Politics and Religion

Example of "voter suppression"
Priapus53 1684 reads

48 years ago this month, Civil rights workers, Schwerner, Goodman & Chaney were killed by the Mississippi KKK for trying to register black voters at the polls.( see pic of their remains below. ) They died to bring the vote to the disenfranchised. Today, we see under the mantra of so called "bullshit non-existent voter fraud", the disenfranchised ( IE, minority voters ) again being denied the right to vote by a largely Southern based political party ( GOP ) using less violent ( at least to this point ), but no less nefarious methods. What can you say about a party whose demographic largely mirrors the KKK, overwhelmingly comprised of White Christian conservatives ? Who employ such tactics as throwing peanuts at a Black camerawoman at the GOP convention & innumerable other racial atrocities ?

If Mitt wins ( a distinct possibility ,) using voter suppression will be his best shot. Unfortunately , it will be a subversion of democracy carried out by a Fascist political party.

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 8:21:29 AM

Timbow208 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
48 years ago this month, Civil rights workers, Schwerner, Goodman & Chaney were killed by the Mississippi KKK trying to register black voters at the polls.( see pic of their remains below. ) They died to bring the vote to the disenfranchised. Today, we see under the mantra of so called "bullshit non-existent voter fraud", the disenfranchised ( IE, minority voters ) again being denied the right to vote by a largely Southern based political party ( GOP ) using less violent ( at least to this point ), but no less nefarious methods. What can you say about a party whose demographic largely mirrors the KKK, overwhelmingly comprised of White Christian conservatives ? Who employ such tactics as throwing peanuts at a Black camerawoman at the GOP convention & innumerable other racial atrocities ?

If Mitt wins ( a distinct possibility ) using voter suppression will be his best shot. Unfortunately , it will be a subversion of democracy carried out by a Fascist political party.

nuguy46178 reads

since you are always so quick to play the race card, i'll accomodate you.

in today's world, white's do and will be actively assisting blacks in acquiring their legal voting rights.
suggest you get up to date in your view of the world...you do nothing to advance the level of rhetoric with this stuff. typical unfortunately leftie garbage intent of formenting hate and injustice. those that are not lefties see thru it immediately. you display such a sad thought process.

48 years ago, the motivation for manipulating voting was racial.  It was horrible, wrong, and was corrected.  It was afterall the dems of a hundred years ago who went to war when the repubs tried to stop their slavery, wasn't it.

The voter issue today stems in part from the lessons learned from your picture.  We know it's still something that shows up and the repubs are trying to do something about it.  For example, we saw the panthers in Philadelphia  last election remember.  We saw the whole hanging chad fiasco remember.  We saw tens of thousands of dead people, felons, and duplicate voting all around and no easy to prevent it at the polls since there was no ID requirements that mattered.

Sometimes things are so intuitively obvious that it just makes an ass out of someone who tries to argue against it.  If you need an ID to get married, an ID to buy liquor/cigs, an ID to get on a plane, an ID to get into school, and ID to get a job, an ID to do just about anything that involves accessing government programs, then why on gods green earth do you think that no ID should be required to vote?  And if an ID is such a fundamental injustice as dems want you to believe, then why in the hell haven't they written legislation outlawing the requirement for having an ID for anything?  Afterall, it's certainly an injustice to make me have an ID to get a job, right.  I mean, surely you can prevent me from my pursuit of happiness through having a job by making me travel down to the local government office to get an ID, now can you?

And what a big, fat piece of bait indeed.

Posted By: Priapus53
48 years ago this month, Civil rights workers, Schwerner, Goodman & Chaney were killed by the Mississippi KKK for trying to register black voters at the polls.( see pic of their remains below. ) They died to bring the vote to the disenfranchised. Today, we see under the mantra of so called "bullshit non-existent voter fraud", the disenfranchised ( IE, minority voters ) again being denied the right to vote by a largely Southern based political party ( GOP ) using less violent ( at least to this point ), but no less nefarious methods. What can you say about a party whose demographic largely mirrors the KKK, overwhelmingly comprised of White Christian conservatives ? Who employ such tactics as throwing peanuts at a Black camerawoman at the GOP convention & innumerable other racial atrocities ?

If Mitt wins ( a distinct possibility ,) using voter suppression will be his best shot. Unfortunately , it will be a subversion of democracy carried out by a Fascist political party.

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 8:21:29 AM

All morning every lib comment has been thoroughly and completely proven to be fantasy land.  They cannot win on any of the things they try to postulate because there are no facts to support their case, there are facts to support the opposing viewpoint, and even when they try to change the subject and go back 50 years, they still can't get on the right side of history.

It's just a really bad day for them.

-- Modified on 8/30/2012 12:27:47 PM

You have never written a more precise, dead-on, factually accurate, or truer post than this one.

Let's call a spade a spade. The GOP at this point is nothing more than a political party masquerading as the KKK attempting to play nice.

Speaking of which...our old Senator, George "Mecaca" Allen is running for his old Senate seat. While he was Governor of the state he used to keep a fake tree with a noose on it in his office.

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