Politics and Religion

Follow-Me can’t read or understand!
Mr.M.Johnson 39 reads

How does “I ain’t seen or heard of any underage hookers on TER” mean that “I’m looking for underage hookers????”

It doesn’t Moron!

JakeFromStateFarm1725 reads

Who the fuck knows what will happen with the Senate seat in Alabammy?   But there's also some interesting shit going down with the New Jersey seat now held by Democrat Bob Menendez.  Bobby has been on trial for corruption and Republicans hoped the trial would end in a conviction that would allow Rep. Gov. Christie to appoint a Republican and swing that seat.  Well, Christie will be gone soon, replaced by Democrat Phil Murphy, so the Republicans hoped the jury convicted Menendez PDQ.  But the trial dragged on and now the jury is hung.  The judge ordered them to keep trying, but the Republicans can now see this seat slipping from their grasp even if Menendez is convicted in a re-trial.  
Even if he's eventually convicted it could be overturned on appeal because of the Supreme Court's overturn of the conviction of former VA Guv McDonnell for corruption made it clear that being a corrupt government official is basically OK.  Either way, it look like the NJ Senate seat is safe for Dems.
So right now things are looking good for Dems in the Senate. There's a decent chance we'll end the year with a 51-49 Senate.  Mitch will have such a fun time.


This is no different than and perhaps worse than what moore is being accused of doing  

Underage is underage, and the evidence against Menendez isn't forty years old.

Moore is a POS, that's a given, but Menendez denying he was fucking hookers is about as believable as you trying to claim you go to Jaco just because you like the beach so much.

What did you expect?  That Menendez would say, "Sure I fucked hookers?"  And what was he supposed to do?   Card them?  IDK, do DR hookers have ID cards the way they do in CR?  But really, going after a politician for fucking hookers is really low-hanging fruit.
Now here's a question: if you have the time and inclination to read swallowpee's link does that mean you've run out of wells to drill?  Or hookers to drill?  For god's sake, man, at least go get drunk.

Please keep the fuck up, Menendez is on trial for bribery and part of the bribes in question are all these mongering trips he took and then lied about. I wouldn't care how many hookers he fucked, and if he were doing so on his own dime, in a country where it's legal, it might have been kind of dumb, but I doubt it would rise to a federal case like it is now.

Menendez put himself in a position where someone had a LOT of leverage over him, that's why he is not fit for office, not because he fucking a bunch of Dominican putas, unless of course they were underage, but I will freely concede that those details are unlikely to ever come to light in any meaningful way. Unless of course the good doctor throws Menendez under the bus to gain himself a lighter sentence.

The article I linked clearly talks about your boy bobby fucking underage girls, therefore that is what I was referring to.
butt you being a liar you dishonestly distort it.
you're welcome  
In lying cum-stain jake  we distrust

Did you not read my reply to GaG that I didn't read the link in your post?  I made an assumption about the link that was wrong.  Big fucking deal.  So, no, I didn't distort or lie about anything.  You are actually lying about what I did, swallowpee. But it's no big deal as you lie all the time.
You're welcome
In lying, cum-gargling swallowpee we distrust.

Of your comrades, such as LTM, fg, brokeback boy to name a few, are an amusing little ne’er-do-well.

I got to you and am under your skin ha ha ha ha ha  

That was and entertaining little temper tantrum. Yeah I read your reply to gag and I do not believe you. It is so much fun watching you whine, cry, squirm, twist and wiggle lying to try to get out of a lie. No surprise it is what I expect from the likes of you, accusing others of what you do.

You’re Most Welcome  


BTW speaking of brokeback boy, he has not posted in a while, did you stab brokebackstabber in the back?

And utterly predictable.  So thanks for again trotting out your tired old lines.  What's next? "I own you!" Or perhaps, "Dance, puppet, dance?" Or calling someone "boy?"
As for "brokeback boy," he has just posted above so why don't you ask him yourself?
Now please go and beg, borrow or steal some game.

Yeah that was another weak, very weak retort as they all are.

You are just so fragile, but fun to use you for entertainment because you pretend to be so cool.
You are just another one of those internet tough guys, telling everyone how tough you are while cowering in the corner

As for old tired lines, you are the queen of doing that, but the fact that you whine and cry about me, like the little sissy boy you are, means it gets to you.  

Now go have a cup of warm milk, and try to regain you composure

Thinks saying something makes it so.
At board joke we laugh

Mr.M.Johnson17 reads

Why is fucking hookers a bad-thing?!  Isn’t that why most guys are on TER?!

fucking underage hookers is a very bad thing and based on you post we can only conclude condone such vile activity  

You're Disgraceful

Mr.M.Johnson47 reads

I ain’t seen or heard of any underage hookers on TER.  

That you are a liar since I did not say, imply or indicate in any way that there is anything on TER that has to with under age anything.

However based on your post and I quote you  
” I ain’t seen or heard of any underage hookers on TER”

That statement posted by you is clear and irrefutable proof and evidence that you look for underage hookers and who knows what else.

 You should be investigated

You’re Welcome
In pervert Johnson we find disgraceful

Mr.M.Johnson40 reads

How does “I ain’t seen or heard of any underage hookers on TER” mean that “I’m looking for underage hookers????”

It doesn’t Moron!

I do understand that you are now whining and crying while you are twitching, squirming and wiggling trying to lie you way out of it.


Mr.M.Johnson18 reads

Not to try and reason with a Fucking Moron - thanx for that term, Rex!  So, Follow-Me, I won’t try and help you learn how to read!

What's not legal is lying about it under oath, not to mention fucking underage hookers is not legal ANYWHERE.

and while I will stipulate that Moore is a vile POS who should be elected to office of any kind, he has not been accused of "Fucking" anyone under age, I believe the most serious accusation was that he fondled a girl who was underage.

Does ANYONE here really believe Menendez was not going to the DR to fuck hookers? I will confess I have no idea if the chicas he was seeing were underage or not. I am sure a lot will be riding on what Dr Melgen has to say on the subject

...Most of the allegations made against these individuals ether republican or democrat are so hard to prove or disprove that we may never know the truth, my opinion is that I don't want any representative that is foolish enough to get themselves into this kind a mess voting on the laws of this country.

I mean, has anyone actually counted whether more of the transgressors are Republicans or Democrats?  

but does it really matter? Honestly I am sure that when all the Hollywood numbers are tallied it's going to be huge numbers for the Dems and much lower numbers for the Reps, but when you count the religious pukes and Bible thumpers like Moore the number is going to shift back to the right, and I bet where it comes to politicians it's going to be rather even.

Let's just agree BOTH sides do it and it's really not a partisan thing except when people use it to make political hay

I guess I should have said something more mundane and you would have gotten it.

If fact it’s the law in several states, but regrettably not in New Jersey.  Regardless, it’s considered a point of political etiquette to do so and most ethical governors do it that way.  

But Christie is such a corrupt fat load of cowshit that he could end up appointing himself as his last act as governor,  without ordering the requisite special election, assuming that Menendez gets the boot before December 31.

What do you think the very blue voters on N.J. would do then?

Because it is highly unlikely Menedez will be convicted by this jury.  If they remain hung there will have to be a re-trial and by the time that happens, Christie will be gone.

I suppose the discussion may be moot though.  The prosecutions case is weak.  The fact they are focusing on what could be gifts among friends and his failure to fully disclose on the form tells it all.  He can always amend his form, just like Jared did.

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