Politics and Religion

Flag may come down but inbred bigotry and racism is not going anywhere anytime soon
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 258 reads

Sad but true.

Apparently he authorized a change in the state flag that commemorates the CSA.
I don't like the flag and it should be removed from public buildings. But doing that is not going to do away with racism,bigotry and hate.It's symbolic.Is it going to change peoples minds? The amount of attention the media is giving this is way out of proportion.

Everything has a 90 minute customary news cycle. Then, it simply vanishes into thin year, which is the problem with our society today. Created, talked and killed useless talking heads.

...the only ones who deal in absolutes are cop-hating libs ("ALL cops are crooked").

Yet you are absolutely sure the flag is coming down.  SC Gov. Haley has no authority to take down the flag.  She can't even order it to be flown at half-staff.  It has to be proudly flown at a height of 30 feet.

In 2000, SC passed a compromise law that moved the flag from the top of the state capitol building to another place on the grounds but it also required a two-thirds vote to make any future changes to the law.

Have you counted the votes?  Are you absolutely sure they can get a supermajority of redneck Republicans to vote to remove the Stars and Bars?  It will take a two-thirds majority of both SC houses to take down the flag.

Most likely, the law requiring a supermajority is unconstitutional.  The SC legislature can pass a vote by a simple majority to repeal the 2000 law.  Then the two laws would have to be reconciled by the courts.  Saying the flag is coming down may technically be true, but it ain't happening tomorrow as you make it sound

nuguy46309 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
And haven't you had enough trouble lately with your dishonesty?

Timbow407 reads

Posted By: nuguy46
Posted By: JackDunphy
And haven't you had enough trouble lately with your dishonesty?

...not an absolute statement of what will absolutely happen.  I see, when you say it, it's a prediction.  OK, "ALL cops are crooked" is also a prediction because eventually all cops will do something crooked

...in the air to see which way the wind was blowing and then jumping on the bandwagon.  Now that Gov. Haley and Sens. Graham and Scott are changing their tune about the Confederate flag, let's see if their fellow Republicans will criticize them for not sticking to their guns.  Nah, they'll just say they have "evolved" or become "enlightened."

GaGambler251 reads

How about we call out Obama for changing his stance of gay marriage (to the right side of the issue I might add) and then in the same breath we can call out Haley and Graham for doing the exact same thing about the Confederate flay?

I have ZERO problems calling out BOTH sides for being lying cheating politicians, not to mention opportunists. Who else wants to call out both sides for the same behavior?

...BWAHAHAHAHA, I'm full of shit!


Posted By: GaGambler
How about we call out Obama for changing his stance of gay marriage (to the right side of the issue I might add) and then in the same breath we can call out Haley and Graham for doing the exact same thing about the Confederate flay?  
 I have ZERO problems calling out BOTH sides for being lying cheating politicians, not to mention opportunists. Who else wants to call out both sides for the same behavior?

GaGambler195 reads

That's my way of saying "you got me" on that one. lmao

GaGambler201 reads

Lindsey did not "change his mind" he is simply bowing to political pressure. I can't imagine too many righties trying to claim otherwise, but I am sure at least some of them will prove me wrong.

So was it a crazy, stupid racist maniac that killed those people or was it a piece of rag we call a flag?
I do not know the meaning of it. I'm not Southern. But were the Duke Boys racist?  
are these guys racists too:  
Don't get me wrong. I'm not pro flag:  
I just don't get what all the fuss is about.  
By the way I never saw a Black character in the Dukes of Hazzard.

It is always been a symbolism because as a an young country, civilizational depth is non-existent and symbolism became a substitute.  

Removing Confederate rag is nothing more than a political stunt to get attention. One can only wish, it is as easy as changing a piece cloth with colors to change the deep rooted bigotry and racism in people’s minds!

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