Politics and Religion

Even Siri knows Joe Joe is a fuck up…

He will go down as the worst American President ever to hold office. He will gain that title as soon as he is defeated in Nov.

How many times have you said this, over and over and over and over?
Good thing for The Queen I have better things to do than count them all up for her.
What an embarrassment you are.

Folks, just a heads up, Mr repeat and post delete is back. I'm not sure what country he's thinks he's in (in his mind) this time but nevertheless. If things suddenly disappear........ well.

Worst president ever to hold office. Go ahead and mark me down for saying it one more time.

At this point in their first terms, Biden is less popular than:
Jimmy Carter
George Bush senior
Donald Trump.
 ... all three went on to lose and become one term presidents.
In fact at this point in his presidency, Biden is less popular than all presidents in their first year going back to Truman.

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