Politics and Religion

False Equivalency Alert!
JakeFromStateFarm 129 reads

Bibi didn't just make a comment, he accepted a Republican invitation to speak to the entire US Congress.  Rather different, I'd say, from the Mayor of London making a remark.  Both are political, for sure, but one is far more egregious than the other.

saltyballs1310 reads

After just pledging the single largest commitment of military assistance in U.S. history.

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. It’s clear that President Obama got his revenge on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week. Netanyahu was forced to hail the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Washington and Jerusalem as a historic achievement for Israel.  It is nominally the largest commitment of aid that the United States has ever given to any country. Politically, Netanyahu can’t afford to admit that the agreement is far from perfect, and his spokesman constantly repeated what an excellent agreement it is.  

Obama, too, hailed the agreement, stating, “The new MOU constitutes the single largest pledge of military assistance in U.S. history, totaling $38 billion over 10 years, including $33 billion in FMF [United States Foreign Military Financing] funds and an additional $5 billion in missile defense funding. Both Prime Minister Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU will make a significant contribution to Israel’s security in what remains a dangerous neighborhood.”

How bout you take your Nazi imagery and Fuck Off

YairMarx132 reads

And not in a good way....ok,ok....I give up....lol

You might feel the same as me if you'd lost most of your family to the Holocaust.
Or maybe you're one of those closeted Nazi's who gets a vicarious thrill out of images like this:

saltyballs141 reads

You and every other conservative firebrand have at every turn accused Obama of being anti-Jewish, this is simply not true! Please show me where I've posted a pro Nazi image in any of my comments here?


-- Modified on 9/17/2016 11:58:26 AM

First - I'm not a conservative firebrand. Most of my politics lean moderate to progressive left. I used to be considered a LIBERAL firebrand on here if you can believe that.

But, I'm Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist and pro-Netanyahu. Most of my family perished in the Holocaust.
Makes me an easy target for haters and trolls.
I look at YairMarx posting an image of Pepe with that swastika on his shirt and I Go Ballistic.
Instant DefCon 1 high alert ENEMIES PRESENT!!!

I'm ok with you disliking Netanyahu politics. I'm not OK with the double standard applied to Israel, the Jews and and Netanyahu's efforts whether it be here, in Congress or the UN.  

By the way, TER declined my request to remove the thread which led to my flipping the bird.
They decided not to allow a subsequent comment of mine which included Holocaust imagery.

In my mind, Pepe is known to me only as an online symbol for White Supremacists.  
NO DIFFERENT in essential context in my mind to the original fish in the sand early Christians drew to recognize fellow worshipers.
NO DIFFERENT in essential context to any other secret society symbols used since time immemorial.
Hence my reaction.

Last point... Typical of the uneducated ignorant unfamiliar with basic physiology, both Yair and Laffy seem unable to recognize the difference between a finger and a penis.

Perhaps if they look in a mirror they can see what a little prick really looks like.

... the deal with Israel, its a pledge, not a commitment to actually provide those funds.

It's never simple or cut and dry when it comes to American Israeli diplomacy.  
It certainly does not further the discussion when "the opposition" is not interested in truth, a common problem when it comes to discussing the Jews and/or Israel.

Obama borrowed a page from the Trump playbook and left an out, a loophole for him to renege on the deal without consequence. Sort of like all those deals Trump reneged on.
There is no guarantee, but the deal does create a double standard for Israel when it comes to communicating with Congress. Obama insured all the funds given to Israel would be used to purchase American weapons from American defense contractors. So he looks good to his Jewish constituency, while gifting the defense industry with guarantees,  no different than the no bid contracts the Bushies gave their friends at KBR and Halliburton back in the day.
But the fucktards from Planet Stupid will ignore that and just repeat the same old canards about Jews controlling the world and all that stupid garbage.

Here's a link to a different viewpoint about the deal.



Posted By: saltyballs
After just pledging the single largest commitment of military assistance in U.S. history.  
They say revenge is a dish best served cold. It’s clear that President Obama got his revenge on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week. Netanyahu was forced to hail the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Washington and Jerusalem as a historic achievement for Israel.  It is nominally the largest commitment of aid that the United States has ever given to any country. Politically, Netanyahu can’t afford to admit that the agreement is far from perfect, and his spokesman constantly repeated what an excellent agreement it is.    
 Obama, too, hailed the agreement, stating, “The new MOU constitutes the single largest pledge of military assistance in U.S. history, totaling $38 billion over 10 years, including $33 billion in FMF [United States Foreign Military Financing] funds and an additional $5 billion in missile defense funding. Both Prime Minister Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU will make a significant contribution to Israel’s security in what remains a dangerous neighborhood.”

The question I have is this: Is the Memorandum of Understanding really that new?

I thought that this was basically the same MOU that has existed for years with Saudi Arabia and several other countries that receive foreign aid, and I guess I simply assumed that it was basically the agreement we had with Israel as well. I don't think there is any way that it can be twisted into revenge on Obama's part. Where does that quote come from? The MOU might have been tweaked, reworded, and may well stress reciprocity more, but if anything it sounds like it allows for far more assistance to Israel's security than previous years simply because the bottom line is more than in past years.

The only thing really new and different about the MOU that differs from the arrangements with other foreign powers is simply this:

Everyone else, and that means EVERY other country is permitted to lobby Congress directly via their diplomats, or their lobbying agents on K Street. Until this new arrangement. Now, Israel is singled out as not being allowed to lobby Congress directly. I'm honestly not quite sure how it will affect the abilities of lobbying groups like AIPAC, but it does prevent any future meetings between representatives of Israeli government and Congressional members of the different committees where issues of foreign aid to Israel might be discussed.

I do know there is almost as much opposition to this deal in Israel as there was to the Iranian deal last year.
There are more aspects that entail greater detail and backstory from related diplomatic and political maneuvering, but it would also give some fuel to the haters to soil this dialog with Antisemitic spin.

And BTW, off topic but on the record, the actual number of nukes is closer to 120 not 200. Doesn't really matter though, does it? The Israeli's will eventually be forced to launch a retaliatory nuke. It will only happen once. They will only need one of the (at least) 78 (26x3) they have ready to launch from any of the three Dolphin subs in their fleet.

Which fool decides to launch against Israel, remains to be seen. There's plenty to choose from

...it claims that "the U.S. being the benign hegemon in the world." I mean it was the US invasion of Iraq and the US's subsequent reaction to the (so called) "Arab spring" that turned neighborhood around Israel upside down. Looking around Netanyahu can hardly consider the US hegemony "benign".  

I also think that in the beginning of his presidency Obama idealized Islam, and sincerely tried to be friendly with Muslim countries (bowing to Saudi king (huh?), his idealistic speech in Egyptian parliament, near joyful elation at the Facebook revolution and practically facilitating Muslim's brotherhood's coming to power in Egypt, etc).  

By the time Obama realized the truth of the age old Middle Eastern wisdom about the scorpion and the frog, he discovered that instead of facilitating eternal harmony in the Muslim world based on what Obama saw as universal democratic values and respect for the rights of men, he inadvertently triggered the chain of events that led to chaos and misery that even exceeded those which were brought to the Middle East by his predecessor. By that point Obama's relationship with Israel was irreversibly ruined too. So Obama had little choice but just to wash his hands of the Middle East altogether.  

Obama is no longer trusted by the Israelis and even less so by the Muslims. He is detested by the Shia who consider him a wuss and pathologically hated by the Sunnis who think that he is on the side of the Shia (Remember the nuclear deal with Iran? What can possible be worse and more illustrative for a Sunni Arab then that?). Considering current situation and the fact that Obama personally can't stand him and the unpredictability of whoever would be America's next president, Netanyahu took the best deal he could currently get.  

And you know what? Obama's revenge may be short lived. If our next president is to surprise Netanyahu in any positive way, Netanyahu would always be willing to renegotiate the deal.  

In the meantime the next round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are scheduled to take place in Moscow under Russian mediation. I doubt if anyone on this board realizes how weird and unbelievable it sounds.

bigguy30107 reads

Just remember people have motives behind their comments.
Some hide and others don't hide it as much.

Posted By: WickedBrut

But when I hear a fact or aspect that I wasn't aware of, I appreciate it. When the comments voice sensible opinions, whether I agree or not, I like to think about them.

The only motives I worry much about are those that physically threaten me or attempt to invade my privacy through hobby activities. Not really worried about that with the current posters on this board.

If you see something happening that I don't feel free to PM. I admit I've been feeling pretty safe lately, but I'm quite aware that that can be dangerous.

bigguy30126 reads

Posted By: WickedBrut
But when I hear a fact or aspect that I wasn't aware of, I appreciate it. When the comments voice sensible opinions, whether I agree or not, I like to think about them.  
 The only motives I worry much about are those that physically threaten me or attempt to invade my privacy through hobby activities. Not really worried about that with the current posters on this board.  
 If you see something happening that I don't feel free to PM. I admit I've been feeling pretty safe lately, but I'm quite aware that that can be dangerous.

bigguy30131 reads

When you say President Obama is no longer trusted by the Israelis and even less so by the Muslims.

You can believe what you want, but it does not make you right.
We all know you don't like President Obama.

Since you are a Trump supporter and blinded by your personal dislike of the man.
Also you tried this last week and presented with facts.
It was hard for you to believe the real truth on the world view of this US President.

Posted By: Nnoway
...it claims that "the U.S. being the benign hegemon in the world." I mean it was the US invasion of Iraq and the US's subsequent reaction to the (so called) "Arab spring" that turned neighborhood around Israel upside down. Looking around Netanyahu can hardly consider the US hegemony "benign".  
 I also think that in the beginning of his presidency Obama idealized Islam, and sincerely tried to be friendly with Muslim countries (bowing to Saudi king (huh?), his idealistic speech in Egyptian parliament, near joyful elation at the Facebook revolution and practically facilitating Muslim's brotherhood's coming to power in Egypt, etc).  
 By the time Obama realized the truth of the age old Middle Eastern wisdom about the scorpion and the frog, he discovered that instead of facilitating eternal harmony in the Muslim world based on what Obama saw as universal democratic values and respect for the rights of men, he inadvertently triggered the chain of events that led to chaos and misery that even exceeded those which were brought to the Middle East by his predecessor. By that point Obama's relationship with Israel was irreversibly ruined too. So Obama had little choice but just to wash his hands of the Middle East altogether.  
 Obama is no longer trusted by the Israelis and even less so by the Muslims. He is detested by the Shia who consider him a wuss and pathologically hated by the Sunnis who think that he is on the side of the Shia (Remember the nuclear deal with Iran? What can possible be worse and more illustrative for a Sunni Arab then that?). Considering current situation and the fact that Obama personally can't stand him and the unpredictability of whoever would be America's next president, Netanyahu took the best deal he could currently get.  
 And you know what? Obama's revenge may be short lived. If our next president is to surprise Netanyahu in any positive way, Netanyahu would always be willing to renegotiate the deal.  
 In the meantime the next round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks are scheduled to take place in Moscow under Russian mediation. I doubt if anyone on this board realizes how weird and unbelievable it sounds.
-- Modified on 9/17/2016 7:59:50 AM

Since you re-posted your misplaced response a week ago, it would only be fair that I re-post mine  
because what you were saying in your post and the stats the you provide had absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about.  

You're wrong, I don't dislike Obama. Like many I voted for him in 2008. Like many afterwords I was very disappointed when instead of the great uniter he turned out to be the great divider (If you want me to expand on that, go ahead and challenge me - I'm all game!). If you want to remain in your adoring oblivion of the man that's your right. As I said for you Obama is a symbol of what's good with America, for me Obama often ended up being the trigger and the illustration of what's wrong with America.  

Even now with Trump on many levels we're going through the same motions as we did in 2008. The other side of YOUR coin (and believe me you have much more in common with current Trump supporters then I do) are trying to elect another "outsider" to counterbalance "the outsider" which was elected in 2008. Obama didn't know what the hell he was doing when he got in (see my previous post about the Middle East as an example of where his ignorance led us) and Trump wouldn't know what the hell he is doing if he gets in (which he probably will).  

It's said that we learn from our mistakes... Yea right.

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 8:42:03 AM

JakeFromStateFarm148 reads

Netanyahu's failed and disastrous attempt to lobby Congress over the Iran nuclear deal?  Personally, as an American of Jewish descent who hates Natanyau's bullying ways, I hope so.

There may have been some payback there sure.
This IS world politics we're talking about.

And not to change the subject, but I am curious...

Did you believe Bibi was inserting himself into American politics? If so, how then do you feel about the the (Muslim) mayor of London coming right out at a CHICAGO convention and ripping up a Donald Trump presidency.
Talk about a double standard. Obama praised him as I understand it

JakeFromStateFarm130 reads

Bibi didn't just make a comment, he accepted a Republican invitation to speak to the entire US Congress.  Rather different, I'd say, from the Mayor of London making a remark.  Both are political, for sure, but one is far more egregious than the other.

False equivalency.  

OK, so when does it stop being falsely equivalent, and start becoming relevant?

The specific differences between the two scenarios may be different, but the essence of the matter is the same the way I see it. Exaggerated difference between the two? Much the same way the world gives moral equivalence to suicide bombers and terrorist attacks when Israel is involved. Yes, you're damn right I'm serious.

A foreign political official has no business making comments that can be interpreted as favoring one candidate or the other. Whether it be London's Mayor, Vladimir Putin, Bibi in Congress, or any American administration of the last 60 years since Eisenhower sent American military consultants to Vietnam, I see it as inappropriate.

Is that so difficult to understand? Or will the usual shitbags deride me simply because they disagree with me? I see one already has prior to this response. to you.

JakeFromStateFarm132 reads

Also, Red Herring Alert when you ask "when does it stop being falsely equivalent?"  I don't know.  Cite me an example and I'll tell you.
But what I do know is there is NO comparison between a foreign official commenting on a political candidate he has already had a back-and-forth with (he invited Trump to London in May to meet British Muslims) and Netanyahu blatantly trying to influence US policy by lobbying the entire Congress.  If you can't see the difference then you and I have nothing further to talk about.
And I am NOT one who finds equivalency between Hamas attacks on Israel and the Israeli response. I completely support Israel's right to defend itself.  But I do NOT support its present government, particularly its West Bank policy.

ok then...

We may be talking apples and oranges again without realizing it...and in your context, yeah it makes more sense.

lets move on...

if you can ignore the asshats with numbers, what is it about west bank policy you take exception to?
Think we can discuss this like civilized mongers

I simply don't believe in the "Judea and Samaria" thing, just as I don't believe in anything citing the Old Testament or the Koran as justification for a modern policy.  I also support a viable Palestinian state.  Therefore, I object to a settlement policy that carves up the West Bank and gives portions of it to right wing Israelis who believe in ultimately taking the whole thing.  The Netanyahu government has consistently permitted new settlements and just recently decided not to remove even the illegal ones.  They basically have no West Bank policy at all, unless it's an unstated policy of nibbling away at the West Bank and creating their own "facts on the ground."  Such a policy, by offering nothing to the Palestinians, strengthens Hamas and ensures unending conflict.
The only way there will be real peace in this part of the world is if there is a viable, de-militarized Palestinian state with a successful economy that demonstrates there are benefits to its people (and those of Gaza) of compromise with Israel.
The Netanyahu government is an obstacle to this possibility.

...From where did you obtain the knowledge that made you "understand" this?  Must be from articles like this:


"Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan....Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood."

mein's tinfoil hat looks good on you

bigguy30139 reads

So President Obama borrowed a page from the Trump playbook???
When did Trump hold office and why would anyone borrow from Trump playbook?
We get it you don't like President Obama and love PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The problem for you is not everybody likes or trust Benjamin Netanyahu.
Just ask former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak who criticises Benjamin Netanyahu.
I don't think he is really about peace either.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... the deal with Israel, its a pledge, not a commitment to actually provide those funds.  
 It's never simple or cut and dry when it comes to American Israeli diplomacy.    
 It certainly does not further the discussion when "the opposition" is not interested in truth, a common problem when it comes to discussing the Jews and/or Israel.  
 Obama borrowed a page from the Trump playbook and left an out, a loophole for him to renege on the deal without consequence. Sort of like all those deals Trump reneged on.  
 There is no guarantee, but the deal does create a double standard for Israel when it comes to communicating with Congress. Obama insured all the funds given to Israel would be used to purchase American weapons from American defense contractors. So he looks good to his Jewish constituency, while gifting the defense industry with guarantees,  no different than the no bid contracts the Bushies gave their friends at KBR and Halliburton back in the day.  
 But the fucktards from Planet Stupid will ignore that and just repeat the same old canards about Jews controlling the world and all that stupid garbage.  
 Here's a link to a different viewpoint about the deal.  
Posted By: saltyballs
After just pledging the single largest commitment of military assistance in U.S. history.  
They say revenge is a dish best served cold. It’s clear that President Obama got his revenge on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week. Netanyahu was forced to hail the new memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Washington and Jerusalem as a historic achievement for Israel.  It is nominally the largest commitment of aid that the United States has ever given to any country. Politically, Netanyahu can’t afford to admit that the agreement is far from perfect, and his spokesman constantly repeated what an excellent agreement it is.    
  Obama, too, hailed the agreement, stating, “The new MOU constitutes the single largest pledge of military assistance in U.S. history, totaling $38 billion over 10 years, including $33 billion in FMF [United States Foreign Military Financing] funds and an additional $5 billion in missile defense funding. Both Prime Minister Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU will make a significant contribution to Israel’s security in what remains a dangerous neighborhood.”

... were his exact words.

I'd put you in a tie at #2  but I've got a real good memory and I used to be a Moderator.
You'll never be #1, but you're certainly a #2.

bigguy30128 reads

I would really be quiet now and go ride your bike.
Also I don't have to quote other people, when dealing with your own stupidity Doc.
This is what you do, when you have no defense for being called out.

You act like a hypocrite yourself.
Just don't start crying on here and having a another meltdown again.  
When you can't take the heat. Lol


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... were his exact words.  
 I'd put you in a tie at #2  but I've got a real good memory and I used to be a Moderator.  
 You'll never be #1, but you're certainly a #2.
-- Modified on 9/17/2016 12:40:06 PM

Wow , kind of weird to see something/anything that has Obama or Hillary in the story and not Trump. Just seems strange after the last 11/2 years. Just had to point that out.
    For starters this deals not written in stone and probably never will be,just another load of B.S to make it seem like he is doing something besides playing golf. From what I've read on here it sounds like there's a lot of Obama fans. I'm not trying to pick a fight but don't mind some strong debate. I also don't feel like being called a racist or bigot because I'm not but thats what happens to most people by Dems/libs if you dare say you like Trump. Most have zero facts so they yell at you your a racist or anything else that comes out of their mouth before they run for a safe space, its sad that they think you should'nt be allowed an opinion if they don't agree with it, very sad.
    But for 8 years it's been baffling to me why anyone would think Obama or Mrs.Bill Clinton have done anything that didn't hurt the country and help themselves.C'mon people, they have been caught over and over again,especially Mrs.Bill Clinton. Just read some of the emails that she wrote while breaking the law with the illegal server, she said she used one phone for convenience yet she went thru 13 and all of them are gone. She sold us out thru their bullshit charity and made billions selling secrets and making backdoor deals that put the whole country at risk. I could keep going with that part but you all know it or you prefer to ignore it but it isn't going away with Mrs.Bill Clinton. I will never understand why people back there party as they admit they don't trust the nominee of it. Enough with the party B.S people,isn't it time to worry about the country before a corrupt 2 party system that are really one Uni-Party? Someone please feel free to enlighten me,explain why anyone of us who hit the lottery being born here or legally becoming one of us would do anything to hurt us.Why would anyone care more about anyone who should not be here if it hurts one American, especially when a lot of them hate us and would not mind seeing us dead.Why would you want to help people like that. Why would anyone think that we have to take people in at all, do we have a shortage of people or something. You can tell me we were built by immigrants and we were but even a hotel has to put up the no vacancy sign sometimes. This is insanity what were letting the Gov do to us. I'm 100% against ILLEGAL immigration but not legal. If you think I'm wrong and your argument is that they are good hard working people and they don't break the law ,they just want to work ( most of them are in that group ) but your wrong,they broke the law by coming here or staying here illegally, that is the key word, ILLEGALLY.  But then they have kids here after breaking in and Americans have to pay for their education and healthcare. A lot of them do work cheap which is why the traitors in the uniparty in Washington want them here. They don't give a shit about us,the American people.They care about the power and the money and control and will do anything to keep it. But the big problem with cheap help is they qualify vor a lot of those nice freebies we give out and it is helping break the bank
     I really would like to hear one,just one reason or one thing they have done except double the debt, almost double welfare and foodstamps, not protect the border and actually refusing to enforce the immigration laws even after the Supreme Court told him he is abusing his powers. But he thinks he can do anything he wants and if he does'nt like a law just ignore it. Anyway heres just a few things they did of many. They told the world when we would leave Iraq and actually did it (possibly the dumbest military move in history )Him and Mrs.Bill Clinton opened a window for Isis to do everything they have done so far and O does'nt seem to be doing a fucking thing about it or care. They started wars in Syria and Libya, letting 4 Americans in libya die and still deny it, Mrs.Bill Clinton said last week at the set up forum that no Americans died in Benghazi,Are you fucking kidding me you C#@T, you said he was your friend, I'm not going to get into them trying to start a war with Russia, if you don't know about it read something besides TER.
     That's just a few of a lot of things they have done to hurt us and will try to do even more going forward. Like I said I just want to hear about one good thing with some proof that they did right,I don't accept the he killed Bin Laden bullshit either, he just grew a nut that night and told our great seals they could actually do it their job for a change. Let me have it now and tell me how great it is that were more divided then ever, tell me how beautiful it is that a racist groupcalled BLM can have so called protests chanting for dead cops and why it's a good thing. Tell me how it will help us to give the internet we paid to build to the scum at the UN so they can decide who gets free speech and who does'nt. Please explain to me why we are racist for wanting a real border like most countries but there not racist. Why do we have to change anything we do because other countries don't like it but it's ok for those countries to kill you for your religion or throw you off a building for being gay or cut off your daughters clit so she does'nt want to have sex and for God's sake don't let her or your wife learn how to read or think they are anything but a servant .They will have to throw rocks at them until they die. But then we give those countries money and weopons that they usually end up using against us. Please tell me what is good about anything I mentioned,if you can't just call me a racist.

bigguy30129 reads

The lies and double standards in his comment is typical.
I guess he forgets what happen before President Obama took office.
Also the mess he was left with by former President Bush.

President Obama approval rating is still at 54% and Congress at 20%

So what has he done in the last seven in a half years with a do nothing US congress blocking bills?
I say alot and the link will back me up on that point.

Posted By: plumberman
     Wow , kind of weird to see something/anything that has Obama or Hillary in the story and not Trump. Just seems strange after the last 11/2 years. Just had to point that out.  
     For starters this deals not written in stone and probably never will be,just another load of B.S to make it seem like he is doing something besides playing golf. From what I've read on here it sounds like there's a lot of Obama fans. I'm not trying to pick a fight but don't mind some strong debate. I also don't feel like being called a racist or bigot because I'm not but thats what happens to most people by Dems/libs if you dare say you like Trump. Most have zero facts so they yell at you your a racist or anything else that comes out of their mouth before they run for a safe space, its sad that they think you should'nt be allowed an opinion if they don't agree with it, very sad.  
     But for 8 years it's been baffling to me why anyone would think Obama or Mrs.Bill Clinton have done anything that didn't hurt the country and help themselves.C'mon people, they have been caught over and over again,especially Mrs.Bill Clinton. Just read some of the emails that she wrote while breaking the law with the illegal server, she said she used one phone for convenience yet she went thru 13 and all of them are gone. She sold us out thru their bullshit charity and made billions selling secrets and making backdoor deals that put the whole country at risk. I could keep going with that part but you all know it or you prefer to ignore it but it isn't going away with Mrs.Bill Clinton. I will never understand why people back there party as they admit they don't trust the nominee of it. Enough with the party B.S people,isn't it time to worry about the country before a corrupt 2 party system that are really one Uni-Party? Someone please feel free to enlighten me,explain why anyone of us who hit the lottery being born here or legally becoming one of us would do anything to hurt us.Why would anyone care more about anyone who should not be here if it hurts one American, especially when a lot of them hate us and would not mind seeing us dead.Why would you want to help people like that. Why would anyone think that we have to take people in at all, do we have a shortage of people or something. You can tell me we were built by immigrants and we were but even a hotel has to put up the no vacancy sign sometimes. This is insanity what were letting the Gov do to us. I'm 100% against ILLEGAL immigration but not legal. If you think I'm wrong and your argument is that they are good hard working people and they don't break the law ,they just want to work ( most of them are in that group ) but your wrong,they broke the law by coming here or staying here illegally, that is the key word, ILLEGALLY.  But then they have kids here after breaking in and Americans have to pay for their education and healthcare. A lot of them do work cheap which is why the traitors in the uniparty in Washington want them here. They don't give a shit about us,the American people.They care about the power and the money and control and will do anything to keep it. But the big problem with cheap help is they qualify vor a lot of those nice freebies we give out and it is helping break the bank  
      I really would like to hear one,just one reason or one thing they have done except double the debt, almost double welfare and foodstamps, not protect the border and actually refusing to enforce the immigration laws even after the Supreme Court told him he is abusing his powers. But he thinks he can do anything he wants and if he does'nt like a law just ignore it. Anyway heres just a few things they did of many. They told the world when we would leave Iraq and actually did it (possibly the dumbest military move in history )Him and Mrs.Bill Clinton opened a window for Isis to do everything they have done so far and O does'nt seem to be doing a fucking thing about it or care. They started wars in Syria and Libya, letting 4 Americans in libya die and still deny it, Mrs.Bill Clinton said last week at the set up forum that no Americans died in Benghazi,Are you fucking kidding me you C#@T, you said he was your friend, I'm not going to get into them trying to start a war with Russia, if you don't know about it read something besides TER.  
      That's just a few of a lot of things they have done to hurt us and will try to do even more going forward. Like I said I just want to hear about one good thing with some proof that they did right,I don't accept the he killed Bin Laden bullshit either, he just grew a nut that night and told our great seals they could actually do it their job for a change. Let me have it now and tell me how great it is that were more divided then ever, tell me how beautiful it is that a racist groupcalled BLM can have so called protests chanting for dead cops and why it's a good thing. Tell me how it will help us to give the internet we paid to build to the scum at the UN so they can decide who gets free speech and who does'nt. Please explain to me why we are racist for wanting a real border like most countries but there not racist. Why do we have to change anything we do because other countries don't like it but it's ok for those countries to kill you for your religion or throw you off a building for being gay or cut off your daughters clit so she does'nt want to have sex and for God's sake don't let her or your wife learn how to read or think they are anything but a servant .They will have to throw rocks at them until they die. But then we give those countries money and weopons that they usually end up using against us. Please tell me what is good about anything I mentioned,if you can't just call me a racist.

But don't you think it's good that we're getting a clear idea of which posters are part of the Trump cult just for future reference?

GaGambler161 reads

I too got a serious case of vertigo just starting at the top of that cliff and looking over the edge.  

So, why is it a "Trump cult" vs "Clinton supporters"???

Just because you can write in complete sentences doesn't make what you have to say any smarter than the other morons on this board. and there are morons on BOTH sides of the aisle here, the two posters above you are proof positive of this.

Why aren't you happy?

Oh, I forgot you're some kind of smart guy. Smart enough to call everyone who disagree with you a moron. Okay. You can be that. I don't give a shit.

But situation A might equal situation B while Situation B might not equate to situation A at all.

Like, nobody can be everybody but not everybody can be nobody; in fact everybody you meet is somebody.

So those who are voting for Clinton are doing so because they feel she is the best candidate on the ballot.
Those who are voting for Trump are doing so because they need an authoritarian figure.

Trump's not your usual type of politician, is he. He's so untouched, so unspoiled, he's a real leader, right?

And you'll follow him to hell if he asks you to, won't you? Sounds like a cult to me. A cult of real smart guys.

GaGambler132 reads

I disagree with just about everybody here at one time or another, that doesn't make them all idiots, but yes "some" of them are idiots.  

Thank you for proving my point regarding you calling Trump supporters a "cult" while Clinton supporters are somehow making a reasoned choice. See, you have your own way of calling those that disagree with you a "moron" you just use a different choice of words when ridiculing those that disagree with you

bigguy30126 reads

So your usual weak attempt at name calling, to deflect the truth won't work either.
This is what happens when your leader and fellow supporters are liars or believe in lies.

Posted By: GaGambler
I too got a serious case of vertigo just starting at the top of that cliff and looking over the edge.  
 So, why is it a "Trump cult" vs "Clinton supporters"???  
 Just because you can write in complete sentences doesn't make what you have to say any smarter than the other morons on this board. and there are morons on BOTH sides of the aisle here, the two posters above you are proof positive of this.

... the complete opposite of Board Idiot #5.

But then again, I'm neither a Clinton supporter nor a Trump cultist.
I'm a militant Jew. Easiest demographic for everyone else to hate.

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 6:58:05 AM

bigguy30127 reads

So the problem with you is the hypocrisy.
Just like with your real leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

You have to learn it's not about being Jewish, but trying to have it both ways.
If your leader does not like the President or what he is trying to do.
Then stop taking billions of dollars of US taxpayers money or asking us for our help.  
President Obama is still the leader of this country and has to approve those payments too.

I could only imagine, if someone tried going around Netanyahu.
The outrage from you or others supporters would be expressed too.
He does not want real peace and is trying to have it both ways.

Also I could only imagine if another person said, I'm a militant Muslim on here.
So a lot of people would flip out, but you feel it's okay to be a militant Jew???
You can be proud of your Jewish heritage, but being a American is still the best!
I am sure you can at least agree on that point.


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... the complete opposite of Board Idiot #5.  
 But then again, I'm neither a Clinton supporter nor a Trump cultist.  
 I'm a militant Jew. Easiest demographic for everyone else to hate.  

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 6:58:05 AM

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 10:57:06 AM

... and I think he did make some salient points which I might discuss with someone a little more open minded.
You do not strike me as open-minded.

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 8:15:01 AM

bigguy30144 reads

You of all people should know that smart guy.
If you think he was being opened minded and balance.
Then again you really are lost yourself.

Posted By: DoctorGonzo
... and I think he did make some salient points which I might discuss with someone a little more open minded.  
 You do not strike me as open-minded.  

-- Modified on 9/17/2016 8:15:01 AM

GaGambler131 reads

I am confident that Doc simply recognizes you simply have no mind at all. So in your case there is really nothing to be either open or closed.

bigguy30125 reads

So you posted another dumb ass comment to cover for your friend Doc.
I already knew you are a insecure fool and you keep proving me right.


Posted By: GaGambler
I am confident that Doc simply recognizes you simply have no mind at all. So in your case there is really nothing to be either open or closed.

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