sport is boring to watch.

JackDunphy 150 reads
24 / 76

The softball game is between Republicans AND DEMOCRATS.

Congrats Hershey, you managed to politicize the one , and maybe only non-partisan thing left in DC and a charity to boot!

Are you sure you are not a conservative trolling us to look like a lib or are you really this uninformed about everything in life?

mattradd 40 Reviews 91 reads
25 / 76

I'm suppose to just give Swede a pass, on his bullshit, because he's a righty? ;)

mrhuck 15 Reviews 65 reads
26 / 76

...What a moronic statement from someone obviously commenting just to stir-up trouble, our country needs more events like this & to criticize these people for getting together every year for a non-partisan charity event is the mark of someone who has truly lost what ever spirit he may have once had.

EuroModelsShown 82 reads
27 / 76

What a bunch of nonsense... It probably costs millions to have this game.

I also clearly stated, just give that money to the charity. They would probably see a bigger donation.

Either way, it's costing the tax payers money.

JackDunphy 253 reads
28 / 76
balller 58 reads
29 / 76
mattradd 40 Reviews 219 reads
30 / 76

many, many mass shootings, and even shootings of innocent individuals. It's becoming the new normal. I do not have increased or decreased sadness due to the victims being Congressmen. I do have increased concern that nut jobs are answering political disagreements, with politicians, using guns.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 74 reads
32 / 76

Now the neo con knows the difference between  sitting in Congress and pass laws "guns for anyone, no background checks, even for mentally ill"  VS getting shot, especially when it hits close to home!   LOL.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 136 reads
33 / 76

You know and I know the crook in oval office puts his mouth in his mouth first.

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 98 reads
34 / 76

I hope all the Democrats are safe.   Chill.

EuroModelsShown 177 reads
35 / 76

I don't know what the price tag is, but the stadium needs electricity, the Congress needs security, I did not know they had their own PD.

Just imagine if you owned a business, held a company softball game and one of your employees gets injured. You will have a insurance issue on your hands, due to a work place injury.

That also costs money. It all costs money, tax payer money.

The District shouldn't even have underprivileged kids. With all that tax money.

Congressional baseball a complete waste of money.

JackDunphy 118 reads
36 / 76

I am not sure, but this may not cost the tax payer one cent over what they would normally pay per day.  

Look I am about as big as a debt/deficit hawk there is on this board but I am not going to have a hissy about some tax payer money being spent for a charity while showing some non-partisanship between the parties,

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 161 reads
37 / 76

All the neo cons and NRA patrons calm down.    There has been a shooting at a UPS facility in San Francisco, CA.   Two people are dead.

Another normal day in America.    Who needs travel ban.    We have enough terrorists right here, home grown.

followme 82 reads
38 / 76


You do not know what the price tag is but you are pissing and moaning about it  



You do not even know who is fucking paying.

Now go change your diaper. It's full...and soaked too

You're welcome

mattradd 40 Reviews 82 reads
39 / 76

Hey! With God on your side, in fighting evil, why wouldn't you be inclined to use violence; perhaps even more so than someone on the left who merely hates Trump or his policies. Such a lefty probably doesn't have the same moral justification as a religious righty.

EuroModelsShown 65 reads
40 / 76

Why are politics in the forefront of citizens minds?

Perhaps if people had less exposure to things that don't really make much difference at the end of the day.

With out politics or religion, nut jobs wouldn't have anything to latch on to.

Less politics in media, might stop nut jobs from having a cause.

EuroModelsShown 164 reads
41 / 76

Thought Hit was a lefty, hell he was even an artist.

followme 61 reads
42 / 76

You know he is the ultimate in stupid (and lying too) along with having no honor, no dignity and no self respect.

We all know he does not have the courage to keep his promise to move out of the country if trump wins.  

Additionally I caught him and called him out, the other day, for plagiarizing.

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 5:09:00 PM

DUANE 33 Reviews 141 reads
43 / 76
mattradd 40 Reviews 96 reads
44 / 76

I seldom respond to alias's. And, given the level of reasoning and cogency you demonstrate is on the level of Nuguy's, whom I have on ignore, don't be expecting me to be reading and responding to your posts! ;)

EuroModelsShown 130 reads
45 / 76

Nothing happens in DC with out the taxpayers paying  the bill.

And how were these Congress folks going to practice in 90 degree weather? They would die from heat exposure.

Like many things in America, the focus is on BS. And not things that are important, like running water.

EuroModelsShown 158 reads
47 / 76
followme 125 reads
48 / 76

But it is a losing cause, which I suspect is the story of your life.

Don’t stop you are very entertaining.

 you are stumbling over your own stupidity incompetence  lack of self-respect and dignity and it is so much fun to watch.



EuroModelsShown 99 reads
49 / 76

It's still costing the tax payers money

... Cops don't direct traffic for free.

DUANE 33 Reviews 112 reads
50 / 76

If you look at things Highway (and others for that matter) has posted here, and things attributed to the shooter, you see some similarities.

JakeFromStateFarm 187 reads
51 / 76

Matt, if he's got an envelope icon next to his name he's a basic member.  So he's right, but still an imbecile.  I, on the other hand, am an alias but you do respond to me.  Which is wise of you.

2465305 70 Reviews 59 reads
52 / 76

WOW...you really are totally clueless.  

It's a charity game. I'm sure the Washington Nationals are picking up the tab for the game at their stadium. They will reap the benefit of the concessions.  

The cops working traffic in the area will be on overtime most likely and that will be covered by the department they work for.....out of an overtime budget.

Secret Service and FBI agents will be paid their salaries and will most likely change their hours of work and operations.  

Nothing comes from federal money.  

2465305 70 Reviews 89 reads
53 / 76

Well this ain't twitter you moron.

This is typical democratic actions but the butt hurt lefties.

Dems believe that violence is the way to get over the election, a way to make their pathetic selves feel better. Worst part is there is evidence to back up my claim.

1. Rosie O'Donnell....makes donation to a traitor's defense.
2. Madonna.......says she wants to blow up the White house
3. Kathy Griffin.......severed head of a likeness of Trump
4. Snoop Dog......shoots Trump in the head in worthless video
5. Robert DeNiro.......said he would like to punch Trump in the face
6. Joss Whedon......said he would like a rhino to fuck Paul Ryan to death
7. Shakespeare in the Park.......likeness of Trump being stabbed to death
8. Mickey Rourke.....threatened to beat Trump with a baseball bat
9.  Lea DeLaria....threatens to take out Republicans and Trump with a baseball bat
10. Marilyn Manson.....Kills Trump in music video
11. Rapper Everlast......warning to Trump....I will punch you in the face
12. Larry Wilmore......jokes about suffocating Trump with a pillow

Funny how these celebs run their yaps without worrying about repercussion....and that is what we saw today.

Then you have clowns on here blaming every one else and quoting a pathetic article from the Clinton News Network as gospel truth. but then again you have to consider the source when it comes to this incident. Laffy and Hershey Highway are joined at the hip anyway so it's no wonder they both bring a shit load of negativity.    

2465305 70 Reviews 99 reads
54 / 76

You have a lot to learn little man. Your Queen Hillary didn't do anything without taking some kickback funds. Her charity of choice...............her pocket masquerading as The Clinton Foundation.

So how do you know all the men playing will be white? Maybe the dems will recruit a bunch of 7-11 owners to be on their team......would that make you happy?

Clinton Foundation = tax breaks and laundered money.
Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: The softball game is a charity whose proceeds go to disadvanatged childrens's programs in DC...
You mean like that Abu Ivanka Al Amreeki charity where all the money goes to his bank account!    Republicans and Charity don't mix, it is like oil and water.      Who would want to pay to watch a bunch of ugly old white Republican men playing baseball?      Knowing the guy from LA who was shot and in hospital, the money may go to his KKK coffers.  
 This whole charity thing looks suspicious.    Republican + KKK = Charity?    

hwy2heaven 169 Reviews 94 reads
55 / 76

Remember this during last year campaign:

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.
Repeating his contention that Mrs. Clinton wanted to abolish the right to bear arms, Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.
“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Yeah you asshole, one person really took your advice and used the second amendment right today in Virginia.

bigguy30 89 reads
56 / 76
HappyChanges 172 reads
57 / 76

It is becoming the new normal. A couple of weeks ago there was a bomb scare at my office.  Somebody left a bag on a busy street in the city.  There was major police activity, street closures and bomb sniffing dogs. Most people were unfazed and conducted business as usual.  There was this one young girl that was clearly visibly shaken.  I felt bad for that girl. Turned out is was nothing.  I guess its just the times we live in.

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 122 reads
58 / 76

"Why do we have a Second Amendment? It's not to shoot deer. It's to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!"  --Senator Rand Paul, on Twitter, 6/23/16


mattradd 40 Reviews 139 reads
60 / 76

The experience of being a victim of violence makes a child's world a very scary place to live in. I can remember living in Culver City, and being afraid of being jumped by multiple assailants, and knifed to death, while going to or from school, or just taking trash out to the alley. Then living in a small town in the Mid-west, the worst it ever got was one on one fist fights. The freedom from the threats I experienced in Culver City, made a big difference in my school performance. I can only imagine how experiencing the fears of today, or violence in the school or home, impacts their academic performance, and hopes for the future.

2465305 70 Reviews 146 reads
61 / 76

You are overmedicated.....try reading your post before you post it and make a complete fool out of yourself.

Posted By: hwy2heaven
Re: A gambler attacked that casino and your hero  
You know and I know the crook in oval office puts his mouth in his mouth first.

impposter 49 Reviews 88 reads
64 / 76

Slightly off topic ... Is the annual congressional baseball (softball?) game Dems vs Reps or is it House vs Senate or two team captains choosing from whoever shows up (schoolyard style)? I don't know, but I think it's strictly a party line thing, Dems vs Reps.  Is that correct?
Anybody remember the movie "Remember the Titans" based on the true story of a Virginia high school football program? Initially segregated, the coach shook things up and broke down the racial barrier and the black and white players learned to play together and win the state championship.  (Time out .... I have to get a tissue to dry my tears. ... I'm back.)  How about changing the congressional baseball game to FORCE a mix-up of Dems with Reps, FORCE them to practice together, to talk to each other, and to learn to cooperate?  
If we could do that, just think of what can happen! .... (Probably, the end of the Congressional Baseball Game.)

EuroModelsShown 253 reads
65 / 76

The gunman was a union member, apparently tired of working too much OT.

... and probably tired of seeing his tax dollars going to fund the liberal life choices of the residents of SF.

balller 92 reads
66 / 76

One of YOUR lib team shoots innocents, and YOU talk about your twisted interpretation of what someone else SAID!

You are the perfect storm of vile and stupid!

You POS!

balller 159 reads
67 / 76

I said, accurately,

"lib lack of basic decency and humanity"

You prove me right with each and every one of your banal posts!

What, are you too stupid to even copy what someone else said?

That was rhetorical.

balller 127 reads
68 / 76

But cops nonetheless meaning that libs want them dead!

nuguy46 174 reads
69 / 76

posing with decapitated heads of the Prez...seriously....a play in NYC showing the stabbing death of the Prez..really? Never has been funny nor does it ever contribute to any real discussion....see where the Clinton unacceptance of the election has led !!

balller 126 reads
70 / 76
balller 219 reads
71 / 76

You STILL can't shoot them with a baseball bat you child imbecile!

JakeFromStateFarm 211 reads
72 / 76

Our brain donor seems to have missed who the Republican team is playng:  the Democrats. Both parties play the game to support the charity and have for a long time.

bigguy30 72 reads
73 / 76

Some things never change with your own race baiting.
Also you are not fooling anyone with your comments.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 126 reads
74 / 76

...if we are ever going to get anywhere with coming to any kind of consensus about America's government problems, but "o" what the heck this is just a "fuck board" blog & nobody cares anyway.

-- Modified on 6/16/2017 10:52:04 AM

balller 109 reads
75 / 76

It will NEVER stop as long a fucking libs dehumanize cons

And don't denounce the violence of their supporters

It's their go to tactics

Conservatives think that Liberals are wrong and silly

And now REALLY dangerous

Liberals HATE conservatives

Let's let it play out - Conservatives have more guns and are better trained and won't be attacked much longer without responding

Where were you when libs supported the hunting of cops - oddly silent

Spare us the faux sanctimony.

balller 14 reads
76 / 76

Cmon, tell me!  I won't tell anybody!

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