Politics and Religion

GOP admins had their shares of "Benghazi"...
Luv-Kitty 836 reads

Terrorist attacks on US consulates, embassies and military outposts had always happened during the past decades. The 4 dead in Benghazi were blown out of proportion. Consider the following:

22 Americans dead from terrorist attacks against US consulates & embassies on Bush's watch. Yes, they included senior diplomats:

241 Americans dead in terrorist attack at Lebanon, on Reagan's watch:

that the President of the United States tried to dismiss the incident by sending out his minion to tell the world that it was caused by a video.  All in an effort to not disrupt his re-election in a few weeks.  A re-election that was virtually certain without any coverup attempts by him or anyone else in his administration. Including his Sec. of State

bigguy3074 reads

The GOP house cutting funding did not play a role?
Since the President asked for more funds and they refuse to meet that number.

Then they want to turn around and blame him or Hillary?

Also since they want to keep talking about the past, let's look at the lies of George W. Bush.

A total of 4,491 U.S. service members were killed in Iraq and it all started with Bush lies about weapons of mass destruction.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
that the President of the United States tried to dismiss the incident by sending out his minion to tell the world that it was caused by a video.  All in an effort to not disrupt his re-election in a few weeks.  A re-election that was virtually certain without any coverup attempts by him or anyone else in his administration. Including his Sec. of State.  

I am not referring at all to the attack or blaming anyone -- even President Obama -- for the attack.  I am talking about his attempt to bury the story until after the election so that his re-election attempt would not take any hits.

If you could read -- let alone write in complete sentences -- you might be dangerous.  Instead, you're just stupid

Posted By: PitchingWedge
I am not referring at all to the attack or blaming anyone -- even President Obama -- for the attack.  I am talking about his attempt to bury the story until after the election so that his re-election attempt would not take any hits.  
 If you could read -- let alone write in complete sentences -- you might be dangerous.  Instead, you're just stupid.  

bigguy30176 reads

It must be time for your nap and stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.
You are either too stupid yourself to realize it or just forgetting more things with age.
I was not the only one, to call out your suspect response comment either.

You Doc and GaG, really are the Three Stooges of this site.
So nice try, but you keep swinging and missing. Lol

Posted By: PitchingWedge
I am not referring at all to the attack or blaming anyone -- even President Obama -- for the attack.  I am talking about his attempt to bury the story until after the election so that his re-election attempt would not take any hits.  
 If you could read -- let alone write in complete sentences -- you might be dangerous.  Instead, you're just stupid.  

-- Modified on 10/24/2016 3:18:41 PM

...complex thinking. You're so blinded by your loyalty to your stupid president who...

1. Took American race relations 30 years back

2. Managed to ruin the Middle East even more then his predecessor did and basically caused the flood of refugees into Europe.

3. Single handedly convinced Donald Trump to run for president.

4. Screwed up relations with Russia purely out of personal spite.

5. Is completely ignored by China, dismissed by Cuba and frowned and laughed upon even by such a small fish as are the Philippines.

...and I'm not even a quarter way through. Imagine if he'd be with us for another 3-4 years? I bet even Lichtenstein would be able to tell us to fuck off!

If you think that if HRC wins she'll be anything like Obama you're dreaming. Common sense will be back in the White House for the first time in 16 years.  Can't wait till this joke of a president whose only claim to fame is the color of his skin leaves "to spend more time with his family"

bigguy3053 reads

You are always lost and make a fool of yourself.

So your usual President Obama bashing, makes you sound really stupid.
I guess you missed his approval rating is higher than Ronald Reagan and matches Bill Clinton for a second term President.  

I can't wait to this election is over and you stop hiding your Trump support.
So I exposed you several times on here as a fraud and your credibility is like your leader Trump.
The both of you, don't have any clown and just wait until election night.


Posted By: Nnoway
...complex thinking. You're so blinded by your loyalty to your stupid president who...  
 1. Took American race relations 30 years back  
 2. Managed to ruin the Middle East even more then his predecessor did and basically caused the flood of refugees into Europe.  
 3. Single handedly convinced Donald Trump to run for president.  
 4. Screwed up relations with Russia purely out of personal spite.  
 5. Is completely ignored by China, dismissed by Cuba and frowned and laughed upon even by such a small fish as are the Philippines.  
 ...and I'm not even a quarter way through. Imagine if he'd be with us for another 3-4 years? I bet even Lichtenstein would be able to tell us to fuck off!  
 If you think that if HRC wins she'll be anything like Obama you're dreaming. Common sense will be back in the White House for the first time in 16 years.  Can't wait till this joke of a president whose only claim to fame is the color of his skin leaves "to spend more time with his family".  
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:35:39 AM

bigguy3095 reads

You are losing it already and we still have two weeks to go.
I love laughing at you and the other Trump cult supporters.
Since you have no idea what to say, but express you personal hate.

Also President Obama approval rating is at 57% bitch.
This is why, you sound so stupid and desperate.

Posted By: Nnoway
...going... going... gone!

and the deaths, before the dust even had a chance to settle. You know, fog of war. Romney! Republicans are just angry because it didn't work, and Romney lost.

Let's see! Let's put it another way. If Romney had won, do you really, really believe we would have had all the investigations into Benghazi! ;)

P.S. I doubt if there would have been the same level of scrutiny, on Benghazi, if Hillary never intended to run for president. What do you think? ;)

LasVegan75 reads

confuse these people with the facts!  They have already made up their minds!

It was all about the President's shameless effort to bury the story until after the election so that his re-election chances would not suffer any damage.

As far as I was concerned, the investigations weren't needed. President Obama was on tape saying that he wanted to delay the investigation of the Benghazi attack until after the election.

LasVegan137 reads

that is true?  Ever been in the military?  Could it be possible that our intel was slow to develop and because of all the media attention he made an error in releasing a position prematurely?

Was not until our intel became more verifiable that we had an accurate assessment of what we really think caused this sad sequence of events.

If there was any TRUE evidence of wrongdoing, the GOP congress would have crucified Clinton and Obama would have be unable to do anything about it!

Any idea how many of our embassies were attacked while Colin Powell (a national hero) was secretary of state?

While in the Navy, I was one of the first responders to several plane crashes by Naval aviators. JAG put a tight lid, quickly, on any details of those accidents, before they were willing to disclose their results of their investigations, which often took much more time than the press was happy with. I believe, if Romney had not politicized the event, immediately after it happened, there would not have been the pressure to prematurely come up with explanations of what occurred. But, like Congress under funding for the protection of our embassies and consulates, the Republicans choose not to accept their part of the tragedy.

bigguy30104 reads

You need to look at yourself.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
You've already got all the answers.
-- Modified on 10/24/2016 3:23:16 PM

bigguy30114 reads

Well I guess you missed, I was not the only one to call out PW?
You just wanted to respond to me, because of your embarrassment for being exposed. Lol

So don't worry, you won't have to hide your Trump anymore.
When election night is over and your cult leader loses.
I will make sure, to give you a special shout out.

Posted By: Nnoway
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:48:49 AM

...bullshitter bigguy30, and as such to be ignored.

Posted By: bigguy30
Well I guess you missed, I was not the only one to call out PW?  
 You just wanted to respond to me, because of your embarrassment for being exposed. Lol  
 So don't worry, you won't have to hide your Trump anymore.  
 When election night is over and your cult leader loses.  
 I will make sure, to give you a special shout out.  
Posted By: Nnoway
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:48:49 AM

bigguy30120 reads

We can see past your hate and bullshit!

Posted By: Nnoway
...bullshitter bigguy30, and as such to be ignored.  
Posted By: bigguy30
Well I guess you missed, I was not the only one to call out PW?  
  You just wanted to respond to me, because of your embarrassment for being exposed. Lol  
  So don't worry, you won't have to hide your Trump anymore.  
  When election night is over and your cult leader loses.  
  I will make sure, to give you a special shout out.  
Posted By: Nnoway
 -- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:48:49 AM
-- Modified on 10/25/2016 5:49:25 PM

saltyballs117 reads

......and the resulting politicization of Benghazi by the GOP has ensured the public will never find out the real reason for the attack. The GOP hounding of HRC over Benghazi makes zero sense. FWIW, the Secretary of State can advise the President, they can argue, but in the end the SOS follows the direct orders of the President. Hillary was not the only person in the State department briefing room that night of the Benghazi attack. If anyone is to blame for Benghazi, it's the U.S Ambassador to Libya for being in such a dangerous location without adequate protection, Obama for lacking a back bone on his Middle East policy and of course the Republican House leadership for cutting security funding for U.S embassies all around the world.

Posted By: PitchingWedge
You've already got all the answers.

-- Modified on 10/24/2016 5:28:06 PM

The Republiscum in Congress wanted to throw dirt on that damn uppity Black man in the White House and that nasty woman who was Secretary of State at the time. It was a waste of taxpayer money on racist and sexist fears and an attempt to destroy the career of a woman who would one day kick the ass of the most macho among them.

And they still couldn't put Dumfuck Donny in office. Their wannabe is getting his balls kicked by our girl! Even the most Southern, most bigoted crackers in Congress are feeling like wimps every time the Dunce opens his mouth to whine and sputter how unfair it all is. Then he runs home every night to Mama Melania to kiss it and make it better. Poor little Fascist always getting picked on!

Total waste of illegally used tax money by a bunch of incompetent fools who together haven't gotten as much done as the Black man they can't stand working under gets done all by himself every day! What a bunch of sorry losers playing the pity card now for the great unwashed who are too stupid to figure out what they've been trying to do!

I'm glad I've lived to see this! America might have a chance after all!

FatVern52 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
The Republiscum in Congress wanted to throw dirt on that damn uppity Black man in the White House and that nasty woman who was Secretary of State at the time. It was a waste of taxpayer money on racist and sexist fears and an attempt to destroy the career of a woman who would one day kick the ass of the most macho among them.  
 And they still couldn't put Dumfuck Donny in office. Their wannabe is getting his balls kicked by our girl! Even the most Southern, most bigoted crackers in Congress are feeling like wimps every time the Dunce opens his mouth to whine and sputter how unfair it all is. Then he runs home every night to Mama Melania to kiss it and make it better. Poor little Fascist always getting picked on!  
 Total waste of illegally used tax money by a bunch of incompetent fools who together haven't gotten as much done as the Black man they can't stand working under gets done all by himself every day! What a bunch of sorry losers playing the pity card now for the great unwashed who are too stupid to figure out what they've been trying to do!  
 I'm glad I've lived to see this! America might have a chance after all!

President Bush and VP Cheney lied about not knowing 9/11 warnings.   They lied about WMD, biological and chemical weapons in Iraq.    Sent their Secretary of State to tell the same lies at UN to justify what everyone knows now was a big criminal war profiteering mission!

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