Politics and Religion

First to go as in "quit" or first to go as in "fired?"...
GaGambler 2111 reads
1 / 18

Right now the betting odds are as follows;

 Spicer       5/4
 Sessions   2-1
Preibus      4-1
McMaster 11/2
Bannon      7-1
Kushner     10-1
Conway      14-1

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Sessions go, and this is just one of the reasons why.

BTW for all you Trump haters, Obama was no better where it came to pot than Trump or Sessions.  

Cracking down on pot makes as much sense as cracking down on prostitution. It's bad enough that both are even illegal, but making it a "priority" with all the important work that needs to be done is more what I would have expected from a Ted Cruz administration than from the current one.

Does ANYONE here think cracking down on pot is a good use of our time and resources?

DUANE 33 Reviews 50 reads
2 / 18
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 31 reads
3 / 18

Then Kushner..they rest will then fall like Dumb-in-the-Knows..

HappyChanges 88 reads
4 / 18

Throughout my life I've watched many good people throw their lives away because of drugs.  Some continue to battle addiction to this day. Unfortunately, a few have passed away.  Most of them started with smoking pot and progressed to harder drugs.  It seems that prescription drugs have replaced pot as a gateway drug, but that's a whole other discussion.  We may be sending the wrong message to our kids and teenagers but that is debatable.

Now, I do believe that smoking pot responsibly is harmless.  It may be safer than alcohol for some people. Currently, Denver is the guinea pig. I was shocked at how much tax revenue the local government is collecting.  Small business is booming there.  If you happen to travel there, take notice of all the cranes.  Lots of new buildings are being constructed.  Some say it's all because of the legalization of pot, which is a good thing.

I'm curious to hear everyone's​ opinion.

JakeFromStateFarm 144 reads
5 / 18

Not because they are good for you but because using drugs is human nature and no law ever enacted will stop people from using them.  Portugal lowered its addiction rate (and crime rate) dramatically by legalizing the stuff.  Making it legal will let LE go after real criminals, keep the profits from drug lords and terrorists and generate tax revenues, some of which can be used to pay for rehab for those who want to stop.
The "War On Drugs" is the stupidest war this country has ever fought.  And the Iraq War was pretty damn stupid.

GaGambler 52 reads
6 / 18

And that includes Junkies, Hookers, Johns, and anyone else who's only crime is doing something that society has decided for them is either harmful or "immoral", yet harms no one else.  

Drugs don't create "violent drug lords" the obscene profits made possible due to the "war on drugs" is what creates all the violence. Very few drug "users" are violent people, it's money and power that create the violence. Decriminalizing possession and use would end almost all of this. The BILLIONS saved could treat all of the people who's drug use has become problematic.

I was hoping that Trump would be more pragmatic about this than Obama was. Just remember the very liberal Obama also doubled down on these stupid federal laws that fly in the face of what most voters want, but Sessions statements on the subject are not encouraging.

mattradd 40 Reviews 68 reads
7 / 18

If Trump was the least bit predictable, I would hazard a guess, but he's not. Regarding Sessions on cracking down on marijuana, I think "Reefer Madness; a scare tactic. Or, I can't remember the name of the policy they used in New York, for a while, where you go after the minor infractions in the hope they are guilty of something more major. The old pulling someone over for a busted tail light to find they have just robbed a bank or store, or they have a dead body in the trunk. Neither approach has seemed to work all that well in the past, and it ignores why it should be considered illegal when drinking alcohol is not. ;)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 131 reads
9 / 18

...I think the first to quit will be Mattis because he was the only one of the cowardly cucks to come out of yesterday's cabinet meeting without a brown nose.

The first to be fired should be either Spicer or Priebus.  Spicer is doing a lousy job and Priebus is a weasel.

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 42 reads
10 / 18

You bring up a good point regarding kids and teenagers.  I've read recently that pot has a more adverse outcome on younger individuals whose brains are still developing.  If these kids are hitting the pipe at 15, then they could be doing some serious long term damage that someone older may not experience.  If it is legalized broadly, the first experience will be younger and younger.  I don't think many on here would want their son or daughter (if they have one) taking a hit before they are a teenager.

My first experience with pot was in college, so maybe my brain was a bit more deveopled.  It wasn't for me, and haven't tried it since.  I'm not going to criticize the refer crowd, because at at my age pot probably would do less harm than alcohol, and what you do in your house is your business.  However, I am curious at which age those that partake started.  

-- Modified on 6/13/2017 5:44:37 PM

Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 44 reads
11 / 18

I can tell you here in Colorado we have had it with pot. We have more homeless then we ever had. It is so bad in my town they lay on Main Street and you have to step over them, crime is way up. It is hurting tourism. But my biggest bitch is, we just enabled more people to be unemployable! Who is going to hire these people? Think about it, would you hire a liability? Democrats pushed this through so they could get more people dependent on welfare, and guess what then they vote Democrat to keep the welfare coming. As we spiral down.  

mattradd 40 Reviews 35 reads
12 / 18

didn't know if somehow I was just making it up! ;)

GaGambler 72 reads
13 / 18

If things are as you say, you should be in favor of pot being legal EVERYWHERE so your bums will go back to where they came from. It's a lot easier being a bum on Venice beach in the winter than in the cold, snowdrifts in the Rockies.

You don't really believe that all these bums were people who woke up one day and said to themselves "Hey, pot is legal, why don't I "turn on and tune off?"" do you?

I love how you blame this on the Dems wanting to perpetuate the welfare state. Of all the arguments against legalizing personal, victimless behavior, that is one of the dumber ones I have heard, and I am well known as a righty here. lol

mrhuck 15 Reviews 67 reads
14 / 18

...I can't say but I believe the last to stay will be Kushner or Bannon Donny's son in law for his wife & Bannon for a chance at the Russian oil. As far as legalized pot I am very much in favor of pot as a medication, but I am undecided about recreational use, when I was younger I used pot with friends & when someone brought over a bag the saying was "let's get stupid" after some thought is that what we want for the society we live in? I would rather we get a little smarter.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 37 reads
15 / 18

Ahh...made you righties shit your pant...fucking with you. Spicer, he's more of a joke and I'll miss his press conferences cause they're fun to watch but he's useless.
And this administration better lay off my pot, nothing goes better than "Hits with a Hooker".....lol.

-- Modified on 6/13/2017 5:49:41 PM

ed2000 31 Reviews 84 reads
16 / 18

1) Fired by Trump
2) Resign at Trump's request
3) Resign on own
4) Indited by Mueller for some process crime

EuroModelsShown 46 reads
17 / 18

Especially heroine and none of that scramble BS, but raw uncut Afghani smack. That way the users die, I know it's not nice but what good is a strung out junkie to society?

The only reason dope is cut down, is to keep the customers alive, dead dope fiends, can't fleece the pockets of dealers, city hall,  the health care industry, and ofcourse the criminal justice system .

The drug epidemic in the US is a joke.

Why was Opana banned by the FDA?  Junkies were dying.

Is that why you are in favor of gov, HC? Everyone can be strung out on suboxone, wouldn't that be fantastic?

Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 35 reads
18 / 18

I do not care if they are on drugs. As long as the tax payer does not have to pay for there healthcare, rent, food, utilities , etc. If they are a trust fund baby and can take care of themselves, go for it. Also I do not want them driving and killing innocent people.

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