Politics and Religion

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 354 reads

that is how taxes work, they are passed on to the customer.  When I go buy new tires, I am charged an extra $1 per tire on a new tax for the EPA, supposedly to clean up the environment.  Obamacare is another way to tax us to death with inflation to the consumer.  It is a wonderful idea for everyone to have healthcare, it just came at a time when the majority of uninsured will still not be able to afford.  One of my best friends has a child with cystic fibrisos, she is single and works and now his medicine is going to cost her 12,000 a year out of pocket.  She is left to make some hard choices, sell her home that she has worked to pay for, quit her job, and give her son a few more years.  Not good.

salonpas2066 reads

Eight locations of Gator's Dockside, a popular central Florida sports bar chain, have started tacking on 1 percent "ACA Surcharge" to customers' bills, CNN Money reported Thursday. The Gator Group, which runs the eight locations, claims that the surcharge is necessary to offset the cost of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. The company maintains it's just being transparent with customers:

Though the restaurant blames the new surcharge on Obamacare, the employer mandate, which will require Gator's Dockside to provide coverage to 70 percent of its full-time employees, actually won't go into effect until 2015. Currently, only the restaurant's managers receive healthcare, according to CNN Money.

"The owner opted to do this so the customer can see the cost increase themselves," Chayse Nail, a general manager at the Clermont location, told The Huffington Post in a phone call. "If we added it to food costs, you’d be paying more on your food and sales taxes... it's not something we're doing to generate more profit."

In the past week, Gator's Dockside patrons have expressed some outrage about the policy.

"This is about making an angry statement & passing [the owner's] irritation on to every customer who eats there," writes Samantha M Phillips on the restaurant's Facebook page. "The approach is immature & unprofessional."

Utter rubbish, it's a purely political statement. If the restaurant was being "transparent" it would list it's rent, utilities, materials, labor markup, all tax and employee contributions on the bill as well. That is business, costs ARE passed along. But to list JUST the ACA charge?? A Purely Political Statement. I certainly hope the IRS asks for an account of it.

Also, in a few States, this is called felony theft and punishable by 5-15 years in prison, assuming they've stolen more than $15,000 from customers with the bogus charge. At the very least charging customers something for nothing is a violation of the Unfair Merchandise Practices Act in many states

This chain estimates that it will cost $500,000 a year to comply with ACA. The surcharge brings in only $160,000 a year. So they will be running a deficit even when the employer mandate takes effect. They really should charge more. To their credit, the chain is not going to cut hours to evade the ACA costs.

       Felony theft? Charging for nothing?  Dude, you are not thinking. How do you think restaurants that provided health care benefits for their employees pre-Obamacare paid for this benefit? By increasing the costs of their meals to cover the cost- they just don’t itemize it.  

      Nothing criminal here, just a little something we call “business planning.”

     That’s right- every time you eat at California Pizza Kitchen (the only place I can get my favorite –goat cheese pizza) - that cost is added to the ticket already.

     But this was voluntary – now it’s mandatory, so an annoyed restaurant owner could fairly choose to be public about the cost increase

followme434 reads

The government via obamacare screws the employee then you fuck then more, or would that be backstabbing them,  by adjusting the tip. ….Classless.


You’re Welcome
For God and Country
2014 = GOP Senate and House

The person spending money has to pay for their HC, the waitress's HC, the unemployed's HC, and the folks who made this law's HC.


How did you think it would work?

that is how taxes work, they are passed on to the customer.  When I go buy new tires, I am charged an extra $1 per tire on a new tax for the EPA, supposedly to clean up the environment.  Obamacare is another way to tax us to death with inflation to the consumer.  It is a wonderful idea for everyone to have healthcare, it just came at a time when the majority of uninsured will still not be able to afford.  One of my best friends has a child with cystic fibrisos, she is single and works and now his medicine is going to cost her 12,000 a year out of pocket.  She is left to make some hard choices, sell her home that she has worked to pay for, quit her job, and give her son a few more years.  Not good.

Clrw_guy06337 reads

Down here in Florida, every Insurance premium renewal bill I get, I, along with every other client, am billed a pretty good sum for the Florida state run insurance program for hurricane catastrophe funding.  No hurricanes in Fla lately, but we pay anyway.  All businesses pass their costs on to the consumer, a good public service to see how the unaffordable health care act is going to hit you in the pockets.

STOP going 'out' to breakfast/lunch/dinner. STOP buying cars(keep your present car for 10 years or more). Use filtered water from your sink instead of bottled water or soft drinks. Turn off the goddamn lights you're not using, Use cheap bar soap or "Dawn detergent" for showering and shampoo needs rather than designer body-washes and such. STOP doing home improvements, and do what needed repairs yourself if applicable. FUCK having a lawn requiring mowing and maintenance. Stop using credit cards and simply default if possible on what you presently owe. STOP buying alcohol, brew or distil your own. START growing your own Cannabis, or buy it from a private citizen who does/can grow it. Stop being a hypochondriac and buying every goddamn pill Big Pharma advertises. FUCK Revlon, FUCK Maybelline, and FUCK Grecian Formula for men.
STOP being a slave to Madison Avenue and the idiom of consumerism!  
Mankind didn't have 98% of the current products and services we now consider "staple" 200 years ago.


My front porch faces the east.  I had my coffee and smoke, chilling with my dog.  The sun beating down on us, the wind chimes playing a beautiful melody.  The cows laying down across the street, I see a hawk sweep through the trees without hitting a limb to get his prey.  

Then the only car that rides down my street, is my greedy, coveting neighbors on their way to their holy roller church.  I smile and wave at them every Sunday because I stood up for myself and didn't walk away with less than I deserved.  I think I will ride my bicycle by their house a little later on and wave again, to be sure they saw that I am free.

Do whatever makes you feel free

St. Croix242 reads

When I read your post my first reaction was, "here he goes again". Who is he pissed off at today? But when I thought about it, you generally described self-made millionaires. I'm not talking Buffett, Gates, Ellison, or even multi-millionaires, but the guy that lives next door, drives a 10 year old car, watches just about every penny they make or spend, and are really very frugal. These are 90% of all millionaires. They are not smarter than you, not luckier, weren't born into wealth, don't go to Starbucks every day, and you wouldn't notice them if they were standing right in front of you.  

Granted, they are not going to the extremes you are suggesting in your post, but they do have some of the habits you describe.  

I will draw the line at Revlon and Maybelline, or any feminine product. Think about the industry this site promotes? Do you want to pay $300, $400, $500, $1000 an hour for that provider to skip the makeup? Or God forbid, use "the 100 different uses of baking soda on her pussy? Do you know what "most" woman look like without makeup?  Lesbians!!!!  

Posted By: RRO2610
 STOP going 'out' to breakfast/lunch/dinner. STOP buying cars(keep your present car for 10 years or more). Use filtered water from your sink instead of bottled water or soft drinks. Turn off the goddamn lights you're not using, Use cheap bar soap or "Dawn detergent" for showering and shampoo needs rather than designer body-washes and such. STOP doing home improvements, and do what needed repairs yourself if applicable. FUCK having a lawn requiring mowing and maintenance. Stop using credit cards and simply default if possible on what you presently owe. STOP buying alcohol, brew or distil your own. START growing your own Cannabis, or buy it from a private citizen who does/can grow it. Stop being a hypochondriac and buying every goddamn pill Big Pharma advertises. FUCK Revlon, FUCK Maybelline, and FUCK Grecian Formula for men.  
 STOP being a slave to Madison Avenue and the idiom of consumerism!  
 Mankind didn't have 98% of the current products and services we now consider "staple" 200 years ago.  

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