Politics and Religion

Good luck with that...
EuroModelsShown 89 reads

Monsanto is bigger than Jesus... they make they engineered thewheat, and own the patent on the grapes the wine is pressed from.

...even though Carson has no experience other than being black and black people live in urban housing.  

Now Trump has appointed Lynne Patton to head up HUD’s Region II, which includes New York and New Jersey, where she’ll oversee distribution of billions of taxpayer dollars.  Patton started working for the Trump family in 2009 as an event planner.

Patton's qualifications for the job?  In her LinkedIn profile, she says she was:  "Responsible for organizing, executing and assisting with upscale events and celebrity golf tournaments...Handle celebrity talent acquisition for various marketing projects, philanthropic events and golf tournaments.”

She also claims on her LinkedIn page to have obtained a law degree in 2000 from Quinnipiac University School of Law in Connecticut.  The school registrar said Patton attended for two semesters but did not graduate.

Patton worked for the Eric Trump Foundation from 2011 until this past January.  She was Vice President of the foundation, a charity that's now under investigation by state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman for diverting money from the charity to Crooked Donny.

Sure, drain the swamp and replace them with people who have no experience.  That will Make HUD Great Again.  Sounds more like Trump is sabotaging HUD so that it will fail and he will have an excuse to try to abolish it.

Putting black people in charge of HUD, regardless of their lack of experience - that's not stereotyping, is it?


Update:  There's already pushback against Patton's appointment.  A wave of outrage has emerged about the appointment of Patton, who has zero housing experience, to run an office that distributes billions of taxpayer dollars to public housing authorities in New York and New Jersey, including the nation’s biggest, NYCHA.  Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens) fired off a letter to President Trump demanding he withdraw the appointment:  "This is not 'The Apprentice'... The federal government is not your personal patronage system."


-- Modified on 6/17/2017 1:57:31 PM

balller87 reads

HUD is a colossal waste of money and it should be abolished!  They ought to burn the place down - after the dumbfuck working-welfare govies are given food stamps and sent home.

Don't get me started on VA, DoS, EPA, Interior, DoT, DoE . . .  

You could cut half of the Fed workforce and not notice it.  Ain't nothing but a jobs program.

...Answer: anyone with more than half a brain, cutting half of the workforce in any of the agencies you mentioned would create problems for the people that have nowhere ells to turn to & land mgmt. & environmental problems that we may never be able to fix. While I agree that these agencies need to be better managed for greater efficiency the set of MOOKS that Trump has put in charge will do nothing but make a mess of those organizations

balller113 reads

agencies.  They are ALL colossal money wasters.  The ones I list are just the worst of them.  The quality of the employees is laughable (thanks Unions!), redundancy and waste are common.  If it weren't for contractors nothing would get done.

The gubment fucks up more than it fixes.

Half the workforce is more than enough to take care of all of the whiny snowflakes out there with litter issues is and property line disputes.  If they had any talent, a quarter would do just fine.

Now go find the other half of your brain"

...you didn't mention the one you have your hand out for  --  farm subsidies, right Mr. Ziffel?

GaGambler121 reads

I wouldn't cry about Monsanto losing their subsidies any more than I would cry if Exxon were to lose theirs.

I will confess, I don't know how much companies like Monsanto are subsidized, but a company making well over a billion a year hardly needs help from you and me to stay in business.

Monsanto is bigger than Jesus... they make they engineered thewheat, and own the patent on the grapes the wine is pressed from.

that I have a gluten and dairy intolerance today.  They have been poisoning us with insecticides on wheat and dried, then ground up for flour.  And it's in everything processed on the shelves in groceries stories.  They are making us sick!!  I don't think it's intentioned but mass producing foods for our population is causing us diseases.  It's not a gluten intolerance!  It's a poison intolerance!  We have long ago evolved to digest wheat.

a break on my small farm on my taxes.  I don't receive any funds from them just a break on property taxes for a tree conservation until I am ready to do something with my land.  Small help for people like me, a farm that barely meets the land requirements but is keeping the countryside sacred with privacy instead of development.  I don't know anything about the major farm subsidies, but I am sure it's for the big corporations benefit and not everyday folks like me.

GaGambler128 reads

but let me clarify why I don't oppose all farm subsidies and why "some" small farmers need the help.  

In most industries you have DOJ rules preventing monopolies  and encouraging competition via antitrust laws. Farmers don't have that protection. Without a bit of leveling of the playing field, there would be nothing stopping the Monsanto's of the world from wiping out the small farmers until our entire food supply was in the hands of a few mega corporations. Is that what we really want?

For the record, I feel the exact same way where it comes to the oil industry, banking,  and other industries where small business is at a competitive disadvantage to the point where a handful of large players can simply squeeze out the competition. In many cases like banking ,just the cost of compliance is so onerous that it's almost impossible for the smaller players to survive.

balller87 reads

I am more of a free-market guy and hate to not let economic Darwinism play itself out.  The food monopoly horse is already out of the barn simply due to the scale of their operations and the corresponding efficiencies.

I remain skeptical that these subsidies benefit us all - they are usually more the product of effective lobbying than wise public policy.  Subsidies generally lead to higher consumer prices paid for by our higher taxes - doesn't really make sense.

Dodd-Frank has something to do with the cost of compliance, an example of poor legislation leading to "well meaning" fed interference that made stuff worse.  A classic case of unintended consequences, or were they unintended?

If you want more of something subsidize it, less of something - tax it.

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