Politics and Religion

For some reason Obama is treated with kid gloves
GaGambler 1559 reads

If Leno does make a joke about it, I guarantee you he will lob a softball for Obama to hit out of the park.

Obama thanked himself at the White House the yesterday because of a teleprompter mistake.  


The Great Orator doesn't even know what he is reading, but he reads it really well.

So I have a question:  If Bush had done this, how many times would it be on Leno, Letterman, etc?  How often would people cite this as evidence of how dumb he is?

Obama is on Leno tomorrow night.  Will Jay have a joke about it tomorrow?

GaGambler1560 reads

If Leno does make a joke about it, I guarantee you he will lob a softball for Obama to hit out of the park.

BuckFush!1810 reads

"W" couldn't read a full sentence let alone speak one. But then again, maybe it was because he had Darth Cheney's hand up his ass!

I guess that Obama can't speak a sentence without a teleprompter, either.  Even with one he screws up.

Funny thing - Obama relies on the teleprompter much more than anyone else ever has.  Why?  

I bet Bush knew how many states there are in the US.  (Obama screwed up TWICE with that. He said he had been to 57 and had two left.  Even if he meant "47", the extra 2 would make it 49.)

I can't even remember all of them.

Wait.  This is early. He is ranking up mistakes at a really fast rate.  Someone is compiling them, and when the list is released it will be very funny.

In any event, your flash back to Bush avoids the questions?  Bush is yesterday's news. Why isn't this today's news?

RightwingUnderground2165 reads

Obama can't speak well WITHOUT a teleprompter.

Bush couldn't speak well WITH one, LOL. He actually did much better when he was off camera than on.

You right bush is yesterdays mistake, but he made so many..OBAMA GOT ELECTED!!!
Bush is why Obama got in- I agree Obama is making mistakes, that dont get the news coverage they would of if they were Bush's mistakes-
However as long as Obama keeps his focus on correcting Bush's mistakes, they stay Bush's-
Do you see where Im going with this?

He doesn't even have the guts to poke fun at Paris Hilton with her there, so I doubt he'd go there with the POTUS.

While it's inevitable that anyone making that many public statements will taste their foot at some point, this was pretty dumb.

anon11122451129 reads

I hear he is going to be on ESPN speaking about his brackets for March Madness.  Guess there is not much going on in the country that the POTUS has time to do brackets.

I have no problem with the photo ops when then Little League World Series Chanps have their pics taken for a minute, but this is bullshit.

Guess the POTUS has to get a fix for his basketball jones.

Actually, he is rather well read.  

It is funny how the left always claims the GOP are dumb.

Ike was supposed to be a dottering old grandfather thinker.  He actually was very smart, and his book is still a classic.  He wrote it himself.

Reagan was supposed to be dumb. Funny thing is when he was a Democrat he was elected president of the Screen Actors Guild and no one thought he was dumb. Turns out his speechs for GE were in his own handwriting and he wrote most of them himself.

When he changed parties, people started saying he was dumb.

Thomas is supposed to be dumb because he got into school on affirmative action.  Funny thing is there is no proof that that is how he got in to school. There is no record of that. The only reason to suspect he got in on affirmative action is he is black and blacks wouldn't be qualified otherwise.  (Let's see.  Someone is black, from Hawaii, grew up in Indoesia by a single mother with a Moslem father.  Would that person be affirmative action material.  Ooops I stray.)

Anyway, Thomas is dumb because he doesn't ask quetions.  Go to any appellate court in the US and you will see some justices ask a lot of questions, some ask none.  It is as relevant to brains as shirt size.  In California Werdegar asks 2 questions for every one asked by anoher justice.

Goldwater was dumb and crazy.  (The bumper sticker in 1960 was "in your heart you know he's nuts.)

In 2000 they released Bush's and Gore's SATs, the only objective test of their respective Smarts. They also released college grades, something Obama has not done.  If Bush was dumb, Gore was dumber.

Yes, he made some verbal slips. Bidden and Obama have done too many to list in 1/10 of the time.

Peole are already realizing Obama lives by his teleprompter.  

feel free to call Bush dumb and go back in your glass house.

anon11122451854 reads

That was such a stupid fucking remark, it makes you look like an idiot!

You are right.

It is being dependent on the teleprompter that is stupid

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