Politics and Religion

GaGambler I love how your weak old ass keeps running to the other clowns for support. Lolteeth_smile
bigguy30 806 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Than our favorite board piñata on GD.  

I am afraid "my moron" doesn't have a chance for SPOTY on this board at least. The sheer volume of stupid posts made by fatgirl have all but assured him of the title, SPOTY P&R Division, even eclipsing Fungy, Pimples and Hadji.  

With around 300 posts just this month, virtually all of them stupid, he has pretty much lapped the field.

The biggest problem the "good people" of Ferguson face is NOT the cops. It the thug element, of which The Brutish Giant was a member. This is true of ALL crime centers.


On Monday night, after the release of the grand jury verdict rejecting indictment of Officer Darren Wilson in the Ferguson, Missouri shooting of 18-year-old black man Michael Brown, President Obama took to the microphones. “We need to recognize that this is not just an issue for Ferguson, this is an issue for America,” he said. “[T]here are still problems and communities of color aren't just making these problems up.”

Obama was wrong, at least in the case of Darren Wilson. In viewing thousands of pages of FBI interviews and grand jury testimony, it becomes eminently clear that many members of the local community did make up the story about Michael Brown being executed by Wilson – and pressured others to lie to police or keep silent.

According to the St. Louis County Police Investigative Report, the mob mentality took root almost immediately after the shooting. By the time detectives arrived at the scene of the incident, there was “a large crowd of bystanders and a large uniformed police presence at the scene when detectives arrived.” That crowd included both Brown’s mother and his stepfather, according to witness testimony. The police report states, “Many individuals were clearly upset and were expressing their frustration, by at times yelling obscenities and threats, and attempting to encroach on the crime scene itself.”

It got worse:
As the scene investigation continued, there were several large groups of hostile individuals around the perimeter of the crime scene. The investigation of the scene was interrupted several times by death threats directed toward police officers and gunshots being fired by an unknown persons around the crime scene.
According to the police report, a bevy of witnesses described intimidation from the local community, as well as falsification of testimony. One witness initially told police she didn’t want to “get involved for fear of retaliation.” She said, “I don’t know these people. I have to live here.”

Another female witness told police, “I don’t know nothin’.”
An adult male near the scene “commented to detectives as they walked by that he witnessed the incident and the officer was ‘in the right’ and ‘did what he had to do.’ He added the statements being made by bystanders in the complex were inaccurate. The detectives momentarily stopped to speak with the male who was clearly uncomfortable speaking with detectives. The male indicated he was not making any further comments or identifying himself.”
Two more witnesses, one male and one female, “said they were afraid to speak about what they witnessed. Both said they were worried about retaliation from people who live in the area.” One “began crying and said she could not talk about it.” The male said that he saw Brown inside the vehicle. He turned away, and when he turned back, “the male began moving quickly toward the officer and he heard several more gunshots.” Both witnesses refused to provide recorded statements.

One witness told police that “she had been speaking to her neighbors about the incident, and her neighbors were getting upset at what they believed happened. Their beliefs were inconsistent with what she witnessed.”
Yet the witness told police “that although present during the incident, and seeing the entirety of what happened, he would not be speaking to police for fear of retaliation from neighborhood residents. He also stated the information being broadcast by the news outlets was not accurate information and there were ‘blatant lies from those giving accounts of what they saw.’ He said there were multiple people present when the shooting occurred and even those people, when interviewed by the media, were giving false statements.”

Still another witness told police he had “already told investigators from Saint Louis County Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he was not willing to formally discussed the incident, but he was willing to discuss his fears.” He said “threats… had been made to the residents of Canfield Green Apartment Complex. He said notes had been posted on various apartment buildings threatening people not to talk to the police, and gunshots were still being fired every night.” He said “there were at least 10 other people who were outside and saw exactly what happened. He was not willing to provide names of any of those individuals.” He said Wilson told Brown “no less than 10 times to get down” while they were both on the street. He said Brown never had hands raised.
In FBI interviews, witnesses repeated such accusations. Witness 10, whose account backed Wilson’s story, said, “I just wanted to come forward and just tell it how I seen it. Because I feel like it’s very rare that somebody’s gonna come forward and tell actually what happened.” Witness 14, who initially said Brown was shot from behind before changing his story to accord with the facts, stated:

You have to understand the mentality of some of these young guys they have nothing to do. When they can latch on the something they embellish it because they want something to do. This is something they giving the okay now we got something we can get into… The majority of them do not work. They all they do is sit around and get high all day… two people never seen these people before in my life in the whole time I have been out there and I sit out there a lot. Came up threatenin’, hey y’all better not say nothing, ah, you’ll snitching and all.


Timbow912 reads

Posted By: bigguy30

-- Modified on 11/28/2014 12:28:35 PM

Can we please get rid of bigguy30. His shit is getting so old.
Sure, he'll come back under a different name and we'll have
to deal with that, but we have to do something.  Or maybe we
should all cancel our VIP memberships. Fix it!

bigguy301054 reads

Posted By: ROMMEL
Can we please get rid of bigguy30. His shit is getting so old.  
 Sure, he'll come back under a different name and we'll have  
 to deal with that, but we have to do something.  Or maybe we  
 should all cancel our VIP memberships. Fix it!

Moderator; please get rid of bigguy30. He's ruining the board for everyone.

bigguy30768 reads

In 2008:
There were 2,788,600 white victims of violent crime involving a single offender.
In 67.4 percent of these cases, the offender was known to be white.
So, in 2008 there were at least 1.9 million white-on-white single offender violent crimes.
This, compared to roughly 369,000 black-on-black single offender violent crimes.
So, in 2008 there were more than five times as many white-on-white violent crimes involving a single offender as there were black-on-black violent crimes involving a single offender.
Oh, and, importantly: the rates of white-on-black and black-on-white violent offending here were virtually identical, contrary to common perception. 15.4 percent of white victims were victimized by blacks, while 15.9 percent of black victims were victimized by whites.
Additionally in 2008, there were 726,530 white victims of violent crime involving multiple offenders. Although large numbers of these crimes involve offenders with indeterminate racial identities, or a mix of such identities, in 42.4 percent of such incidents the offenders were both (or all) known to be white. Meaning there were at least 308,000 white-on-white multiple offender violent crimes.
This, compared to about 117,500 black-on-black multiple offender violent crimes.
So, in all, there are roughly 2.2 million white-on-white violent crimes annually, compared to fewer than 500,000 black-on-black violent crimes, meaning that there are about four times as many of the former as the latter.
Although some of the Justice Department data in these tables involve sample sizes too small to make clear estimates about the numbers or crime rates for particular offenses (whether inter- or intra-racial) the overall trends remain clear: there are far more white-on-white crimes than black-on-black ones. And this would remain true, even if we were to exclude from these estimates the offenders and victims who are Latino. Because about 94 percent of Latinos are lumped into the white category racially in crime data (since Hispanic origin is not considered racial, but rather ethnic), obviously some of the white offenders (and victims) in this data will actually be Latino. But even were we to exclude those persons from the white totals, there can be no doubt that white-on-white crime would still remain far more plentiful than black-on-black crime. And yet, the term is never used.
Indeed “white” and “crime” are rarely heard together. Indeed, even looking at corporate misdeeds, or the misdeeds of folks on Wall Street, the term we normally hear used to describe the offenders in these cases is what? White collar crime. But the collar is not the only thing usually lacking color.
And finally, to suggest that civil rights groups and leaders should be criticized for focusing mostly on issues of racism and discrimination — which are what civil rights issues are about, by definition — is self-evidently preposterous. It would be like criticizing Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for not adequately speaking to the problem of vehicular deaths caused by inadequate seatbelt usage: no doubt a numerically more frequent phenomena. And since more blacks were killed by other blacks than were killed by whites even during the era of Jim Crow segregation (since that’s who black folks tended to live around), one has to wonder, would conservatives argue that even in the era of overt racial oppression in this country, blacks should have eschewed civil rights work and focused instead on their own “internal pathologies?”
So long as conservatives continue to demand that black leaders prioritize the problem of “black-on-black crime,” while ignoring the obvious epidemic of white-on-white violence and mayhem, they will expose themselves as rank hypocrites, crappy social scientists, pure liars, or simple racists. Take your pick: in any or all cases the response from the rest of us should be to ignore them as the opportunistic hacks they are.

A news source is only legitimate if you say it is. Is that about right? BTW, when a piece of shit white guy is shot dead committing a crime or resisting arrest, you do not see whitey destroying a neighborhood.

bigguy30942 reads

Just remember you when you want to make this about race.

I can show all races acting stupid.


Posted By: jrwayne
A news source is only legitimate if you say it is. Is that about right? BTW, when a piece of shit white guy is shot dead committing a crime or resisting arrest, you do not see whitey destroying a neighborhood.

It was nice of the king to pardon you earlier this week, Bigguy....LOL

bigguy30836 reads

Posted By: jrwayne
It was nice of the king to pardon you earlier this week, Bigguy....LOL

You COMPLETELY missed the point of what I posted.

1. The thrust of what I posted had to do with the FACT that several of the witnesses in this case were afraid to testify. Why? Because they didnt conform to the angry black victim narrative. In legal circles, there is something called statements against penal interest.

"In United States law, a statement against penal interest is a statement that puts the statement-maker at risk of prosecution."

In this case, were some extremely brave people who stood up and did what they thought was right and told exactly what they sawat extreme risk to themselves. These people are to be saluted for their courage. If there were more like them, these ghettos would not be the death traps they are today.

2. to the extent I even had numbers in my post, your long cut and paste of someone else's narrative CONFIRM my numbers.

Maybe it makes you feel better about yourself that you're down with the brothers and sisters screaming in the streets, but just know this. They are the problem and so are you.  

It aint white folk burning and lootin.

bigguy30911 reads

I love it when people assume stupid things.

Just remember without facts it's lies!

My background is way more diverse than you could ever imagine.

If you really looked so were the protesters in Ferguson and around the country.

-- Modified on 11/28/2014 7:05:26 PM

bigguy30850 reads

Also you lie so much.

Why should I respond to your garbage?

The fact that you want to avoid the real truth says it all!


Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Gay woman.  
 But you dodged what I said.  
 You got nothin.

Only an idiot would respond with the question "why should I respond to you ?"


bigguy30926 reads

Posted By: NeedleDicktheBugFucker
Only an idiot would respond with the question "why should I respond to you ?"  

followme753 reads

see you can't read or listen that well either.  
Just like some of the other Dum-o-cunt salad-tossers in the past tried making the same stupid comments.  
So I will repeat it for your slow ass.  
If you girlie boy 30 are into men that is your business.  
I am only into the woman and not men!  
What is it with you Dum-o-cunt salad tossers  and not listening to facts?  
The fact that you made this comment exposed yourself and what you really like behind close doors. Lo

bigguy30866 reads

I guess this is not a surprise to me.

The weak always need a reason to hide behind their insecurities!

So repeat and twist what you want clown.

This will not stop me from exposing your dumb ass with the others. Lol

bigguy30786 reads

Posted By: followme
 I see you can't read or listen that well either.  
 Just like some of the other Dum-o-cunt salad-tossers in the past tried making the same stupid comments.  
 So I will repeat it for your slow ass.  
 If you girlie boy 30 are into men that is your business.  
 I am only into the woman and not men!  
 What is it with you Dum-o-cunt salad tossers  and not listening to facts?  
 The fact that you made this comment exposed yourself and what you really like behind close doors. Lol  

-- Modified on 11/30/2014 11:36:53 AM

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