Politics and Religion

nuguy46 1804 reads
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In the latest RealClearPolitics polling average, 62% say the country is on the wrong track — more than seven years after Obama moved into the White House.

Does it feel like the economy is going to improve or that ObamaCare will suddenly gain public support? Does it seem like the deal with Iran is a good one?

If you answer these questions in the affirmative, then you are likely to be the sort of person who’s kept your 2008 Obama “Hope” poster on your wall and your 2012 Obama bumper sticker on your car.


DUANE 33 Reviews 169 reads
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Ok i will say it.  They are morons in Vegas.  Caesars is in bankruptcy - they have been losing $1B per Q recently.  MGM is not making money and at some point has a ton of debt to roll over.  Las Vegas aggregate casino win remains well below the peak of 2007 despite the addition of City Center and Encore.  Their results show no indication of improvement - people are going, rooms are occupied, but gambling is way down.  Now the Asian operations are suffering as well which will only give Vegas more competition.  Do you want to invest in Vegas?

nuguy46 154 reads
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middle class lost about $4000 per household,  PT jobs are up,, full time jobs down, no confidence US on right track, labor participation rate lowest in history, welfare payments highest........maybe you, Obama,  the Clintons, Wall Street and the 1%-ers love what's been happening in the country since your beloved occupied the WH, but the majority of people would take back their vote for the Amateur...at best that is what he is.

JohnyComeAlready 180 reads
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If I were headed to a business convention, I'd prefer the convention be held in LV. Their are plenty of providers to see after the convention.  

Have you ever thought that might be the reason why?

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 228 reads
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I just wonder.. is that REALLY money is only  ONLY a motivation in states?

Don t you see how American dream is screwed by so earth down motivation?

 Money is dirt....and money here on earth  just to keep our bodies alive

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 198 reads
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"The company has been weighed down by sizable debt ever since Apollo Global Management LLC and TPG Capital LP and other investors bought the casino giant in January 2008 for $30.7 billion using $6.1 billion of their own cash and paying for the rest with $24.7 billion in debt."

And doesn't this BK apply to only ONE division of Caesar's?

DUANE 33 Reviews 175 reads
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CEOC is in bankrupcy, CEOC being one subsidiary of CZR.  Conveniently they placed all of the debt in CEOC.  CZR has been and is projected to lose money. Check the Vegas Casino revenues at http://gaming.nv.gov/index.aspx?page=149 and you tell me where the bright light is.  Regardless of where the debt came from it's hard to pay it down if you keep losing $1B per Q (granted some of that is depreciation).

RRO2610 51 Reviews 192 reads
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It was Ronald Reagan! He busted every union and encouraged outsourcing every manufacturing job.  

 Slick Willies contribution of NAFTA sure didn't help either.

And Alan Greenspan obscured/distracted everyone by offering easy cheap loan to hide the ever INcreasing deficit and ever DEcreasing buying power of the middle/working class.

Obama has simply become the same puppet to the banks and super rich as the previous 4 Presidents. This PTT or whatever the acronym is bullshit will be the final nail in the coffin of everything we once were.

Robertini 4 Reviews 179 reads
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own to pocket change. Yes, that's me and many, many, many, many, most people around.

Motivation? I don't know. Might be for some.

Money is dirt....and money here on earth  just to keep our bodies alive. (sounds religious

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 141 reads
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...Asian Free Trade Agreement - "SHAFTA."

You're right, after NAFTA and CAFTA et.al., SHAFTA will eliminate the rest of America's manufacturing jobs.    


Obama is one of only a few Dems in favor of it.  He's being supported by all the Republicans.  Strange bedfellows indeed.  And the secrecy surrounding the details of the TPP is on a par with the Patriot Act.  You have to have a security clearance to read it and you can't take notes.  Well, you CAN take notes but you have to give them to the guard when you leave.  See Barbara Boxer's experience:


One of the worst provisions of the TPP is that it would allow foreign corporations to sue the U.S. but not in our courts; they could sue in tribunals organized by the World Bank or the UN, AKA a kangaroo court.


Makwa 18 Reviews 137 reads
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You forget the economic basket case that GWB and the Republicans left President Obama.  
But l am sure you are following the Republian playbook of lying about everything!

nuguy46 151 reads
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since the unqualified community organizer pulled the wool over so many of you...and i'll repeat ...

middle class has been screwed by the Amatuer..all the while he, the Clintons, Wall Street and the 1 %-ers have dramatically improved their financial situation...AND the libtars/dims still want to say everything is so great.......wages are DOWN...middle class have lost $4000 in buying power....PT jobs are the new norm....black unemployment has skyrocketed.....souther border has been opened to millions of illegals (and asking for the few who pay taxes to pay for an increasingly larger population who live off the govt)........how in the hell is this country on the right track?

DUANE 33 Reviews 199 reads
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I shouldn't but I will respond.  Congratulations for bringing Bush into the discussion.  I never mentioned either Bush or Obama.  The Casino revenue data I provided clearly shows the decline happened in 2008 (ie before Obama was elected), and was the result of the collapse of the economy.  My only point is that Vegas has not recovered and I am not blaming Obama - it's the fact that the average person seems to have less to blow and Asia competition has increased.  Pre 2008 people were probably betting with the refinanced houses.  As far as the night clubs go, yes the top clubs in Vegas do well grossing $100M a year or so.  Despite that MGM still can't make money and we've already seen the Caesars results.  So now there could be more casino competition and more (newer, bigger, better?) night club competition.  And that will be good for business????

St. Croix 178 reads
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You really need to get out of the 60s, 70s and 80s. The days of graduating high school and getting that manufacturing, or other middle class no education required doesn't exist. There are millions of jobs currently available, but can't be filled due to lack of qualified candidates. A college degree today, is the high school diploma of the 60s.  

And Obama and Wyden (D-Oregon) somehow believe that Nike bringing jobs back so we can make tennis shoes in the good old USA is a good thing. TENNIS SHOES?  Excuse me, Air Jordans!  

Posted By: RRO2610
It was Ronald Reagan! He busted every union and encouraged outsourcing every manufacturing job.  
  Slick Willies contribution of NAFTA sure didn't help either.  
 And Alan Greenspan obscured/distracted everyone by offering easy cheap loan to hide the ever INcreasing deficit and ever DEcreasing buying power of the middle/working class.  
 Obama has simply become the same puppet to the banks and super rich as the previous 4 Presidents. This PTT or whatever the acronym is bullshit will be the final nail in the coffin of everything we once were.    

DUANE 33 Reviews 167 reads
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They are reducing perks and successfully pushing me away...I used to go 10 times a year but I'm backing off..it's the little things like the fewer room discounts, automatic resort fee, the disrepair (of Caesars properties), the changing the blackjack payouts.  But maybe the clubs will be a winner...why not just build a really really nice club and forget about additional casino capacity which is not needed, nor in my opinion, profitable?

Makwa 18 Reviews 150 reads
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The economy is better today than when President Obama took office!

The economy when President Bush left office was worse than when he took office.  In fact it was at it's lowest point since the Great Depression!  

Who is trying to pull the wool over everyone eyes?  Not the White House!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 176 reads
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..."Asian competition" without mentioning Adelson who is sucking jobs and money out of the U.S.  IOW, he's a typical 1% Republican you admire so much.

-- Modified on 5/26/2015 12:34:17 PM

DUANE 33 Reviews 141 reads
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I was not making this political in any way...I just had a different opinion as to whether the future of Vegas was clearly rosy because new casinos were being built.  But if you want to make this political, I guess you feel it is wrong for any US based company to build anything outside of the US, regardless of where the raw materials, labor, or demand is?  Good luck with that.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 265 reads
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and forget reality - The ass is just the other end of the elephant. It is truly one beast that plays on folks who are easily divided, and thus easily controlled.

US manufacturing jobs have dropped by 7.2MM (37%) since their peak in 1979. Every administration, the singular beast in DC, has contributed to this. Yep... drink the kool-aid and believe one side cares about this more than the other, or will do something about it despite the decades long behavior attesting to the opposite.

Real per capita disposable income is down, and the long-term average rate of change in disposable income hasn't changed since 1960. Real per capita discretionary income has declined since the late seventies. Personal savings as a percent of DPI is ridiculously low, below the 10-, 30- and 50- year averages. Household debt continues to rise along with discretionary spending as lower and middle class real wealth declines. Interest rates are in the gutter now, so lowering them will do nothing to help, and as the wealth of the majority of the population declines congress will find that the pockets it picks to pay taxes are simply... empty. Not much chance of taxing our way out of this either.

1st Qtr GDP "grew" by 0.2%? Hey, at least it's not negative - unless you consider inventories grew as well. Adjust for that and GDP was what, -2.0%?  

Don't blather on about Obama and Reagan or Reps and Dems/Libs and Cons. They have all colluded over the course of decades to bring us to this point. We have NAFTA, CAFTA and now TPP - each selling out our economic power and national sovereignty regardless of the party in office.  

Wake up. There is only one beast in DC, regardless of whether you choose to worship its head or its ass.

Robertini 4 Reviews 206 reads
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It can take any shape it wants. Pretty head, pretty ass. But ...  
hmmm,but as long as it is in the shape you like...
hmmm, maybe that's how it works.
That beast! Likes to keep people confused.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 132 reads
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I could pretend to for an hour!

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