Politics and Religion

fucking huh?angry_smile
brooks5 168 reads

they were innocent human beings

and you are incoherent

you are the one wishing harm there pal

classic lefty

GaGambler2010 reads

but which America and Americans do they hate the most?

Do they hate the likes of xxxxx, A Christian who hates them and wants to fight a holy war that if he had his way would wipe every one of them off the face of the earth?

Or do they hate people like yyyyy, someone who wants us to try to "understand" them/coddle them and looks to find a way to live peacefully with them, but is a Godless Infidel who embraces whores and faggots who's very existence is an affront to their religion?

How much would any of you like to bet that in gay nightclub like the one in Orlando, the place was chock full of mainly left wing people who shared the belief that most libs hold that we not only try to make peace with radical Islam, but open our doors for millions more of them to enter our country without having a clue to their intentions once they get here?

I would ask for a civil discourse on this without the usual "flinging of poo" that we have come to expect here, but I might as well ask for the sun to rise in the west.

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 6:52:12 PM

about the Syrian refugees being placed in Stone Mountain, Marietta and Savannah?  I thought our governor said NO.  It's getting to the point where I would rather just stay at home, in the country.  Where my biggest fear is a rattlesnake

really stupid & tasteless, even for you. Is Trump ghostwriting your OP's ?

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 6:58:24 PM

Scoring points of a tragedy is so Dem.

Remember it was the Obama/Rahm team that openly bragged one should never let a crisis go to waste because it lets you do things you couldn't get away with otherwise.

And look me in the eyes and say that Obama didn't try to push his agenda after Sandy Hook or any other tragedy

Most of the ones upset about Obama's "Sandy hook agenda" were those who owned assault rifles & didn't give a  shit about 32 dead schoolkids. Can I count you among those, Phil ?

All this coming from a lawyer; proof positive that even a professional can buy into moronic conspiracy theories/philosophies.

Posted By: dncphil
Scoring points of a tragedy is so Dem.  
 Remember it was the Obama/Rahm team that openly bragged one should never let a crisis go to waste because it lets you do things you couldn't get away with otherwise.  
 And look me in the eyes and say that Obama didn't try to push his agenda after Sandy Hook or any other tragedy.  

Keep spewing they hate and let us just keep on killing their fathers and brothers, their children and their mothers, no better way to make them want our destruction then to just keep doing what we have been doing.

Their goal is to get us to react just the way you are, they want all Muslims to turn against us, and the only way they can do that is to get us to hate all Muslims. They want to turn peace loving liberals into fear mongering Muslim hating conservatives, that is how they win, and they are doing a heck of a job.

The largest Islamic group in america called out this morning to help with the blood drive, they disowned the notion of hate. Homosexuality is also a sin for Muslims and yet they called out to help, while right wing christian Conservative made statements like "you reap what you sew" towards the LGBT community.


Posted By: GaGambler
but which America and Americans do they hate the most?  
 Do they hate the likes of xxxxx, A Christian who hates them and wants to fight a holy war that if he had his way would wipe every one of them off the face of the earth?  
 Or do they hate people like yyyyy, someone who wants us to try to "understand" them/coddle them and looks to find a way to live peacefully with them, but is a Godless Infidel who embraces whores and faggots who's very existence is an affront to their religion?  
 How much would any of you like to bet that in gay nightclub like the one in Orlando, the place was chock full of mainly left wing people who shared the belief that most libs hold that we not only try to make peace with radical Islam, but open our doors for millions more of them to enter our country without having a clue to their intentions once they get here?  
 I would ask for a civil discourse on this without the usual "flinging of poo" that we have come to expect here, but I might as well ask for the sun to rise in the west.  

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 6:52:12 PM

from killing their families in wars.  Ron Paul has been preaching that it's not going to stop until we stay out of their business and quit policing the world.  

How do we know the difference between peaceful and extremists?  I am not going to pick up a snake then cry because it bit me.  I had no part in these wars, but extremists would chop my head off just the same.

GaGambler380 reads

We all know what war mongering barbarians the Belgians are, right?

There really isn't any moderate Muslims. It is a myth.

Now you know the REAL problem. Muslims.  

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 8:40:21 PM

Well show me the million man march of all the Christians that have hijacked the the teachings of Jesus to justify their own ignorant hate? There is not one, so please STFU. Every day strong Islamic leaders do speak out against this radicalism, they only problem is Fox news isn't going to report on that because it goes against their agenda of fear mongering.

There are over a billion Muslims in this world, if everyone of them wanted you dead, guess what you would be dead.

I doubt you have ever spent any time with a Muslim let alone a Muslim family. Well I have spent quite some time in the Middle East and Africa and even here in America with good genuine peace loving LGBT supporting Muslims.


To compare modern day Christianity to todays Islamist is fucking asinine.

Christianity evolved sweetie. Islam can not bc people like you WK for it.

Muslims OVERWHELMINGLY believe in the Sharia. Know what that means honey?

Women get stoned for adultery. Woman who get raped need 4 Muslim men to side with them. Gays are hung.

Honor killings are the NORM.

There are 1.7 billion Muslims babe. If only a few million of them rose up, ISIS would be dead and Islam could become everything you WANT it to be.

But keep making excuses for an ass backwards religion. That way they will never evolve and gays and woman will be tortured and murdered for centuries more.

But I know its just easier for you to blame Fox News than admit any of this or educate yourself. LO

Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has come not from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people and injured more than 6,000 others. These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.

So we as this evolved people go to war (not knowing who we are fighting) and  between 112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants, in Iraq alone, and 132,000 in Afghanistan. The numbers just don't add up as to who are the evolved ones, just more technically advanced.

And up until 9-11 the most horrific attacks on US soil were by a white christian male.

So please tell me again how Christianity has evolved and are better people for it? I doubt you have the reading comprehension to understand the below postings, so please feel free to skip it and tell me how Christians are nice peace loving people and how all Muslims are extremist.

 Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012. The virulent, neocon-fueled Islamophobia that has plagued post-9/11 America has not only posed a threat to Muslims, it has had deadly consequences for people of other faiths, including Sikhs. Sikhs are not Muslims; the traditional Sikh attire, including their turbans, is different from traditional Sunni, Shiite or Sufi attire. But to a racist, a bearded Sikh looks like a Muslim. Only four days after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh immigrant from India who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered by Frank Silva Roque, a racist who obviously mistook him for a Muslim.

But Sodhi’s murder was not the last example of anti-Sikh violence in post-9/11 America. On Aug. 5, 2012, white supremacist Wade Michael Page used a semiautomatic weapon to murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page’s connection to the white supremacist movement was well-documented: he had been a member of the neo-Nazi rock bands End Empathy and Definite Hate. Attorney General Eric Holder described the attack as “an act of terrorism, an act of hatred.” It was good to see the nation’s top cop acknowledge that terrorist acts can, in fact, involve white males murdering people of color.

 The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009. Dr. George Tiller, who was shot and killed by anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009, was a victim of Christian Right terrorism, not al-Qaeda.

Tiller had a long history of being targeted for violence by Christian Right terrorists. In 1986, his clinic was firebombed. Then, in 1993, Tiller was shot five times by female Christian Right terrorist Shelly Shannon (now serving time in a federal prison) but survived that attack. Given that Tiller had been the victim of an attempted murder and received countless death threats after that, Fox News would have done well to avoid fanning the flames of unrest. Instead, Bill O’Reilly repeatedly referred to him as “Tiller the baby killer." When Roeder murdered Tiller, O’Reilly condemned the attack but did so in a way that was lukewarm at best.

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008. On July 27, 2008, Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a children’s play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived. Adkisson said he was motivated by a hatred of liberals, Democrats and gays, and he considered neocon Bernard Goldberg’s book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, his political manifesto.  

The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996. Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity.  

Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995. Neocons and Republicans grow angry and uncomfortable whenever Timothy McVeigh is cited as an example of a non-Islamic terrorist. Pointing out that a non-Muslim white male carried out an attack as vicious and deadly as the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t fit into their narrative that only Muslims and people of color are capable of carrying out terrorist attacks.

You have the space to list horrific acts by Christians and VERY few of them killed in the NAME of Christianity.

The fact you don't know the difference is fucking pathetic.

Now, I don't have the space to list all the murderous acts in the name of Allah. LOL

You DESPERATELY need to be educated, so here is Jack Dunphy to the rescue.

Check out this attached poll about Muslims and how much they just love them some sharia, and get back to me.


They think its ok to stone you if your cheated on your husband and they routinely throw gays off roof tops.

So look at the poll honey. No they aren't all extremist. Just the vast majority. LO

bigguy30334 reads

You want to run and blame the Muslims.
The problem is you forget about the KKK and other radical right wing anti government groups in this country.
So when it's a white racist shooter in the Charleston church shootings, it's mental illness and we need more proof.
If it's a Arab or Muslim, then it's a terrorist.

Jack you and the other GOP supporters are full of shit as usual.

Posted By: JackDunphy
You have the space to list horrific acts by Christians and VERY few of them killed in the NAME of Christianity.  
 The fact you don't know the difference is fucking pathetic.  
 Now, I don't have the space to list all the murderous acts in the name of Allah. LOL  
 You DESPERATELY need to be educated, so here is Jack Dunphy to the rescue.  
 Check out this attached poll about Muslims and how much they just love them some sharia, and get back to me.  
 They think its ok to stone you if your cheated on your husband and they routinely throw gays off roof tops.  
 So look at the poll honey. No they aren't all extremist. Just the vast majority. LOL  
-- Modified on 6/12/2016 10:03:10 PM

The "sweetie" and "honey."  Pretty soon he'll be man-splaining to you how things truly are, and because you are a women you're just too inept to understand. But, you're right. The vast majority of Muslim's around the world are moderate and peaceful, but because of the old news adage, "if it bleeds it leads," we don't hear about them. One has to go to their places of worship, or their homes, or have them as co-worker or colleagues. Just like with Christians. The one's in the headlines get bashed on a regular basis here. Hell, I'm one of them who participates, but I also know most Christians are trying to be the best person they know how to be. Same is true of the majority of Muslims.

Thats always the best thing too do when you don't want the truth.

Look at my link Matt. Then get back to me.

Posted By: KirstenO
Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has come not from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.  
 The September 11 attacks killed 2,996 people and injured more than 6,000 others. These immediate deaths included 265 on the four planes, 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon.  
 So we as this evolved people go to war (not knowing who we are fighting) and  between 112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants, in Iraq alone, and 132,000 in Afghanistan. The numbers just don't add up as to who are the evolved ones, just more technically advanced.  
 And up until 9-11 the most horrific attacks on US soil were by a white christian male.  
 So please tell me again how Christianity has evolved and are better people for it? I doubt you have the reading comprehension to understand the below postings, so please feel free to skip it and tell me how Christians are nice peace loving people and how all Muslims are extremist.  
  Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012. The virulent, neocon-fueled Islamophobia that has plagued post-9/11 America has not only posed a threat to Muslims, it has had deadly consequences for people of other faiths, including Sikhs. Sikhs are not Muslims; the traditional Sikh attire, including their turbans, is different from traditional Sunni, Shiite or Sufi attire. But to a racist, a bearded Sikh looks like a Muslim. Only four days after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh immigrant from India who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered by Frank Silva Roque, a racist who obviously mistook him for a Muslim.  
 But Sodhi’s murder was not the last example of anti-Sikh violence in post-9/11 America. On Aug. 5, 2012, white supremacist Wade Michael Page used a semiautomatic weapon to murder six people during an attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Page’s connection to the white supremacist movement was well-documented: he had been a member of the neo-Nazi rock bands End Empathy and Definite Hate. Attorney General Eric Holder described the attack as “an act of terrorism, an act of hatred.” It was good to see the nation’s top cop acknowledge that terrorist acts can, in fact, involve white males murdering people of color.  
  The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009. Dr. George Tiller, who was shot and killed by anti-abortion terrorist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009, was a victim of Christian Right terrorism, not al-Qaeda.  
 Tiller had a long history of being targeted for violence by Christian Right terrorists. In 1986, his clinic was firebombed. Then, in 1993, Tiller was shot five times by female Christian Right terrorist Shelly Shannon (now serving time in a federal prison) but survived that attack. Given that Tiller had been the victim of an attempted murder and received countless death threats after that, Fox News would have done well to avoid fanning the flames of unrest. Instead, Bill O’Reilly repeatedly referred to him as “Tiller the baby killer." When Roeder murdered Tiller, O’Reilly condemned the attack but did so in a way that was lukewarm at best.  
 Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008. On July 27, 2008, Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a children’s play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived. Adkisson said he was motivated by a hatred of liberals, Democrats and gays, and he considered neocon Bernard Goldberg’s book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, his political manifesto.  
 The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996. Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity.  
 Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995. Neocons and Republicans grow angry and uncomfortable whenever Timothy McVeigh is cited as an example of a non-Islamic terrorist. Pointing out that a non-Muslim white male carried out an attack as vicious and deadly as the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t fit into their narrative that only Muslims and people of color are capable of carrying out terrorist attacks.
 It's best to use quotes when using another persons words lest your teacher discovers you'd never pass the test on your own.
  Didn't take a ninth grade drop out  very long,  to comprehend you are a fraud.





-- Modified on 6/13/2016 7:12:07 PM

FatVern297 reads

I don't see how you can claim Islam and support LGBT. I'm not making any judgments, just stating my vague interpretation of Islamic law.

One can not believe in something but still support others who do. I do not believe in abortion for my personal self but I support a woman's right to Choose.

I do not believe in organized religion but I support others right to.

NO, the SAME can NOT be said about Christianity.  

Christians don't go running around pushing gays off roof tops. They may oppose the gay agenda at times, which is their right, but they do so peaceably, through legislation, and VERY rarely resort to murder.

Now, go and try to be gay in a Muslim run country and tells me how that goes. LOL

Your moral equivalency nonsense is fucking revolting.

Christianity has come a LONG way and although not perfect, as no religion is, it has changed for the better. Islam is STILL stuck in the middle ages and to deny that means you are every bit as delusional as I thought with your first post in this thread.

Maybe YOU need to evolve as well???

bigguy30230 reads

Posted By: KirstenO
One can not believe in something but still support others who do. I do not believe in abortion for my personal self but I support a woman's right to Choose.  
 I do not believe in organized religion but I support others right to.

They will criticize Trump all day and night about his misogyny but excuse every bit of Islam's misogyny, homophobia, murderous acts and support of the sharia.  


saltyballs358 reads

.......now supporting Trump. Feel free to include all the radical extremist lefties supporting Bernie Samders. I'm all for exterminating all of them, they are one and the same, IMHO.

Posted By: JackDunphy
They will criticize Trump all day and night about his misogyny but excuse every bit of Islam's misogyny, homophobia, murderous acts and support of the sharia.  

brooks5259 reads

disagree with them and they wish you dead

pretty fucking instructive

libs and their allies, to include Islamists, are the REAL evil

all you gotta do is read their words

Donald Trump is asking us to vote for him to be the next POTUS, Islamist's are not.

JakeFromStateFarm257 reads

There is a huge number of moderate Muslims.  But like most people, the moderates get drowned out or are too weak in their beliefs to defeat the radical fringe.  I agree the moderates need to man up and fight for the soul of their religion.

brooks5304 reads

they need to play the major role in fixing this

otherwise, moderate muslims are unicorns

bigguy30268 reads

Posted By: brooks5
they need to play the major role in fixing this  
 otherwise, moderate muslims are unicorns

brooks5215 reads

whitey bad

me racist


-- Modified on 6/13/2016 3:29:31 PM

bigguy30209 reads

So you saying it, is no surprised either.


Posted By: brooks5
whitey bad  
 me racist  

-- Modified on 6/13/2016 3:29:31 PM

FatVern219 reads

I could almost read it as an argument that this is a conspiracy.

you want to classify conservatives as fear mongering muslim haters. That just shows your own bias and ignorance. You claim all conservatives hate all muslims. Nothing could be further from the truth. WAIT never mind. How about supporting the citizens of this country over all others? WAIT again. Did you say liberals are peace loving? The same peace loving liberal that regularly LOOT, SMASH AND BURN things to make their point. Do you know anything about your current candidate for president? She is anything but peace loving. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT again. Why am I even engaging a clearly close minded individual like yourself? My bad.

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 2:09:16 PM

I did not vote for her, I do believe she is also a war monger.

I never said all conservatives hate Muslims, but I don't see those standing up to this fear mongering, just yelling that other Muslims should be doing exactly what they will not do themselves.

Funny how you want to say it is only liberals who loot smash and burn, for social justice, while leaving out the others who whom loot smash and burn over the loss or even win of a sports game.

I do support the citizens of this country, I even dawned the uniform, carried a gun and defended your right to idiocy. Guess what let me let you in on a little secret, there are many Muslims that live here and are citizens and whom also stood in uniform next to me

brooks5251 reads

ideologies like this ALWAYS need to be destroyed by force

only an idiot sees some sort of moral equivalency between Christians ans Muslims - you are one of those

did I say bullshit>

I suspect it's not so much a question of hating which more, but about finding good soft targets like the club attacked in Orlando. This guy probably hated gays, lesbians or trans far more than either your xxxxxx's or yyyyyy's, and found a good soft target full of those whom he hated the most.  ;)

I think your question originates from feelings of self-righteous because of your view point. That's why it's so weak, and irrelevant! ;)

At least Maher gets this point right.

Just imagine if it wasn't Islamists causing all this carnage, but Tea Party members.

Imagine if just before they killed 50 in a gay club, the murderer yelled out "I am doing this in the name of Rush Limbaugh!"

And imagine this played out, time and time again, people who self ID'd with the Tea Party, in their writings, when they checked their phone/computer, etc was carrying out acts of brutality against other Americans and around the globe.

How long would it take for ANY lib here, or on MSNBC, or on CNN or anywhere really, to rip not only the Tea Party, or not only Sarah Palin, but lump the ENTIRE conservative movement into one big pot?

Do you think they would wait till the 50th episode of horror? The 100th? 500th to make their point? lol

No, they would only need ONE incident. Hell they don't even need one. Remember when libs blamed the "hostile discourse" of conservatives when Gabby Giffords was shot?

But Islamist can kill on a week in and week out basis, in the name of their warped and antiquated religion, and all too many pussy libs make excuses and refuse to stand up to them. They instantly point to all the damage "Christianity" has caused over the centuries. lol

When you can explain all that to me, I can better answer your question. lol

Direct quote from "Jack Dunphy". Because the people in the /media/nightclub didn't condemn the assassin as an "Islamic terrorist," they"brought this fate on themselves? What next ? Muslim U.S. citizens should be put in internment camps ? I wouldn't be surprised if you suggested that. Idiot.

It's mainly a gun control issue & you & GAG are doing a "smoke & mirrors" bit, to cover up your stupidity about this on a previous post.

The mind boggles.

Posted By: JackDunphy
At least Maher gets this point right.  
 Just imagine if it wasn't Islamists causing all this carnage, but Tea Party members.  
 Imagine if just before they killed 50 in a gay club, the murderer yelled out "I am doing this in the name of Rush Limbaugh!"  
 And imagine this played out, time and time again, people who self ID'd with the Tea Party, in their writings, when they checked their phone/computer, etc was carrying out acts of brutality against other Americans and around the globe.  
 How long would it take for ANY lib here, or on MSNBC, or on CNN or anywhere really, to rip not only the Tea Party, or not only Sarah Palin, but lump the ENTIRE conservative movement into one big pot?  
 Do you think they would wait till the 50th episode of horror? The 100th? 500th to make their point? lol  
 No, they would only need ONE incident. Hell they don't even need one. Remember when libs blamed the "hostile discourse" of conservatives when Gabby Giffords was shot?  
 But Islamist can kill on a week in and week out basis, in the name of their warped and antiquated religion, and all too many pussy libs make excuses and refuse to stand up to them. They instantly point to all the damage "Christianity" has caused over the centuries. lol  
 When you can explain all that to me, I can better answer your question. lol
-- Modified on 6/12/2016 7:11:06 PM

GaGambler310 reads

The guy was completely prepared to die, gun laws don't prevent people willing to die from committing crimes.

You "claim" to be one of the smart ones, but you make some really dumb arguments.

FatVern258 reads

As far as the radicals go, they hate themselves the most.

I'm sure the hate the gays, which is why I think America jumped on the gay band wagon, just to enrage the extremist, and secure some votes too

JakeFromStateFarm295 reads

1) They hate ALL of us.  The differences you cite are just nuances that have no meaning to them.
2) They also hate other Muslims who disagree with their radical "philosophy," and have been killing them with abandon.  The number of Muslims ISIS has killed is FAR beyond the paltry number of Europeans and Americans they've killed.
3) A HUGE number of their enemies are fellow Muslims.  ISIS is radical Sunni and are being fought by Iran and its radical Shi'as.  Syria's Alewives are a Shi'a sect.
4) No one is saying we should simply admit hordes of Muslim refugees without vetting them.  But to say we can't do a better job and we should, therefore, just ban them all is silly.
5) As the above demonstrates, lumping all Muslims together is wrong and stupid.  Additionally, what about our allies, the Jordanians, the Egyptians and others (most Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians as well as lots of Saudis)?  THEY are the ones who are most affected by ISIS and are the ones who should be on the front lines fighting them.  But if we act like idiots and lump them all into the same pot it will be much harder.
6) Remember the highly successful coalition put together by Dubya's actually competent father for the first Gulf War?  It included Syrian, Egyptian and Saudi armored divisions.  If we acted like adults, we could do that again.  But let's jump on the Trump Train and insult them all some more.
See?  I didn't even fling any poo.

GaGambler252 reads

I see you missed the part where I plainly said that "Radical" Islam hates us.  

Do you honestly believe that "Radical" Islam does not hate us.

Secondly, that was my exact point that they hate all of us. They hate the Christians that want engage in a holy war with them and they equally hate the libs who want to placate them, yet live in a manner that the jihadists believe with every fiber of their bodies that warrants their deaths.  

You almost were the first person to get it right, but alas your poor reading skills doomed you to failure.

JakeFromStateFarm238 reads

Plain English is clearly not your strong suit.
Just go back, read your OP again, then read my reply.  I'm not confident you'll get it, but hope abides.

JakeFromStateFarm277 reads

It's not an adequate rebuttal.  So respond to the rest of what I wrote.

You assert:

How much would any of you like to bet that in gay nightclub like the one in Orlando, the place was chock full of mainly left wing people who shared the belief that most libs hold that we not only try to make peace with radical Islam, but open our doors for millions more of them to enter our country without having a clue to their intentions once they get here?  

But it was Florida, which has lots of right-wing people as well.

And it's been said somewhere that they hate us because we don't know why they hate us.

Who they hate the MOST, IMO, would be any Westerner who resists their ideology. But what does "most" mean to you? Who do you hate "the most?"

GaGambler224 reads

Only left wing gay people are to be found in gay nightclubs, the right wing gay people are still in the closet.

Do I have to teach you EVERYTHING???

For the record, I only asked the question. I let the rest of you provide your own version of the answer.

He's implying that the people in the nightclub "brought it on themselves" because of their "liberal ideologies".


Posted By: WickedBrut
 You assert:  
 How much would any of you like to bet that in gay nightclub like the one in Orlando, the place was chock full of mainly left wing people who shared the belief that most libs hold that we not only try to make peace with radical Islam, but open our doors for millions more of them to enter our country without having a clue to their intentions once they get here?  
 But it was Florida, which has lots of right-wing people as well.  
 And it's been said somewhere that they hate us because we don't know why they hate us.  
 Who they hate the MOST, IMO, would be any Westerner who resists their ideology. But what does "most" mean to you? Who do you hate "the most?"

GaGambler255 reads

You don't seem to be able to read any better than Jake, but at least with Jake by this time of night he's got at least half a bottle of vodka in him, what's your excuse?

Radical Islam hates me at least as much as they hate gays, lesbians, Bible thumping Christians and idiot libtards alike, but at least the idiot Bible thumpers realize that Radical Islam wants them dead and doesn't apologize for their enemy like the idiots on the left do.

First, because I'm a few degrees left of center, you assume I am a liberal or that I identify as such.

Second, and think about this, my first thought that came to me upon hearing the news on BBC at 2:00 AM, almost automatically, was, God! I hope they were all Republiscum!

So...there are a thousand shades of Red.

brooks5296 reads

they were mainly DemoCRAPS!

wishing innocents dead cuz they simply disagree with you, classic vile lib shit

the same world-view the murderer had

pretty much expected of you

-- Modified on 6/13/2016 7:28:29 AM

Dr.Hackenbush229 reads

What is a DemoCRAP? Does that include all Democrats?

brooks5198 reads

he calls R's "Republiscum" so I thought that I would reply

trying to bring balance to the force

libs don't like getting hit back

Since only people whose political views are maybe closer to mine than to yours?

That's why the left can never accept the right wingers and vice versa.

brooks5169 reads

they were innocent human beings

and you are incoherent

you are the one wishing harm there pal

classic lefty

Dr.Hackenbush347 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
Second, and think about this, my first thought that came to me upon hearing the news on BBC at 2:00 AM, almost automatically, was, God! I hope they were all Republiscum! .
What is a Republiscum?  What about them causes you to believe they should die?

I don't want want anyone to die. Well, not before their time. We're all going to die one day, but it would be nice if no one died "before their time."

So I'm just saying that my first concerns automatically seem to go toward my own tribe, so to speak. Sort of like when there's a shooting at a school-- most parents' first reaction is, I hope MY child is okay. Which automatically implies that you hope any reported victims are other people's kids.

Dr.Hackenbush243 reads

Given your cooler, more “conclusive” head today I accept your backtrack.

So I now conclude that your “tribe” is everyone except Republiscum. I am still left wondering what that means in your personal lexicon. Please help me out

So you got the tribe thing about right. Like everyone else, I have a group of people I socialize with, and often we come in contact with those not in our usual circle. We are quite accepting, very diverse in our interests (it's not like when I basically just hung out with the people I worked with), but there are some that I personally reject as not wanting to continue any sort of ongoing acquaintance with. Not hard to picture really. Probably you do the same thing, at least to some extent. Most people are somewhat like that I think.

So one of the few personality types that I shy away from are those folk who harbor certain social/political attitudes that I find distasteful.

Easy to say it in a little haiku:

Golden paradox!
Everyone is welcome,
No bigots allowed.

Dr.Hackenbush181 reads

So I’ve taken two shots at this. This will be the third.

I’m right there with you in my dislike of bigots to the point that I will point them out and call them out. The only true negative descriptor you’ve used is bigot. I, like everyone, cross paths with people all the time with whom I have no desire to become friends. It mostly centers on my dislike of their personality which to a degree I’m sure centers on their social values and attitudes, less I think on political ones.

You don’t sound like a person that believes all Republicans are scum, or do you? From my perspective it comes across a bit as if you do. You’ve implied it but it seems like you’re hesitant to confirm it for sure. I hope it’s not true because that would be, well, kinda bigoted of you

There are some, maybe many even most, of that Party who are, I'm sure, not at all bigoted. And yes, bigotry seems to be the main theme today, but it's not my only dislike. But those who are, let's say "open minded," to use a phrase I don't particularly like, or "tolerant," which I like less, but those are NOT (yet) true followers of the Party Line. They are still being taught to hate more convincingly by the more entrenched.

Ultimately, bigotry has become a defining characteristic of the Party. So those who register with the Party or vote for the candidates and the Party-friendly initiatives are not all damned in their hearts yet, and as such cannot truly be called Party Members in the true sense of the word.

It hasn't always been such. Eisenhower, IMO, was a great President, a great man, a wise General, and probably one of the most underrated Presidents in our history. After he left office, his Party began to change and wen downhill pretty fast.

It strikes me as vile when hear proud references to "The Party of Lincoln,"  or "The Party of Theodore Roosevelt." Today that party has been taken over and become a division of corporate social control backed by very frightened and vulnerable citizens who want and maybe need authoritarian rule. But the leaders are not at all frightened and not particularly vulnerable (except for their careers) who know exactly what they are doing. Like when you go to a saloon where everybody is drunk except the bartender. He or she is sober as can be.

Today we are seeing the descent continue as it becomes The Party of Trump. And the confused go along out of fear and the leaders go along because they must. This is a very dangerous moment. It wouldn't be quite as bad if there were any people on the Party who had the courage and conviction to turn things around. But those with any political power at all have already sold their souls or gotten to where they are because their souls were so weak and cowardly that not even the devil would give two cents for them.

GaGambler207 reads

No thank you.

When is the Democratic Party going to do it's own turnaround?

For the record I am not a member of any political party and I am most definitely not a Dem or a Rep, nor will I ever be/

Dr.Hackenbush220 reads

You are unsure of your actual statistics, "you're SURE some, many, most are not at all bigoted."

I was looking for a clarification of just who and what these "Republiscum" are. It's still vague, especially the numbers.  

Indeed our political system is accelerating towards what almost certainly will be a monumental and potentially dangerous shift or transition regardless who wins this year. I understand holding disdain for outspoken Republican bigots.

Of the hundreds of people I know or have interacted with that consider themselves Republican, I know enough of them well enough to tell you that only a small minority fit your mold.

First thoughts, second thoughts, or final conclusions, your manufactured term appears on the surface to most any observer to intentionally include a very large group of people, indeed as many as one-quarter of the adult population. Its use in conjunction with people being murdered was and still is disturbing. You’ve admitted you really don’t know the numbers.  

To borrow your “tribe” analogy, I don’t see the difference between your “first thought” and the likely first thought of a homophobic person stating, “I hope they were all faggots.

.....radical Islam also hates any Muslims who don't share their particular ideology and interpretation of the Quran. They will joyfully murder them as well.

Mad dogs. They are foaming at the mouth mad dogs.

Posted By: GaGambler
You don't seem to be able to read any better than Jake, but at least with Jake by this time of night he's got at least half a bottle of vodka in him, what's your excuse?  
 Radical Islam hates me at least as much as they hate gays, lesbians, Bible thumping Christians and idiot libtards alike, but at least the idiot Bible thumpers realize that Radical Islam wants them dead and doesn't apologize for their enemy like the idiots on the left do.
-- Modified on 6/12/2016 11:10:07 PM

& yah, I'd love to see them exterminated. That said, what did the killer wipe out 50 gays with ? An egg beater ?

Look------all this is smoke & mirrors---------you & your ilk dont care about the innocent victims of these slaughters. There was an assault weapons ban under Clinton in the 90's & I try to have a rational debate with you about this & instituting background checks at gun shows, but you'll hear nothing about it & repeat tired NRA cliches. if I can't have a rational debate with you, why bother ?

If this election goes sanely , a new day dawning & those tired NRA cliches won't be able to cut it. & proactively, yah 2nd amendment rights are fine, handguns, hunting rifles, cool-----but assault weapons ?-----------

FatVern245 reads

How many of these "assault-type-weapons" used in American mass shootings were obtained at gun shows?

My guess is none, since it would probably be the lead of the story.  

If I'm right, what would back ground checks at gun shows solve?

nuguy46225 reads

..they say that will stop the senseless killings......so do libs want to ban the 'knife' when used in killings?  and do they want to ban 'rice cookers", like the one used in Boston?  their focus is on the wrong point which is why these killings will continue.  All Muslims are not terrorists.....but all terrorists are Muslims.

brooks5285 reads


or did I miss a HuffPo distortion piece?

seriously, what a ridiculously STUPID statement

even for the fuck-board editor

Which, from the looks of your reply, could also apply to you. If the meaning of the word escapes you, feel free to Google it------------ :)

brooks5151 reads

oh for chrissakes "unwittingly"? ;), is that IT?  cute turn of a phrase.

if it's "unwitting" there ain't a fucking thing that you can do about it so you have exactly NO point other than to blather on.  libs just gotta yack even when they have run out of things to say

fuck board editors embarrass themselves when they attempt to write ;)

-- Modified on 6/14/2016 8:09:48 AM

No Doubt About It!
The strict French gun laws were co-conspirators in the Paris attacks, no doubt about it!

It must be wonderful to avoid all thought and hence all doubt.

Hate members of the gay and lesbian community so those fuckers should be ecstatic about the shooting in Orlando. If they say otherwise then they are true bigots.


Posted By: GaGambler
but which America and Americans do they hate the most?  
 Do they hate the likes of xxxxx, A Christian who hates them and wants to fight a holy war that if he had his way would wipe every one of them off the face of the earth?  
 Or do they hate people like yyyyy, someone who wants us to try to "understand" them/coddle them and looks to find a way to live peacefully with them, but is a Godless Infidel who embraces whores and faggots who's very existence is an affront to their religion?  
 How much would any of you like to bet that in gay nightclub like the one in Orlando, the place was chock full of mainly left wing people who shared the belief that most libs hold that we not only try to make peace with radical Islam, but open our doors for millions more of them to enter our country without having a clue to their intentions once they get here?  
 I would ask for a civil discourse on this without the usual "flinging of poo" that we have come to expect here, but I might as well ask for the sun to rise in the west.  

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 6:52:12 PM

Yes, your are right.  To disagree is the same as shooting someone. To attempt to preserve the universal laws until yesterday about who uses bathroom, thru peaceful legislative means, is the same a bombing.

I guess the Libs on campus who say speech is violence, no difference, mean it literally.  Wow.

Cottonmouth323 reads

wealthy widow . His embarrassment of being her little bitch boy lead to the part where all future Muslim women must submit to their man.

brooks5120 reads

and supports fucking little boys and making women wear cloth phone-booths in between beatings and rape.  islam has now evolved into mass murder and genocide - all shit historically endorsed by the left

you know, the ONLY religion libs defend and support - radical, violent islam

allahu akbar mother fucker!

off with their heads

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