Politics and Religion

The "Super Dud" . . .
JLWest 3091 reads

just failed to make a budget cut deal. POTUS comes on TV and blames the Repub's for the failure. Says he will now take the 1.2 T automatics over the next 10 years.

He was a little subdued based on past standards or political rhetorical rants.

A couple of things occur to me. Not only did the Repub's fail but the Dems's failed also. Neither side was willing to make a deal. A possible deal breaks down for both sides.

I beginning to think an Obama reelection  might be a good thing. Five more years of this will put us in a major depression.

At least we could start over, prices would drop dramatically. If you have enough cash to last 10 years everyone would be better off.

We will all be flat broke, but at least we could default on the national debt.  

Timbow1136 reads

President Obama Monday evening blamed Republicans for the failure of the super committee to meet its deadline for a debt plan and warned that he will veto any attempt to eliminate the automatic spending cuts that go into effect with that failure.

I 'd like to see Obama try to let there be defense cuts and Chris Mathews said Panerta can go around and support them :)
Again I keep saying this but Obama can really screw up the country for ages with his Supreme Court selections so he needs to go.  

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 12:31:06 PM

JLWest750 reads

Obama will probably let them take place. I for one think we need them. We spend way too much for National Defense when we really don't have a clear and present threat that couldn't be handled by 40 or 50 cruse missiles.

However; there is a real reason why neither the Dems or Repub do not want the cuts. The defense industries have built plants in all 50 states. So if they talk about cuts they call their lobbyist and send them around the House and Senate.

Mr. Congressman; If you cut the defense budget that will mean 2,500 jobs in you district. Senator that cut will mean 1000 jobs in Boston. I'm sure you opponent in the next election will attack you on this issue.

That why the "Defense Industry" has always got an automatic raise in their budget.

But the real reason why he needs to go is because he doesn't know how to make a deal or won't. He won't make the compromise or give enough to get a deal. There is no POTUS in history except George Washington that got the legislation he needed without giving quite a bit to get. It hasn't always been good legislation but all of them traded.

The American people are tired of him coming on TV and saying "The Republicans wouldn't give on taxes and it's their fault". WTF he wouldn't give in either. That's his job, to break the tie and move it along.

Every time he comes on TV with his excesses he looks stupid, sounds stupid. Failure and blame is the hallmark of ignorance and defeat. And at that he excels exceeding  well.

Timbow1688 reads

and notice I said if because it is a hypothetical that Obama knows ain't gonna happen because the bill would never get to his desk ;)

Posted By: JLWest
Obama will probably let them take place. I for one think we need them. We spend way too much for National Defense when we really don't have a clear and present threat that couldn't be handled by 40 or 50 cruse missiles.

However; there is a real reason why neither the Dems or Repub do not want the cuts. The defense industries have built plants in all 50 states. So if they talk about cuts they call their lobbyist and send them around the House and Senate.

Mr. Congressman; If you cut the defense budget that will mean 2,500 jobs in you district. Senator that cut will mean 1000 jobs in Boston. I'm sure you opponent in the next election will attack you on this issue.

That why the "Defense Industry" has always got an automatic raise in their budget.

But the real reason why he needs to go is because he doesn't know how to make a deal or won't. He won't make the compromise or give enough to get a deal. There is no POTUS in history except George Washington that got the legislation he needed without giving quite a bit to get. It hasn't always been good legislation but all of them traded.

The American people are tired of him coming on TV and saying "The Republicans wouldn't give on taxes and it's their fault". WTF he wouldn't give in either. That's his job, to break the tie and move it along.

Every time he comes on TV with his excesses he looks stupid, sounds stupid. Failure and blame is the hallmark of ignorance and defeat. And at that he excels exceeding  well.

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 3:01:03 PM

And he is going to!

I understand right wing aversion to intelligence, & rational thought.

...our credit rating was lowered because the GOP plays politics with paying the bills. They did so in order to create this Super Committee. Now the Super Committee has produced nothing.

So....isn't it nice that we lost our credit rating for nothing?

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