Politics and Religion

Fox News has really been freaked out lately.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2685 reads

I saw a clip of Beck freaking out the other day. Maybe it was because there was yet another solidarity march with the Wisconsin workers...this time in front of Fox News headquarters in NYC. :D

Now, please don't tell me that simply because this appeared in the uber-Lefty blog, the Daily Kos, it's automatically false.  Just one more example of how Fox lies.  And lies blatantly.  I guess they are beneath shame.  I did try checking it out on snopes but it's too new.

congressman also. Their solution, label them as democrats. :)

sundance081397 reads

IMHO, You're never going to hear anyone on the far right admit that Fux News is propaganda put forth by the corporate billionaires. Let alone have a regular Fux viewer say anything negative about their "news" channel. They're just like the folks in Jonestown and have been drinking the kool-aid for years.

Is Fox News criticized because they refuse to annoint Obama as the greatest thing since sliced bread? His administration is clearly the biggest "kluster" in the history of our country and yet his supporters seem to have an undying dedication to this guy which I just can't figure out. If Fox takes shots at him, (which are deserved), does that make their news overly biased because they won't sugar coat the things he does? There's people in this country who've been drinking the Obama kool-aid since the day he announced he was running for President without knowing the issues, his experience level, lack of leadership roles, etc, etc, etc. These are the people who scare me because they blindly voted for this guy only because of his skin color AND the fact that he wasn't Republican...of course many of those voters don't know whether he's a Republican or Democrat.

HuckFan1084 reads

the Fox News Channel????  It is one of many stations on television.  If you think it is bad and not telling the truth, then it is very simple.  DON'T WATCH THE FUCKING CHANNEL!!!!

The more you talk about Fox News, the more people will want to watch it to see what all the fuss is about and the more money your enemies at Fox News will make.

It's just like your obsession with Gov. Palin. If it weren't for the liberals talking about her all the fucking time, hell she wouldn't be making any news at all!!!!

First, as bad as CNN is (mamby-pamby, and mealy-mouthed), and as left-wing biased as MSNBC is (at least they admit it), Fox lies on such a regular basis it's amazing anyone believes what they say.  "We report, you decide?"  What a joke!  Their partisanship is blatant and their core viewers put up with it because they like the message, since it conforms with their already-held views.
So why do I watch?  Partly for the same reason people can't look away from a bad car crash.  But mostly because I like to know what the other side is thinking.  I can't stand it for long, though, and usually turn the channel.
Ask for Palin, it's simply not true that she makes news because liberals talk about her all the time.  She makes news because she's pushing herself on TV all the time.  Fox News actually built a TV studio in her home so she could be a regular commentator.  What did liberals have to do with that? She's a publicity hound and a money machine.  Personally, I'm happy to have her on the scene.  She's such an uninformed dimwit she actually drives moderates and independents away from the Republicans.

HuckFan2089 reads

and waste some time reading the laughable Huffington Post for the same reason.  To see what crazy thoughts are going through the heads of the other side.

But, unlike you and the other paranoid liberals, I don't waste my time bitching about the liberal media and complaining about its untruths and falsified shit.  Why would I want to give extra "face" time to those idiots.

That is why I find it laughable that you and others continue to rail on Fox News Channel and conservative politicians like Gov. Palin and now Gov. Walker from Wisconsin.  All you are doing is making them more visible and helping them get their word out to more people.

And we all know that the Dems and libs would love to have a TV net that gets ratings like FNC. And a familiar face like Gov. Palin that gets tons of media attention.  Sure, much of the attention focused on her is negative but that only strengthens her appeal to her followers and makes others stop and at least think for just a minute or two about the issues that she is talking about.

I, myself, am not a Palin fan and not a supporter of her for higher office. But I do like the fact that she is out there in off-election years keeping the messages going and keeping the Republican juices flowing, one way or the other.

I saw a clip of Beck freaking out the other day. Maybe it was because there was yet another solidarity march with the Wisconsin workers...this time in front of Fox News headquarters in NYC. :D

Sadly, Shep Smith is the sole "fair and balanced" on-air  guy at Fox, thus he  probably has no future there.  Still, a fascinating piece.  By the way, I do think the public employees need to sacrifice and contribute more to their benefits.  I just don't think they should be forced to give up their right to have an effective union.  In Wisconsin they already have agreed to give-backs that are what the governor demanded, but he  won't take "yes"  for an answer unless they surrender the bargaining rights, too.

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